Published April 15, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

On systematic status of Spindasis syama Horsfield, [1829] in Taiwan and the Philippines (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Aphnaeini)

  • 1. Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 2. Department of Biology, Ningde Normal University, Ningde, Fujian 352100, P.R. China


Hsu, Yu-Feng, Liang, Jia-Yuan (2020): On systematic status of Spindasis syama Horsfield, [1829] in Taiwan and the Philippines (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Aphnaeini). Zootaxa 4763 (4): 485-500, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4763.4.2



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