Published December 31, 2008 | Version v1
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Introduced leaf beetles of the Maritime Provinces, 7: Cassida rubiginosa Müller and Cassida flaveola Thunberg (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)


Majka, Christopher G., Lesage, Laurent (2008): Introduced leaf beetles of the Maritime Provinces, 7: Cassida rubiginosa Müller and Cassida flaveola Thunberg (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Zootaxa 1811: 37-56, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.182782



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  • In Poland, C. flaveola is an abundant species in meadows throughout the country. Adults are found from May to October (Wasowska 2004). In southern Poland, Wasowska (2004) found it to be the sixth most abundant chrysomelid in both mown and un-mown meadows, with a very stable population structure from year to year.
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