Published July 1, 2015 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Vaginal and uterine prolapse in a 3-year old ouda ewe in Sokoto

  • 1. Department of veterinary Theriogenology and Animal production,
  • 2. Department of Veterinary Anatomy,
  • 3. Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto.
  • 4. Department of Agriculture, Sokoto state Polytechnic
  • 5. Niger state college of Agriculture, Mokwa


A three (3) year old ewe weighing 37kg was presented to the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Sokoto, Nigeria with a prolapsed vaginal and anorexia. Clinical examination reveals straining, pain, weakness, rough hair coat and diarrhea. The animal was reveals the presence of helminthes. However the animal lambed 2 days after presentation but uterine prolapse occurred. The Helminthosis was treated using Albendazole suspension; while the prolapsed organs corrected in each case. Straining must have caused the vaginal prolapse while the violent contraction uterus coupled with the fact that the animal is a primiparal and the parturition that interrupted tile initial management of the vaginal prolapse may be responsible for the uterine prolapse.



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