Published August 1, 2021
| Version v1
Journal article
Efficiency of sampling methods for capturing soil-dwelling ants in three landscapes in southern Cameroon
- 1. Department OF Animal BiOlOgy, FacUlty OF Science, UniverSity OF DOUala, PO. BOX 24157 DOUala,CamerOOn
Massé, Paul Serge Mbenoun, Tadu, Zephirin, Champlain, Djieto Lordon, Mony, Ruth, Kenne, Martin, Tindo, Maurice (2021): Efficiency of sampling methods for capturing soil-dwelling ants in three landscapes in southern Cameroon. Soil Organisms 93 (2): 115-131, DOI: 10.25674/SO93iSS2id159, URL:
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