Published December 31, 2004 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

New genus and seven new species of Brazilian eriophyoid mites and redescription of Catachela machaerii Keifer (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea)


Flechtmann, Carlos H. W. (2004): New genus and seven new species of Brazilian eriophyoid mites and redescription of Catachela machaerii Keifer (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea). Zootaxa 611: 1-20, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.158438



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  • Boczek, J. & M. Oleczek. (1987) Six new species of eriophyid mites (Acarida: Eriophyoidea). Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych, Ser. E, 17(1), 107-118.
  • Flechtmann, C.H.W. & J. Etienne. (2002) New records of plant mites (Acari, Acaridae, Tetranychidae) from Guadeloupe and Marie Galante with descriptions of five new eriophyid species. Zootaxa, 47, 1-16.
  • Flechtmann, C.H.W. & Moraes, G.J. (2002) New Brazilian eriophyid mites (Acari: Eriophyidae). Zootaxa, 75, 1-12.
  • Flechtmann, C.H.W. & Moraes, G.J. (2003) New genus and species of eriophyid mites (Acari, Eriophyidae) from Myrtaceae in Brazil, with notes on damages caused by Aculus pitangae Boczek & Davis. Zootaxa, 153, 1-10.
  • Keifer, H.H. (1969). Eriophyid Studies C-2. Agricultural Reserach Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 24 pp.
  • Keifer, H.H. (1972) Eriophyid Studies C-6. Agricultural Reserach Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 24 pp.