Published December 31, 2011
| Version v1
Journal article
On some rhopalodinid sea cucumbers in the collections of the Natural History Museum, U. K. (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Dactylochirotida)
Thandar, Ahmed S., Arumugam, Preyan (2011): On some rhopalodinid sea cucumbers in the collections of the Natural History Museum, U. K. (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Dactylochirotida). Zootaxa 2982: 49-58, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.205052
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- Cherbonnier, G. (1988) Especes nouvelles ou peu connues de Rhopalodinidae (Echinodermes, Holothuries). Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Paris, 4 serie 10A (3):429-448.
- Gray, J.E. (1853) Description of Rhopalodina, a new form of Echinodermata. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 2nd serie, 11:301-302.
- Heding, S.G. (1937) A new dendrochirote Holothurian from South Africa, with some remarks on the Rhopalodinidae. Annals of the South African Museum 32:31-40.
- Heding, S.G., & Panning, A. (1954) Phyllophoridae: eine Bearbeitung der Polytentaculaten Dendrochiroten Holothurien des Zoologischen Museums in Kopenhagen. Spolia Zoologische Musei Hauniensis 13:1-209, 102 figures.
- Ludwig, H.L. (1877) (4) Uber Rhopalodina lageniformis, Gray, und die darauf gegrundete Classe Diplostomidea, Semper.
- Ludwig, H.L. (1889) Nochmals die Rhopalodina lageniformis. Zeitschrift Fur Wissenschaftliche Zoologiez 48:60-66.
- Ludwig, H.L., & Heding, S.G. (1935) Die Holothurien I. Fusslose und dendrochirote Formen. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf dem Damfer 'Valdivia' 1898-1899, 24(2),123-241, 2 plates.
- Panning, A. (1932) Echinoderma III: Holothurioidea 3 (Fam. Rhopalodindae). In Michaelsen eds. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas 3:361-372.
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- Perrier, E. (1886) Les Explorations sous marines. Library de Hachette, Paris 352 pps.
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- Thandar, A.S. (2001) The holothuroid family Rhopalodinidae - its composition, distribution, phylogeny and taxonomic status. African Zoology 32(2):229-243.