Published November 4, 2023 | Version v1
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Phylogeny, taxonomy, and biogeography of the Sphaeriinae (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae)

  • 1. N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nikolsky Avenue 20, 163020 Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation & Laboratory of Macroecology & Biogeography of Invertebrates, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya Emb. 7-9, 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • 2. Laboratory of Macroecology & Biogeography of Invertebrates, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya Emb. 7-9, 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • 3. N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nikolsky Avenue 20, 163020 Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation
  • 4. Laboratory of Macroecology & Biogeography of Invertebrates, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya Emb. 7-9, 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation & Surgut State University, Lenina Ave., 1, 628403 Surgut, Russian Federation
  • 5. Biotechnology, Conservation and Valorisation of Natural Resources Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences Dhar El Mehraz, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez. B.P. 1796, 30003 Fès-Atlas, Morocco
  • 6. Laboratory of Macroecology & Biogeography of Invertebrates, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya Emb. 7-9, 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation & Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya Emb. 1, 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • 7. Laboratory of Macroecology & Biogeography of Invertebrates, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya Emb. 7-9, 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation & A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Prt., 33, 119071 Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 8. Mohammed Premier University,Multidisciplinary Faculty of Nador,Applied Biology and Biotechnology Research Team, B.P 300, 62700 Selouane, Morocco


Bespalaya, Yulia V., Vinarski, Maxim V., Aksenova, Olga V., Babushkin, Evgeniy S., Gofarov, Mikhail Yu., Kondakov, Alexander V., Konopleva, Ekaterina S., Kropotin, Alexander V., Mabrouki, Youness, Ovchankova, Nadezda B., Palatov, Dmitry M., Sokolova, Svetlana E., Shevchenko, Alexander R., Travina, Oksana V., Taybi, Abdelkhaleq F., Soboleva, Alena A., Zubrii, Natalia A., Bolotov, Ivan N. (2024): Phylogeny, taxonomy, and biogeography of the Sphaeriinae (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201 (2): 305-338, DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad139, URL:



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