Published June 14, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Batı Tipi Eğitimin Türkiye'de Liberal Düşünce Dünyasına Etkileri Ve ''Ali Fuat Başgil'', ''Hür Fikirleri Yayma Cemiyeti'' Örneği


In this study, information was given about the concepts of Western education and liberalism, and the contributions of people who received education in the West to the liberal thought system in Turkey were examined. This subject is given as the example of Ali Fuat Başgil and the Society for Spreading Free Ideas. The issue of sending students abroad, which emerged in the last period of the Ottoman Empire and later became a tradition in the young Republic, is discussed. Information about the education life of Ali Fuat Başgil, one of these students, was given and after Başgil came to Turkey, his public services, the lectures he gave at universities, and the articles he wrote were examined. As a result of all his knowledge, Başgil has been a pioneer and a beneficial contribution to the world of liberal thought in Turkey, both in his individual field and collectively under the umbrella of the Free Ideas Spreading Society. The education that Başgil received in France, especially in the field of philosophy, contributed to the development of his thoughts in the field of law, social and political fields, and enriched his world of ideas. Başgil, who adopts the ideas of Durkheim, who is a competent and pioneer in the field of philosophy, and takes him as an example, the contribution of the philosophical education he received is very important in the fact that his world of ideas is so rich and deep. Keywords Ali Fuat Başgil, Society for Spreading Free Ideas, Liberalism, education abroad, western education


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