Published December 31, 2006
| Version v1
Journal article
Two new species of large green canopydwelling frogs (Anura: Hylidae: Litoria) from Papua New Guinea
Richards, Stephen J., Oliver, Paul M. (2006): Two new species of large green canopydwelling frogs (Anura: Hylidae: Litoria) from Papua New Guinea. Zootaxa 1295: 41-60, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.173525
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- Inger, R.F. & Stuebing, R.B. (1997) A field guide to the frogs of Borneo. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu, 205 pp
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- Menzies, J.I. (1976) Handbook of common New Guinea Frogs. Wau Ecology Institute, PNG, 75 pp.
- Parker, H.W. (1936) A collection of reptiles and amphibians from the Mountains of British New Guinea. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 17, 66-93.
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- Richards, S.J. (2002): Rokrok: An illustrated field guide to frogs of the Kikori Integrated Conservation and Development Project area of Papua New Guinea. WWF, Papua New Guinea, 33 pp.
- Richards, S.J, Oliver, P.M, Dahl, C. & Tjaturadi, B. (2006) A new species of large green treefrog (Anura: Hylidae: Litoria) from northern New Guinea. Zootaxa,1208, 57-68.
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