Published December 18, 2019
| Version v1
Journal article
Description of a new species of Pagurus Fabricius, 1775 (Crustacea: Paguroidea: Paguridae) from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Central America, with notes on Pagurus albus (Benedict, 1892)
Ayón-Parente, Manuel, Wehrtmann, Ingo S. (2019): Description of a new species of Pagurus Fabricius, 1775 (Crustacea: Paguroidea: Paguridae) from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Central America, with notes on Pagurus albus (Benedict, 1892). Zootaxa 4712 (1): 101-113, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4712.1.7
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