Published March 29, 2013 | Version v1
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Description of two new species of ostracods from the Strait of Messina (central Mediterranean)

  • 1. University of Catania, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences Section (Palaeoecological Research Group), Corso Italia 55, I-95029 Catania (Italy)
  • 2. University of Trieste, Department of Matematic and Geosciences, Via E.Weiss 4, I-34128 Trieste (Italy)


Sciuto, Francesco, Pugliese, Nevio (2013): Description of two new species of ostracods from the Strait of Messina (central Mediterranean). Zoosystema 35 (1): 35-44, DOI: 10.5252/z2013n1a4, URL:



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