Root data used in the paper for calculating root survivorship curve data and cox regression model details corresponding to the Fig. 10: "Linking above- and belowground phenology of hybrid walnut growing along a climatic gradient in temperate agroforestry systems" Awaz Mohamed*, Alexia Stokes, Zhun Mao, Christophe Jourdan, Sylvie Sabatier, François Pailler, Stephane Fourtier, Lydie Dufour, Yogan Monnier The dataset contains: - three csv files corresponding each site (oceanic.CSV, continental.csv and Mediterranean.csv) and used for the analysis : these data contain all the brut data about each site. - Data_Survivorship_Cox_PLSO-D-17-00588.R: R script used for data analysis. - 20170814_SurvivorshipCurves.pdf: survivorship curves produced by the R script. - SupplementaryMaterial_Survivorship_Cox_PLSO-D-17-00588.docx: data and cox regression model details corresponding to the Fig. 10.