Published December 16, 2015 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Search for studies using animal models of neuropathic pain

  • 1. Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh
  • 2. Department of Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain, University of Edinburgh
  • 3. Pain Research, Dept Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London


We carried out a search of 5 online databases for studies reporting animal models of neuropathic pain reporting a behavioural outcome. This search, carried out in September 2012, identified 33,814 unique publications. Two independent investigators screened these publications for inclusion or exclusion and these publications form the dataset for this study (Excel file: Original dataset). These are now being included in a family of systematic reviews categorised by the pain model used.

Five different text-mining approaches will be developed for this neuropathic pain literature search using the results from manual screening to train the machine, where machine-learning software set rules to automatically define each publication as included or excluded without the need for human screening.

In this project, we seek to update the neuropathic pain literature search using the original search terms and inclusion criteria defined in the online protocol. This search was updated and identified 11,880 unique publications (Excel file: Updated dataset).



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Access to those selected collaborators wishing to use these datasets to develop a machine-learning/text-mining approach for the purposes of updating the CAMARADES neuropathic pain systematic review and meta-analysis of studies using animal models of neuropathic pain. Collaborators will provide feedback on the results of their approach to CAMARADES. The datasets will not be used for other purposes and will not be cited without permission from CAMARADES.

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