Published September 20, 2023 | Version Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
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A Morphologıcal Investıgatıon Of Early Republıc Perıod Prımary School Buıldıngs In Sinop Boyabat Dıstrıct

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The period in which there was an intense modernization movement from the first years of the foundation of the Republic (1920-1950) is known as the Early Republican Period. Early Republican Period in itself; The First National Architecture Period, which emerged in 1908 and dominated until the 1930s, the rational-functional architectural period that started after the 1930s and continued until the 1940s, and finally, the period of architecture that started in the 1940s and dominated the 1950s. It can be classified as the Second National Architecture Period, in which the idea of returning to regional architecture with the idea of creating works in accordance with the conditions of the country gained weight.

The main objective of the primary education policy of the Early Republican Period was to increase literacy in a short time and to develop the ideology of the new regime by spreading it. Therefore, importance was given to the design and construction of many primary school buildings of different scales and features. Within the conditions of the First National Architectural Period, certain types of projects were created and tried to be implemented. The type projects prepared within the body of the Ministry of Education reflect the dominant architectural lines and character of the Neo-Ottoman or First National Architecture style of the period, like other public buildings. One of such projects is the Gazi and Latife schools built in Ankara. This project, designed by Mukbil Kemal Taş, was one of the most implemented projects in the Early Republican Period.

The project, which is the first example of Gazi Schools opened in every city throughout the country in the Early Republic Period, designed with a symmetrical plan understanding, consists of a rectangular mass in the north-south direction in the middle and outflowing masses adjacent to it. The roof of the building, which has wide eaves, is covered with hipped and tiles. The fringes of the masses that protrude at both ends of the rectangular mass are made wider. The entrance doors of the school have low arches. Apart from that, the windows on the lower floor have low arches, while the windows on the upper floor have pointed arches. Type projects contain some differences according to the characteristics and needs of the place where the building is built.

Examples of this type of project, which were implemented in the Early Republican Period (1920-1950), were also built in the Boyabat district of Sinop. During this period, there are three Republican Period primary school buildings in Boyabat district. These structures are Girls' Vocational High School (Former Dumlupınar Primary School), İnönü Primary School and Dumlupınar Primary School. These schools are located in the center of the district. Today, only Dumlupınar Primary School serves in accordance with its original function.

Within the scope of this study, Girls' Vocational High School (Old Dumlupınar Primary School), İnönü Primary School and Dumlupınar Primary School were handled in the plane, plan and facade, structure, material, form composition-mass analysis, spatial relations and relationship analysis scheme and morphological analyzes were made. .

The plan characteristics of primary school buildings examined in the literature in the Early Republican Period can be classified as H, Rectangle, L, T, U plan schemes. Apart from these plan schemes, there are also free plan schemes designed according to the region they are located in. It is possible to divide primary school buildings into three main groups according to their façade features: balconies, entrances from the middle axis and entrances from the corner axis.

When the Vocational High School for Girls, İnönü Primary School and Dumlupınar Primary School are examined on the site plan, it is seen that the orientation of each building is different. The approach to the buildings is with a direct connection from the main road to the garden in the Girls' Vocational High School, a separate road special for the school from the side street in the İnönü Primary School, and the entrance to the school garden from the street road in the Dumlupınar Primary School. There are two main entrances to the Girls' Vocational High School, a main and a warehouse entrance to the İnönü Primary School, a main entrance to the Dumlupınar Primary School on the ground floor and one for the first floor, and two exits to the backyard.

Girls' Vocational High School (Former Dumlupınar Primary School) and İnönü Primary School located in the Boyabat district of Sinop are educational buildings built as H-plan type on a rectangular area at the base under the influence of Early Republican Period architecture. In the general plan scheme, an H-plan type appearance has been given by overflowing the corner masses from the main walls. It has similar plan features with the type projects drawn by Mukbil Kemal Taş, the architect of Gazi and Latife Schools. Girls' Vocational High School (Former Dumlupınar Primary School) and İnönü Primary School reflect the characteristics of the I. National Architecture Movement. Dumlupınar Elementary School, on the other hand, was built with a free plan scheme as Z plan type, unlike the Early Republic period type projects. Since Dumlupınar Elementary School is located in an environment where there are examples of traditional civil architecture, it is understood that the plan scheme is shaped freely according to the needs. There is no symmetry in the plan and façade plane. Access to some places is in the form of space within the space, and there is no direct connection from the circulation areas. The plan scheme of this school differs from the Girls' Vocational High School (Old Dumlupınar Primary School) and İnönü Primary School in this respect.

Girls' Vocational High School and İnönü Primary School are similar to the structures of the I. National Architecture Period with their roof form, façade symmetry and entrance from the middle axis. Dumlupınar Elementary School differs from the other two schools in terms of its facade characteristics. While entrance is provided from the middle axis in Girls' Vocational High School and İnönü Primary School, entrance is provided from the corner axis in Dumlupınar Primary School. The façade of Dumlupınar Elementary School with rectangular windows is plain and simple.

As a result, Girls Vocational High School and İnönü Primary School show the characteristics of the I. National Architecture Period in terms of plan scheme and facade characteristics, and Dumlupınar Primary School shows the characteristics of the Second National Architecture Period.


2-Sinop Boyabat İlçesi’ ndeki Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemine Ait İlkokul Yapılarının Morfolojik Olarak İncelenmesi.pdf

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Journal article: 10.5281/zenodo.8350564 (DOI)


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