Published June 19, 2013 | Version v1
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3D- microanatomy of the semiterrestrial slug Gascoignella aprica Jensen, 1985-a basal plakobranchacean sacoglossan (Gastropoda, Panpulmonata)


Kohnert, Peter, Brenzinger, Bastian, Jensen, Kathe R., Schrödl, Michael (2013): 3D- microanatomy of the semiterrestrial slug Gascoignella aprica Jensen, 1985-a basal plakobranchacean sacoglossan (Gastropoda, Panpulmonata). Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N.Y.) 13 (4): 583-603, DOI: 10.1007/s13127-013-0142-6, URL:



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