Published November 29, 2019 | Version v1
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Food worthy of kings and saints: fish consumption in the medieval monastery Studenica (Serbia)


Živaljević, Ivana, Marković, Nemanja, Maksimović, Milomir (2019): Food worthy of kings and saints: fish consumption in the medieval monastery Studenica (Serbia). Anthropozoologica 54 (16): 179-201, DOI: 10.5252/anthropozoologica2019v54a16



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  • There is less evidence, however, on the particular species of fish obtained for these purposes. Although Zeta encompassed the south-eastern Adriatic coast and its hinterlands, it exported not only marine but also freshwater fish - primarily from the Bojana River and Lake Skadar (Fig. 1). In the medieval period, best fisheries on Lake Skadar (deep lacustric springs called "oka" or "eyes", where shoals of fish aggregated in autumn and winter) were controlled by Zeta monasteries, namely Vranjina (Lopicic 1953). A small cyprinid called "ukljeva" (bleak, Alburnus sp.1) was particularly abundant in the lake.It was consumed in monasteries and towns in Zeta, but also exported to southern Italy (Misic 2007: 97-99), most likely salted and smoked (cf. Ristic 1938). As for Studenica and the continental areas of medieval Serbia, historical records do not specify what kinds of fish were procured from Zeta, but it seems plausible that "ukljeva" was exported to these parts as well.
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