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Published October 12, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Photonic Physical Unclonable Function Based on Symmetric Microring Resonator Arrays

  • 1. Univ. Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, INSA Lyon, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CPE Lyon, CNRS, INL
  • 2. Univ. Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, INSA Lyon, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CPE Lyon, CNRS, INL and School of Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
  • 3. ECE Department, University of Connecticut, Storrs 06269, CT, USA
  • 4. Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, Grenoble INP, IMEP-LAHC, Grenoble, France


We propose a novel architecture for a photonic Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) based on microring arrays. We demonstrate its uniqueness, verify its random behavior on standard benchmarks, and investigate the impact of the digitization threshold.



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NEUROPULS – NEUROmorphic energy-efficient secure accelerators based on Phase change materials aUgmented siLicon photonicS 101070238
European Commission
PHASEPUF – Photonic Augmented Security via Physical Unclonable Functions ANR-20-CE39-0004
Agence Nationale de la Recherche