Variable;Description;Units;Observation SampleID;Sample ID corresponding to ASV tables;;"Hotmix = Hotmix samples from different depths (until bathypelagic); MalaSizeFrac = Malaspina size-fractionated samples from different depths (until bathypelagic); MalaSurf = Malasina surface samples; MalaVP = Malaspina vertical profiles samples from different depths (until bathypelagic); MalaDeep = Malaspina deep samples (only bathypelagic)" Cruise;Cruise in which the sample was obtained;; Date;Date that the sample was obtained;DD-mmm-YY; Latitude;Latitude in Decimal degrees (DD);degrees; Longitude;Longitude in Decimal degrees (DD);degrees; Filter_size;Filter size-fraction from where the DNA sample was obtained;; Depth;Depth from where the sample was obtained;meters (m); layer;Ocean layer from where the sample was obtained;;"EPI = Epipelagic; MES = Mesopelagic; BAT = Bathypelagic" layer_2;Ocean layer from where the sample was obtained but separating the EPI into SRF and DCM;;"SRF = Surface; DCM = Deep-chlorophyll maxima; MES = Mesopelagic; BAT = Bathypelagic" OceanRegion;Category separating the Open Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea samples;; OceanBasin;Ocean basin from where the sample was obtained. The Mediterranean Sea is divided into Western (WMS) and Eastern (EMS) basins.;;"NAO = North Atlantic Ocean; SAO = South Atlantic Ocean; SPC = South Pacific Ocean; NPC = North Pacific Ocean; IO = Indian Ocean; WMS = Western Mediterranean Sea; EMS = Eastern Mediterranean Sea" OceanBasin_2;Ocean basin from where the sample was obtained. The Mediterranean Sea is divided into sub-basins.;; Temperature;Temperature;°C; Salinity;Salinity;; Fluorescence;Fluorescence – proxy of chlorophyll a;; NO3;Nitrate (NO3−) concentration;µmol L-1; PO4;Phosphate (PO43−) concentration;µmol L-1; SiO2;Silica (SiO2) concentration;µmol L-1; S.obs;Mean species richness (observed);; Shannon;Species diversity estimated by Shannon index;; Pielou;Pielou index of species equitability;; PD;Phylogenetic diversity;; Microbial_Abund;Microbial abundances by flow cytometry (Synechococcus + Prochlorococcus + Heterotrophic Bacteria + Picoeukaryotes);cells mL-1; Bact_activity;Bacterial activity (by leucine incorporation);(pmol Leu L-1 h-1);