Installing JSim on Linux

JSim's Linux distribution is currently a 32 bit version and runs on the i386 and x64 (aka amd64, em64t, x86_64) hardware architectures. Users running Linux on other hardware architectures (e.g. IA64, Sparc, PowerPC) should use the JSim source distribution instead. If you are unsure of your hardware architecture, see the uname command on your Linux system ("man uname").

  1. Unpack the .zip file using your favorite zip utility ("unzip" is often available) in a directory of your choice, called INSTALLDIR in this document.
  2. JSim binaries are located in a sub-directory of INSTALLDIR: linux/bin for JSim 2.03 and above, linux_i386/bin for JSim 2.02 and below. This sub-directory contains four shell scripts:

    You should either add this sub-directory to your PATH or copy the executables themselves to a path-searchable directory on your system. You must also set the environment variable JSIMHOME to INSTALLDIR before starting either program. See your local Linux documentation on how to do this.

  3. 64 bit systems: Note that JSim is built and tested at NSR under Redhat Linux EL5 and EL6 for 32 and 64 bit Intel processors, and is known to be compatible in some degree with some older versions of Redhat. On 64 bit systems you may be required to install 32 bit versions of some packages:
  4. JSim 2.07 and above requests 1500MB of heap memory by default. If your system has less than 2GB of memory, you will probably need to reconfigure JSim to use less memory before JSim can launch properly.