Published March 3, 2016
| Version v1
Journal article
Species discovery and diversity in Lobocriconema (Criconematidae: Nematoda) and related plant-parasitic nematodes from North American ecoregions
Powers, T.O., Bernard, E.C., Harris, T., Higgins, R., Olson, M., Olson, S., Lodema, M., Matczyszyn, J., Mullin, P., Sutton, L., Powers, K.S. (2016): Species discovery and diversity in Lobocriconema (Criconematidae: Nematoda) and related plant-parasitic nematodes from North American ecoregions. Zootaxa 4085 (3), DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4085.3.1
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