Published December 31, 2009 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

The tantulocarid genus Arcticotantalus removed from Basipodellidae into Deoterthridae (Crustacea: Maxillopoda) after the description of a new species from Greenland, with first live photographs and an overview of the class


Knudsen, Steen Wilhelm, Kirkegaard, Maja, Olesen, Jørgen (2009): The tantulocarid genus Arcticotantalus removed from Basipodellidae into Deoterthridae (Crustacea: Maxillopoda) after the description of a new species from Greenland, with first live photographs and an overview of the class. Zootaxa 2035: 41-68, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.186378



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