Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Metalimnobia crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) from Korea


Podenas, Sigitas, Byun, Hye-Woo (2016): Metalimnobia crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) from Korea. Zootaxa 4132 (3): 330-346, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4132.3.2



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  • Edwards, F.W. (1938) British short-palped craneflies. Taxonomy of adults. Transactions of the Society for British Entomology, 5, 1-168.
  • Evenhuis, N.L. (2014) Family Limoniidae. In: Catalog of the fossil flies of the world (Insecta: Diptera) website. Version 16 Feb 2014. Available from:[filename].html (accessed 10 May 2016)
  • Geiger, W. (1986) Diptera Limoniidae 1: Limoniinae. Insecta Helvetica, Fauna, 8, 1-131.
  • Ishida, H. (1957) The catalogue of the Japanese Tipulidae, with the keys to the genera and subgenera, 3. Limoniinae, Tribe Limoniini. Annual Report of the Hyogo Agricultural College, 5, 122-149. [Kenkyu Shuroku, 1955]
  • Kim, C.W. (1971) Subfamily 2. Limoniinae. In: Illustrated encyclopedia of fauna & flora of Korea, 12, Insecta (IV), pp. 663- 670.
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  • Linnaeus, C. (1760) Fauna Svecica sistens animalia Sveciae regni: Mammalia, Aves, Amphibia, Pisces, Insecta, Vermes. Distributa per classes & ordines, genera & species, cum differentiis specierum, synonymis auctorum, nominibus incolarum, locis natalium, descriptionibus insectorum. Editio altera, auctior. Salvii, Stockholmiae [= Stockholm], [48] + 578 pp.
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  • McAlpine, J.F. (1981) Morphology and terminology adults. In: McAlpine, J.F. (Coordinator), Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Monograph, 27 (1), pp. 9-63.
  • Meigen, J.W. (1818) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweiflugeligen Insekten. Vol. 1. Bei Friedrich Wilhelm Forstmann: Gedrukt bei Beaufort Sohn, Aachen, xxxvi + 333 pp.
  • Oosterbroek, P. (2016) Catalogue of the Craneflies of the World (CCW). Available from: (accessed 10 May 2016)
  • Savchenko, E.N. (1983) Limoniidae of South Primorye. Akademiy Nauk Ukrainskoy SSR, I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 156 pp. [in Russian] Savchenko, E.N. (1985) Komary-limoniidy [Limoniid-flies]. Subfamily Limoniinae. Fauna Ukrainy, 14 (4), 1-180. [in Russian]
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