# SoftwaresOccitanTranslations v1.0 This corpus was compiled and aligned from translations of many open source softwares. This work was made by Lo Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana (https://locongres.org) as a part of its project "Còrpus" (http://abrac.at/corpusproject). There are three corpora : A bilingual corpus (bilingual_files.zip) : files with occitan sentences aligned with their translations in another language. There are CSV files with the format : occitan sentence§occitan variety code§translation§translation language§source software(s) A bivariety corpus (bivariety_files.zip) : files with occitan sentences in one variety aligned with their transcription in another occitan variety. There are CSV files with the format : sentence 1§occitan variety code for sentence 1§sentence 2§occitan variety code for sentence 2§source software(s) A monolingual corpus (monolingual_files.zip) : files with occitan sentences in one variety. There are CSV files with the format : sentence§occitan variety code§source software(s) A list of the codes used for languages and for occitan varieties can be found in the file languages_abbreviations.csv. A list of the abbreviation for the source softwares can be found in the file softwares_abbreviations.csv. These two files are with the format : abbreviation§full name ## License The SoftwaresOccitanTranslations corpus is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0).