Published October 6, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Cardiotoxicity of Chemicals: Current Regulatory Guidelines, Knowledge Gaps, and Needs

  • 1. Medical University Innsbruck
  • 2. Sciensano


In a recently published article, Daley et al. (2023) emphasized the need for a new approach to assess cardiotoxicity of environmental
compounds, an issue that has been neglected to date. They described how efforts for the evaluation of cardiotoxicity have so far focused on pharmaceuticals and the necessity of new approach methodologies (NAMs) that do not directly rely on animals beyond the pharmaco-regulatory sector.

Here, we aim to add to that paper by providing information on the specific limitations of the current regulations for a) chemicals, biocides, and pesticides, b) human variability including the elderly population, and c) chemical mixtures. We also briefly indicate
how each of these specific limitations could be overcome using NAMs.


Cardiotoxicity of Chemicals Current Regulatory.pdf

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Is published in
10.14573/altex.2301121 (DOI)


ALTERNATIVE – environmentAL Toxicity chEmical mixtuRes through aN innovative platform based on aged cardiac tissue model 101037090
European Commission