Published December 31, 2014
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Journal article
The Odonata (Insecta) of Patagonia: A synopsis of their current status with illustrated keys for their identification
Muzón, Javier, Pessacq, Pablo, Lozano, Federico (2014): The Odonata (Insecta) of Patagonia: A synopsis of their current status with illustrated keys for their identification. Zootaxa 3784 (4): 346-388, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3784.4.2
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- In Patagonia, R. confusa has been recorded only from Chile. This species can also be found in northern Argentina (north to Buenos Aires province), but there are no records from the Patagonic steppe (von Ellenrieder, 2001a, b).
- Baird, I.R.C. (2013) Larval habitat and behaviour of Phenes raptor (Odonata: Petaluridae): a review of current knowledge, with new observations. International Journal of Odonatology, 16 (1), 79-91.
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- Belle, J. (1992) Studies on ultimate instar larvae of neotropical Gomphidae, with the description of Tibiagomphus gen. nov. (Anisoptera). Odonatologica, 21 (1), 1-24.
- Borror, D.J. (1942) A revision of Libelluline genus Erythrodiplax (Odonata). Ohio State University Graduate Studies, Contributions in Zoology and Entomology 4, Biological Series, xv + 286 pp.
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- Bulla, L.A. (1973a) Cinco ninfas nuevas o poco conocidas del genero Oxyagrion Selys (Odonata, Coenag.). Revista del Museo de La Plata, 12 (112), 11-25.
- Bulla, L.A. (1973b) Revision de dos especies Argentinas del genero Cynallagma Kennedy (Odonata, Coenagriidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, 34 (1-2), 95-105.
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- Calvert, P.P. (1956) The neotropical species of the "sub-genus Aeshna" sensu Selysii 1883 (Odonata). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, 15, 1-251.
- Campion, H. (1922) Notes on a small collection of Odonata from Argentina. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 9 (10), 290-295.
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- Forster, F. (1909) Beitrage zu den Gattungen und Arten der Libellen. Jahrbucher des nassauischen Vereins fur Naturkunde. Wiesbaden, 62, 211-235.
- Fraser, F.C. (1957) A revision of the Odonata of Chile. Revista Universitaria, 42, 153-166.
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- Jurzitza, G. (1974) Antiagrion gayi (Selys, 1876) und A. grinbergsi spec. nov., zwei Verwechlungsarten aus Chile (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica, 3 (4), 221-230.
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