Published October 8, 2009
| Version v1
Journal article
Revision of the Oriental species of the Bengalia peuhi speciesgroup (Diptera, Calliphoridae)
Rognes, Knut (2009): Revision of the Oriental species of the Bengalia peuhi speciesgroup (Diptera, Calliphoridae). Zootaxa 2251 (1): 1-76, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.2251.1.1, URL:
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- Heo, C.C., Kurahashi, H., Marwi, M.A., Jeffery, J., Chen, C.D., Zuha, R.M. & Omar, B. (2008) A new record of Bengalia emarginata Malloch, 1927 (Diptera: Calliphoridae) from Malaysia. Tropical Biomedicine, 25, 262-263.
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- Senior-White, R.A. (1923a) The Muscidae testaceae of the Oriental Region. (With descriptions of those found within Indian limits.) Spolia zeylanica, 12, 294-314 + pls. I-XI.
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- Smith, K.G.V, Crosskey, R.W. & Pont, A.C. (1980) Bibliography of cited literature. In: Crosskey, R.W. (ed.), Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region. British Museum (Natural History), London, pp. 889-1196.
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- Note. According to information in a letter from Surcouf to Austen (cf. Senior-White 1923a: 313) this work was completed at the outbreak of WWI, but was not published until 1920. Smith, Crosskey & Pont (1980: 1154) cited notes from the same letter on a BMNH copy to the effect that the actual publication date was "c. May 1920". They also explained that "[t]he journal cover has two printed dates, '1914', and the statement 'Ce fascicule a ete publie en Decembre 1919'.".
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- Note. The publication date of this work is 11 March 1994 (Thompson & Pont 2008).
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