Published April 5, 2022 | Version v1
Report Open

MFMET A2.3.1 Literature review of existing metrology and normative standards related to the liquid properties and microfluidic devices

  • 1. CMI
  • 2. CETIAT
  • 3. IPQ
  • 4. INESC MN


This report addresses the activity A2.3.1 defined in the JRP protocol as:

Activity number

Activity description

(Lead in bold)



Using the liquid properties identified in A2.1.3, CMI, NQIS, IPQ, CETIAT and TUBITAK will perform a literature review of existing metrology and normative standards related to the liquid properties and microfluidic devices.



In A2.1.3 the following liquid properties have been identified as the most relevant in microfluidic context:

  • Density
  • Viscosity
  • Refractive index
  • Contact angle with solid surfaces

This review is focused to standards related to the properties mentioned above and to specific measurement methods used in microfluidics. Outside the field of microfluidics, the measurement techniques for the properties mentioned above are well established and there are various standards related to them (hundreds in case of density and viscosity) for a myriad of applications. On the other hand, specific standards for microfluidics are missing, even if many measuring techniques in this field are emerging. Therefore, mostly we list general standards, which are not directly related to microfluidics. On top of that, we provide a literature review of microfluidic measurement techniques.


MFMET A2.3.1 Literature review of existing metrology and normative standards related to the liquid properties and microfluidic devices.pdf