Published December 31, 2013 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

A review of Paroplitis (Braconidae, Microgastrinae), and description of a new genus from New Zealand, Shireplitis, with convergent morphological traits


Fernández-Triana, J., Ward, D. F., Cardinal, S., Achterberg, C. Van (2013): A review of Paroplitis (Braconidae, Microgastrinae), and description of a new genus from New Zealand, Shireplitis, with convergent morphological traits. Zootaxa 3722 (4): 549-568, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3722.4.6



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  • Holotype. Female, NCB. Holotype labels: 1. NW Vietnam: Tonkin. Hoang Lien N.R., 15 km W Sa Pa, c. 1900 m, 15-21.x.1999, Malaise traps, C.v.Achterberg, RMNH'99.
  • Holotype. Female, NZAC. Holotype labels: 1. New Zealand, CO, Dunstan Range, 1560 m, 13 Jan 1971, JS Dugdale. 2. Moss 71/2, 2. NZAC04045187.
  • Holotype. Female, NZAC. Holotype labels: 1. New Zealand, OL, Coronet Peak, 1450 m, 27 Jan 1996, BIP Barratt, Malaise trap, 2. NZAC04048842.
  • Holotype. Female, NZAC. Holotype labels: 1. NEW ZEALAND, MK, Mt Cook, 850m, Tr. Tokea Point, 7 Jan 1966, J. I. Townsend. 2. Moss 66/2. 3. NZ Arthropod Collection, Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand, NZAC04045142.
  • Holotype. Female, NZAC. Holotype labels: 1. NEW ZEALAND, NN, Mt. Arthur, 1826m, 4 Jan 88. 2. A.K. Walker, on summit, snow. 3. NZ Arthropod Collection, Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand, NZAC04044350.
  • Holotype. Female, NZAC. Holotype labels: New Zealand, TK, Pouakai Ra. W edge of Hump Plateau, 2 Dec 1975, 2. JS Dugdale, swards & mosses, 75/200, 3. NZAC04048822.
  • Holotype. Female, NZAC. Holotype labels: 1. NEW ZEALAND: SI, Catlins, State forest Park, Shaw Road, 13.i.1999, Sweeping various herbs along road, L. Le Sage, NZ-15. 2. WAM 0 351. 3. NZAC04049517.
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