Published September 27, 2018
| Version v1
Journal article
First Australian records of Ethusina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ethusidae) and additional records from New Zealand
Ahyong, Shane T., Farrelly, Caroline A. (2018): First Australian records of Ethusina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ethusidae) and additional records from New Zealand. Zootaxa 4486 (2): 161-168, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4486.2.5
Linked records
Additional details
- AHYONg, S.T. (2008) DeepWaTer crabS frOm SeamOuNTS aNd cHemOSYNTHeTic HabiTaTS Off eaSTerN NeW ZealaNd (CruSTacea: DecapOda: BracHYura). Zootaxa, 1708, 1-72.
- AHYONg, S.T. (2009) NeW SpecieS aNd NeW recOrdS Of HYdrOTHermal veNT SHrimpS frOm NeW ZealaNd (Caridea: AlviNOcarididae, HippOlYTidae). Crustaceana, 82, 775-794.
- AHYONg, S.T. (2010) THe mariNe fauNa Of NeW ZealaNd: kiNg crabS Of NeW ZealaNd, AuSTralia aNd THe ROSS Sea (CruSTacea: DecapOda: LiTHOdidae). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir, 123, 1-196.
- AlcOck, A. (1896) THe BracHYura OxYSTOma. MaTerialS fOr a carciNOlOgical fauNa Of INdia. NO. 2. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 65 (PT 2, NO. 2), 134-296, plS. 6-8. [daTed 1895, publiSHed 1896]
- CaSTrO, P. (2005) CrabS Of THe SubfamilY ETHuSiNae GuiNOT, 1977 (CruSTacea, DecapOda, BracHYura, DOrippidae) Of THe INdO- WeST Pacific regiON. Zoosystema, 27 (3), 499-600.
- CHeN, H. (1993) CruSTacea DecapOda: DOrippidae Of NeW CaledONia, INdONeSia aNd THe PHilippiNeS. In: CrOSNier, A. (ed.), RESulTaTS deS campagNeS MUSORSTOM. VOl. 10. Memoires du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, 156, pp. 315-345.
- KOmai, T. & SegONzac, M. (2004) A NeW geNuS aNd SpecieS Of alviNOcaridid SHrimp (CruSTacea: DecapOda: Caridea) frOm HYdrOTHermal veNTS ON THe NOrTH Fiji aNd Lau BaSiNS, SOuTH-WeSTerN Pacific. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 84, 1179-1188.
- KOmaTSu, H. & KOmai, T. (2009) THalaSSiNidea, ANOmura aNd BracHYura (CruSTacea: DecapOda) frOm NOrTHeaSTerN JapaN cOllecTed duriNg THe "ReSearcH ON Deep-Sea FauNa aNd POlluTaNTS Off Pacific COaST Of NOrTHerN JapaN" prOjecT. National Science Museum Monographs, 39, 581-613.
- Lorz, A.-N., BerkeNbuScH, K., NOdder, S., AHYONg, S.T., BOWdeN, D., McMillaN, P., GOrdON, D.P., MillS, S. & MackaY, K. (2012) A revieW Of deep-Sea beNTHic biOdiverSiTY aSSOciaTed WiTH TreNcH, caNYON aNd abYSSal HabiTaTS belOW 1500 m depTH iN NeW ZealaNd WaTerS. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report, 92, 1-133.
- McENNulTY, F.R., GOWleTT-HOlmeS, K.L., WilliamS, A., AlTHauS, F., FrOmONT, J., POOre, G.C.B., O'Hara, T.D., MarSH, L., KOTT, P., Slack-SmiTH, S., AlderSlade, P. & KiTaHara, M.V. (2011) THe deepWaTer megabeNTHic iNverTebraTeS ON THe WeSTerN cONTiNeNTal margiN Of AuSTralia (100-1100 m depTHS): cOmpOSiTiON, diSTribuTiON aNd NOvelTY. Records of the Western Australian Museum, 80 (SupplemeNT), 1-191.
- McLaY, C.L. (2007) NeW crabS frOm HYdrOTHermal veNTS Of THe Kermadec Ridge SubmariNe vOlcaNOeS, NeW ZealaNd: Gandalfus geN. NOv. (BYTHOgraeidae) aNd Xenograpsus (VaruNidae) (DecapOda: BracHYura). Zootaxa, 1524, 1-22.
- MierS, E.J. (1886) RepOrT ON THe BracHYura cOllecTed bY H.M.S. CHalleNger duriNg THe YearS 1873-76. In: Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger During the Years 1873-76 Under the Command of Captain George S. Nares, R.N., F.R.S. and the Late Captain Frank Tourle Thompson, R.N., ZOOlOgY, 17 (49), I-L + 1-362, plS. 1-29.
- Ng, P.K.L. & HO, P.-H. (2003) ON THe deep-WaTer dOrippid crabS Of THe geNuS Ethusina SmiTH, 1884 (CruSTacea: DecapOda: BracHYura) frOm TaiWaN. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 51 (1), 71-85.
- POOre, G.C.B., McCallum, A.W. & TaYlOr, J. (2008) DecapOd CruSTacea Of THe cONTiNeNTal margiN Of SOuTHWeSTerN aNd ceNTral WeSTerN AuSTralia: prelimiNarY ideNTificaTiONS Of 524 SpecieS frOm FRV Southern Surveyor vOYage SS10-2005. Museum Victoria Science Reports, 11, 1-106.
- SaiNT LaureNT, M. de & MacpHerSON, E. (1997) UNe NOuvelle eSpece du geNre Paralomis WHiTe, 1856, deS SOurceS HYdrOTHermaleS du Sud-OueST Pacififique (CruSTacea, DecapOda, LiTHOdidae). Zoosystema, 19, 721-727.
- ScHNabel, K.E. & Bruce, N.L. (2006) NeW recOrdS Of Munidopsis (CruSTacea: ANOmura: GalaTHeidae) frOm NeW ZealaNd WiTH deScripTiON Of TWO NeW SpecieS frOm a SeamOuNT aNd uNderWaTer caNYON. Zootaxa, 1172, 49-67.
- SmiTH, S.I. (1884) RepOrT ON THe decapOd CruSTacea Of THe Albatross dredgiNgS Off THe eaST cOaST Of THe UNiTed STaTeS iN 1883. Report of the Commissioner for 1882, United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, 10, 345-424, plS. 1-10.
- SpiridONOv, V.A. & TUrkaY, M. (2007) Deep Sea crabS Of THe SubfamilY ETHuSiNae GuiNOT, 1977 frOm THe NOrTH-WeSTerN INdiaN OceaN (CruSTacea: DecapOda: BracHYura: DOrippidae). Fauna of Arabia, 23, 125-150.
- Webber, W.R. (2004) A NeW SpecieS Of Alvinocaris (CruSTacea: DecapOda: AlviNOcarididae) aNd NeW recOrdS Of alviNOcarididS frOm HYdrOTHermal veNTS NOrTH Of NeW ZealaNd. Zootaxa, 444 (1), 1-26.
- Webber, W.R., FeNWick, G.D., BradfOrd-Grieve, J.M., Eager, S.H., Buckeridge, J.S., POOre, G.C.B., DaWSON, E.W., WaTliNg, L., JONeS, J.B., WellS, J.B.J., Bruce, N.L., AHYONg, S.T., LarSeN, K., CHapmaN, M.A., OleSeN, J., HO, J.-S., GreeN, J.D., SHiel, R.J., ROcHa, C.E.F., Lorz, A.-N., Bird, G.J. & CHarleSTON, W.A. (2010) PHYlum ArTHrOpOda. SubpHYlum CruSTacea: SHrimpS, crabS, lObSTerS, barNacleS, SlaTerS, aNd kiN. In: GOrdON, D. P. (Ed.), New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity, Volume two. Kingdom Animalia: Chaetognatha, Ecdysozoa, Ichnofossils. CaNTerburY UNiverSiTY PreSS, CHriSTcHurcH, pp. 98-232.
- YaldWYN, J.C. & Webber, W.R. (2011) ANNOTaTed cHeckliST Of NeW ZealaNd DecapOda (ArTHrOpOda: CruSTacea). Tuhinga, 22, 171-272.