Published January 31, 2017 | Version v1
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Figure 1 from: Percy DM (2017) Making the most of your host: the Metrosideros-feeding psyllids (Hemiptera, Psylloidea) of the Hawaiian Islands. ZooKeys 649: 1-163.

  • 1. Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom


Figure 1 - Results from outgroup sampling. Majority-rule consensus of maximum likelihood analysis (combined COI and cytB data using RAxML with 1000 bootstrap replicates) including Pariaconus (28 species) and putative outgroup taxa (36 species). The four recognized species groups within Pariaconus are indicated and their distribution in the Hawaiian Islands is shown. Outgroup biology and host plant family is given, with other Myrtaceae-feeding species highlighted. Strong support for Trioza remota ex Quercus (Palaearctic) and Trioza sp. ex Banksia (Australia) as the closest outgroups is indicated with a black circle. Inset top left, maximum likelihood ancestral character state reconstruction (character -lnL = -16.48) showing proportional likelihoods, and the ancestral state at the root node of Pariaconus with a) pit galling outgroup taxa monophyletic, and b) pit galling outgroup taxa paraphyletic.



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