Published October 3, 2023 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Psidium Linnaeus 1753

  • 1. Natural History Collections, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 85287 - 4108, U. S. A. & les. landrum @ asu. edu; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3809 - 9865
  • 2. Centro de Investigaciones y Servicios Ambientales ECOVIDA, Agencia de Medio Ambiente CITMA, Luis Lazo, Km 2 ½ Carretera a, Pinar del Río, Cuba & zeniaacosta 2012 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 1733 - 8537


Key distinguishing Psidium and Mosiera

1. Flowers tetramerous, the calyx with 4 distinct lobes; seed coat smooth, lustrous with surface cells forming a mosaic pattern, or leathery-verrucose, 1–6(–10) cells thick; anthers usually with a single terminal gland in the connective; peduncles uniflorous, solitary or borne in pairs at a node on a very short axillary shoot; tertiary veins between lateral veins if visible usually forming a reticulate, web-like pattern ..................................................................................................................................................... Mosiera

1ʹ Flowers pentamerous or tetramerous, the calyx closed in the bud or if open with 5 more or less distinct lobes; seed coat dull to rough, not lustrous, covered with a thin layer of pulpy tissue when wet (or a glaze or crusty layer when dry), the hard portion of the seed coat (5–)8–30 cells thick at narrowest point; anthers with a terminal gland and usually with a few to several glands in the connective below; peduncles uniflorous or sometimes bearing a 3-flowered dichasium, or sometimes borne on bracteate shoots (racemes), but not normally appearing as pairs on very short axillary shoots; tertiary veins between lateral veins when visible forming a ladder-like (e.g., P. guajava Linnaeus (1753: 470) or dendritic pattern [e.g., P. salutare (Kunth 1823: 132) O. Berg (1855 –1856: 356)]................................................................................................................................................................... Psidium

A problematic species, Calycorectes ekmanii Urban (1923: 110, not Mosiera ekmanii (Urb.) Bisse (1985: 4), based on Myrtus ekmanii Urban (1923: 79)), is similar to Mosiera and we believe it to be conspecific with M. nipensis Salywon & Landrum (2014: 275). It has seeds similar to Mosiera, but the 4-lobed calyx lobes are valvate in the bud. Molecular studies (Flickinger et al. 2020) indicate an affinity to Calycolpus O. Berg (1855 –1856: 348).


Published as part of Landrum, Leslie R. & Ramos, Zenia Acosta, 2023, A new species of Psidium (Myrtaceae) from Cuba, pp. 195-201 in Phytotaxa 618 (2) on page 196, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.618.2.9,


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Psidium Linnaeus, 1753 sec. Landrum & Ramos, 2023


  • Linnaeus, C. (1753) Species Plantarum. Vol. 1. Stockholm.
  • Kunth, C. S. (1823) In: Humboldt, A., Bonpland, A. & Kunth, C. S. (Eds.) Nova Genera et Species Plantarum, vol. 6.
  • Berg, O. (1855 - 1856) Revisio Myrtacearum Americae. Linnaea 27: 1 - 472.
  • Urban, I. (1923) Symbolae Antillanae 9 (1): 1 - 176.
  • Bisse, J. (1985) El genero Mosiera Small (Myrtaceae - Myrtoideae) en Cuba. Revista del Jardin Botanico Nacional 6: 3 - 6.
  • Salywon, A. & Landrum, L. R. (2014) A new species of Mosiera (Myrtaceae) from the Sierra de Nipe, Cuba. Brittonia 66 (3): 274 - 277. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 12228 - 014 - 9330 - 8
  • Flickinger, J. A., Jestrow, B., Oviedo Prieto, R., Santiago-Valentin, E., Sustache-Sustache, J., Jimenez-Rodriguez, F., Campbell, K. C. St. E. & Francisco-Ortega, J. (2020) A phylogenetic survey of Myrtaceae in the Greater Antilles with nomenclatural changes for some endemic species. Taxon 69: 448 - 480. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / tax. 12263