Published March 31, 2013
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Journal article
Assessment of sábalo (Prochilodus lineatus) fisheries in the lower Paraná River basin (Argentina) based on hydrological, biological, and fishery indicators
- 1. Universidad Nacional de General San Martín, Instituto Tecnológico de Chacomús (IIB-INTECH-CONICET). Av. Intendente Marino, Km 8.3, C.C. 164, (7130), Chascomús, Argentina.
- 2. Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental, Laboratorio de Ecología Teledetección y Ecoinformática (LETyE-3iA-UNSAM). Peatonal Belgrano 3563 (1650) Gral. San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 3. Centro Científico Tecnológico, Güemes 3450 (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina.
Baigún, Claudio, Minotti, Priscilla, Oldani, Norberto (2013): Assessment of sábalo (Prochilodus lineatus) fisheries in the lower Paraná River basin (Argentina) based on hydrological, biological, and fishery indicators. Neotropical Ichthyology 11 (1): 199-210, DOI: 10.1590/S1679-62252013000100023, URL:
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