Published March 1, 2024 | Version v1
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First record of the parasitoid family Ismaridae (Hymenoptera, Diaprioidea) from Eocene Baltic and Rovno ambers with the description of a new genus and two new species

  • 1. Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia
  • 2. Natural History Museum of Denmark, Universitetsparken 15, Copenhagen, 2100, Denmark
  • 3. Cherepovets State University, Lunacharsky Prospect 5, Cherepovets, Vologda Region, 162600, Russia & Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya 123, Moscow, 117647, Russia


Chemyreva, Vasilisa G., Perkovsky, Evgeny E., Vasilenko, Dmitry V. (2024): First record of the parasitoid family Ismaridae (Hymenoptera, Diaprioidea) from Eocene Baltic and Rovno ambers with the description of a new genus and two new species. Zootaxa 5418 (4): 328-338, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5418.4.2, URL:



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