Published September 30, 2023 | Version 1.3
Project deliverable Open

Visual Identity and Digital Experience of the Project

  • 1. Università CA' FOSCARI di VENEZIA
  • 2. WIT Berry


Contact person:

  • 1. Università CA' FOSCARI di VENEZIA
  • 2. University of Gothenburg


The Report describes the development of the project visual identity and website of the HEPHAESTUS project with the objective to guarantee an effective communication of the project messages and activities at Local, National and EU level.


In accordance with the project's spirit of co-creation, the visual identity was born from an art-based approach with some craftmakers in the Swedish ecosystem. While this process contributes to enriching the visual identity of Hephaestus, it is also more time-consuming, as it was created and conceived using craft-based techniques. For this reason, the logo and the entire visual identity of the project will be finalised by M9. The images on pages 9 to 14 therefore include draft materials that are still being finalised. As soon as the visual identity of Hephaestus is finalised, the final materials will become part of the final version of deliverable D6.1.


HEPHAESTUS_WP6_D6.1. Version 1.3.pdf

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HEPHAESTUS – Heritage in EuroPe: new techHologies in crAft for prEserving and innovaTing fUtureS 101095123
European Commission