Published October 9, 2013 | Version v1
Conference paper Restricted

EFD-C(13)04/01 Fusion Alpha-Particle Diagnostics for DT Experiments on the Joint European Torus


JET equipped with ITER-like wall (a beryllium wall and a tungsten divertor) can provide auxiliary heating with power up to 35MW, producing a significant population of a-particles in DT operation. The direct measurements of alphas are very difficult and a-particle studies require a significant development of dedicated diagnostics. JET now has an excellent set of confined and lost fast particle diagnostics for measuring the a-particle source and its evolution in space and time, a-particle energy distribution, and a-particle losses. This paper describes how the above mentioned JET diagnostic systems could be used for a-particle measurements, and what options exist for keeping the essential a-particle diagnostics functioning well in the presence of intense DT neutron flux. Also, a-particle diagnostics for ITER are discussed.


Preprint of Paper to be submitted for publication in Proceedings of the International Conference on Fusion Reactor Diagnostics Villa Monastero, Varenna, Italy 9th September 2013 - 13th September 2013



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