Published 2007 | Version v1
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Geneza rytmu alfa na podstawie komputerowej analizy czynności EEG pacjentów z wrodzonymi wadami wzroku.

  • 1. Public Higher Medical Professional School in Opole
  • 2. Medical Academy in Wrocław
  • 3. Specialized Ophthalmological Practice in Kluczbork


The registration of electrical potentials from the surface of the head, i.e. electroencephalography, or intraoperatively from the surface of the brain, i.e. electrocorticography, lead to the conclusion that electrical phenomena in the brain are continuous and rhythmic. At the same time, recording the potentials of individual neurons gives a completely different picture of the brain's electrical activity - in the form of discharges of short-term action potentials. Since the development of electroencephalography, attempts have been made to translate electrical phenomena in single neurons into the activity of large areas of the brain. The dominant rhythm in healthy adults when awake with their eyes closed is the sinusoidal alpha rhythm with a frequency of approximately 8-13 Hz. The study recorded EEG records from patients with congenital defects of the visual system: ocular agenesis (i.e. bilateral anophthalmia) and progressive cataracts. This allowed us to compare the nature of EEG activity when the visual analyzer is functional after birth and what character it takes when it is completely absent already in the prenatal period. On this basis, it was established that the existence of an efficient and complete visual pathway is necessary for the development of a correct EEG activity pattern.


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Translated title (English)
Origin of the alpha rhythm based on computer analysis of EEG activity in patients with congenital visual defects.