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Fusce sollicitudin tortor in eros ornare suscipit. Aliquam nec cursus tellus. Aliquam placerat ullamcorper nunc quis elementum. Praesent pellentesque ultricies odio, nec vehicula lacus. Maecenas nec molestie nisi, fringilla consequat ante. Nunc hendrerit ligula quis magna elementum, ullamcorper convallis urna lacinia. Pellentesque semper vulputate ex, eu bibendum tortor laoreet vel. Suspendisse malesuada ullamcorper nulla, quis tempor orci pellentesque ac. Aliquam eget congue nibh, dapibus aliquam ipsum. Duis venenatis sagittis nisl a scelerisque. Sed congue justo eros, at sollicitudin turpis pretium eu. Vestibulum mattis interdum metus, et feugiat tellus porta vel. Nullam lobortis elementum tristique. Nulla augue nisi, fermentum vehicula diam ornare, vehicula varius orci. Aenean leo elit, vulputate eget lorem at, euismod blandit dui.\n\nNam non sagittis dolor. Etiam molestie libero ut dui maximus, at sollicitudin nisl commodo. Aliquam et facilisis neque. Donec accumsan quam eget accumsan efficitur. Vivamus convallis nisl et sollicitudin aliquet. In at scelerisque leo. Duis non sapien fermentum dui placerat dignissim. Donec sed imperdiet erat. Suspendisse in dolor libero. Donec malesuada erat sit amet ipsum facilisis tincidunt.\n\nNunc vel sem a odio pulvinar semper molestie at metus. In volutpat accumsan magna, non lacinia dui dapibus vitae. Nullam sit amet leo quis ex vulputate mattis. Proin ultrices enim id sapien interdum porttitor. Mauris eget arcu sed erat elementum porta. Mauris sed orci faucibus purus suscipit lacinia. Fusce et ante sit amet magna feugiat malesuada hendrerit ut ante. Quisque hendrerit nunc et hendrerit rhoncus. Nulla facilisi.\n\nQuisque posuere fringilla tortor, non placerat justo fringilla eget. Sed ullamcorper mollis dui vel sagittis. Nam porttitor aliquet odio, sed condimentum tortor malesuada eget. Nam rhoncus mi at dolor tempor congue. Nunc elementum efficitur ullamcorper. Ut nec pretium arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent et lorem et lacus mollis venenatis. Mauris vitae odio ante. Mauris ut varius nibh. Sed hendrerit posuere ipsum, quis iaculis est rutrum et. Nam ullamcorper semper lectus ut facilisis.\n\nVestibulum nec arcu vestibulum, malesuada mi eu, convallis erat. Morbi faucibus finibus justo eu ultrices. Praesent porttitor justo ligula, quis sodales sapien tempus ac. Quisque rhoncus sapien nec metus ultrices convallis. Etiam venenatis lacinia semper. Proin consectetur enim id urna aliquam, eget pellentesque erat pretium. Cras molestie tempus orci. Pellentesque fermentum vestibulum ex, sed volutpat urna pulvinar id. Fusce auctor lectus ligula, ac convallis velit posuere quis. Aenean id justo faucibus, porta augue eu, accumsan mauris. Phasellus leo ipsum, sollicitudin et ullamcorper vitae, gravida eget nisi. Morbi vulputate urna lacus, et lobortis dolor viverra in. Etiam ligula massa, blandit at posuere nec, elementum a libero. Vestibulum nisl massa, pulvinar et pellentesque quis, vehicula ut justo. ", "Insights": "\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sollicitudin tortor in eros ornare suscipit. Aliquam nec cursus tellus. Aliquam placerat ullamcorper nunc quis elementum. Praesent pellentesque ultricies odio, nec vehicula lacus. Maecenas nec molestie nisi, fringilla consequat ante. Nunc hendrerit ligula quis magna elementum, ullamcorper convallis urna lacinia. Pellentesque semper vulputate ex, eu bibendum tortor laoreet vel. Suspendisse malesuada ullamcorper nulla, quis tempor orci pellentesque ac. Aliquam eget congue nibh, dapibus aliquam ipsum. Duis venenatis sagittis nisl a scelerisque. Sed congue justo eros, at sollicitudin turpis pretium eu. Vestibulum mattis interdum metus, et feugiat tellus porta vel. Nullam lobortis elementum tristique. Nulla augue nisi, fermentum vehicula diam ornare, vehicula varius orci. Aenean leo elit, vulputate eget lorem at, euismod blandit dui.\n\nNam non sagittis dolor. Etiam molestie libero ut dui maximus, at sollicitudin nisl commodo. Aliquam et facilisis neque. Donec accumsan quam eget accumsan efficitur. Vivamus convallis nisl et sollicitudin aliquet. In at scelerisque leo. Duis non sapien fermentum dui placerat dignissim. Donec sed imperdiet erat. Suspendisse in dolor libero. Donec malesuada erat sit amet ipsum facilisis tincidunt.\n\nNunc vel sem a odio pulvinar semper molestie at metus. In volutpat accumsan magna, non lacinia dui dapibus vitae. Nullam sit amet leo quis ex vulputate mattis. Proin ultrices enim id sapien interdum porttitor. Mauris eget arcu sed erat elementum porta. Mauris sed orci faucibus purus suscipit lacinia. Fusce et ante sit amet magna feugiat malesuada hendrerit ut ante. Quisque hendrerit nunc et hendrerit rhoncus. Nulla facilisi.\n\nQuisque posuere fringilla tortor, non placerat justo fringilla eget. Sed ullamcorper mollis dui vel sagittis. Nam porttitor aliquet odio, sed condimentum tortor malesuada eget. Nam rhoncus mi at dolor tempor congue. Nunc elementum efficitur ullamcorper. Ut nec pretium arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent et lorem et lacus mollis venenatis. Mauris vitae odio ante. Mauris ut varius nibh. Sed hendrerit posuere ipsum, quis iaculis est rutrum et. Nam ullamcorper semper lectus ut facilisis.\n\nVestibulum nec arcu vestibulum, malesuada mi eu, convallis erat. Morbi faucibus finibus justo eu ultrices. Praesent porttitor justo ligula, quis sodales sapien tempus ac. Quisque rhoncus sapien nec metus ultrices convallis. Etiam venenatis lacinia semper. Proin consectetur enim id urna aliquam, eget pellentesque erat pretium. Cras molestie tempus orci. Pellentesque fermentum vestibulum ex, sed volutpat urna pulvinar id. Fusce auctor lectus ligula, ac convallis velit posuere quis. Aenean id justo faucibus, porta augue eu, accumsan mauris. Phasellus leo ipsum, sollicitudin et ullamcorper vitae, gravida eget nisi. Morbi vulputate urna lacus, et lobortis dolor viverra in. Etiam ligula massa, blandit at posuere nec, elementum a libero. Vestibulum nisl massa, pulvinar et pellentesque quis, vehicula ut justo. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_14_10_33_21_egg_holder_cad.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Test prototype 1", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "4111f475-8429-464b-9dc8-63f7c10d8007", "Rationale": "\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sollicitudin tortor in eros ornare suscipit. Aliquam nec cursus tellus. Aliquam placerat ullamcorper nunc quis elementum. Praesent pellentesque ultricies odio, nec vehicula lacus. Maecenas nec molestie nisi, fringilla consequat ante. Nunc hendrerit ligula quis magna elementum, ullamcorper convallis urna lacinia. Pellentesque semper vulputate ex, eu bibendum tortor laoreet vel. Suspendisse malesuada ullamcorper nulla, quis tempor orci pellentesque ac. Aliquam eget congue nibh, dapibus aliquam ipsum. Duis venenatis sagittis nisl a scelerisque. Sed congue justo eros, at sollicitudin turpis pretium eu. Vestibulum mattis interdum metus, et feugiat tellus porta vel. Nullam lobortis elementum tristique. Nulla augue nisi, fermentum vehicula diam ornare, vehicula varius orci. Aenean leo elit, vulputate eget lorem at, euismod blandit dui.\n\nNam non sagittis dolor. Etiam molestie libero ut dui maximus, at sollicitudin nisl commodo. Aliquam et facilisis neque. Donec accumsan quam eget accumsan efficitur. Vivamus convallis nisl et sollicitudin aliquet. In at scelerisque leo. Duis non sapien fermentum dui placerat dignissim. Donec sed imperdiet erat. Suspendisse in dolor libero. Donec malesuada erat sit amet ipsum facilisis tincidunt.\n\nNunc vel sem a odio pulvinar semper molestie at metus. In volutpat accumsan magna, non lacinia dui dapibus vitae. Nullam sit amet leo quis ex vulputate mattis. Proin ultrices enim id sapien interdum porttitor. Mauris eget arcu sed erat elementum porta. Mauris sed orci faucibus purus suscipit lacinia. Fusce et ante sit amet magna feugiat malesuada hendrerit ut ante. Quisque hendrerit nunc et hendrerit rhoncus. Nulla facilisi.\n\nQuisque posuere fringilla tortor, non placerat justo fringilla eget. Sed ullamcorper mollis dui vel sagittis. Nam porttitor aliquet odio, sed condimentum tortor malesuada eget. Nam rhoncus mi at dolor tempor congue. Nunc elementum efficitur ullamcorper. Ut nec pretium arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent et lorem et lacus mollis venenatis. Mauris vitae odio ante. Mauris ut varius nibh. Sed hendrerit posuere ipsum, quis iaculis est rutrum et. Nam ullamcorper semper lectus ut facilisis.\n\nVestibulum nec arcu vestibulum, malesuada mi eu, convallis erat. Morbi faucibus finibus justo eu ultrices. Praesent porttitor justo ligula, quis sodales sapien tempus ac. Quisque rhoncus sapien nec metus ultrices convallis. Etiam venenatis lacinia semper. Proin consectetur enim id urna aliquam, eget pellentesque erat pretium. Cras molestie tempus orci. Pellentesque fermentum vestibulum ex, sed volutpat urna pulvinar id. Fusce auctor lectus ligula, ac convallis velit posuere quis. Aenean id justo faucibus, porta augue eu, accumsan mauris. Phasellus leo ipsum, sollicitudin et ullamcorper vitae, gravida eget nisi. Morbi vulputate urna lacus, et lobortis dolor viverra in. Etiam ligula massa, blandit at posuere nec, elementum a libero. Vestibulum nisl massa, pulvinar et pellentesque quis, vehicula ut justo. 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"Images": [ "2022_04_25_07_29_23_yodaVERGE.jpeg", "2022_04_25_07_29_48_yodaVERGE.jpeg", "2022_04_25_07_30_05_yodaVERGE.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "First Prototype", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "94732082-3126-466d-8aa3-eb4684642c41", "Rationale": "To try out this new great idea I had", "Tags": "Concept generation; Great ideas" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "15", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T07:32:55.234Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Insights": "Seems like a good idea still", "Description": "Developed the first sketch into a CAD model", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_07_32_53_Baby-Yoda-3D-print-1024x683.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Second sketch ", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "00542013-74df-4eaa-aabc-1cba08ad7131", "Rationale": "Refine the sketch we had made", "Tags": "Concept generation; Great ideas" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "16", 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"Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_08_59_25_prototype.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Test", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "31a1833c-dd92-457e-ad35-65891435887d", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "44", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T09:25:20.500Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Insights": "", "Description": "Bullet points of where to capture energy from water", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_09_25_14_Skjermbilde_2022-04-25_kl._11.25.03.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Whiteboard bullet points", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "48f1574b-d642-4d4a-ac19-938573d229db", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "45", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:00:22.900Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Axial turbine inside a pipe with generator mounted at bottom. Inspired by use case for hiking trips where you get water from rivers and streams.", "Insights": "Learned that electronics should be kept outside of water.", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_00_19_IMG_6901.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Axial turbine design concept for rivers and streams", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "3dd8d87b-cb85-4aae-a164-2a8a652b5c5e", "Rationale": "Explore.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "46", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:02:43.355Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Assuming water speed should be increased, a flexible funnel can be made (from silicone paper?) to guide the water into the turbine from the river or stream.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_02_41_IMG_6902.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Funnel", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "f392aa55-c228-4628-be2d-80dfb7d3ce7e", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "47", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:04:21.901Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Assuming turbine design should be kept compact, turbine blades can be designed to be foldable to fit in a pack.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_04_19_IMG_6903.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Foldable turbine blade", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "6dbb842f-2ca8-4ca1-b7f3-f83e677d63ef", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "48", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:06:01.591Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Assuming turbine design should be compact, blades can be removed to fit in a pack.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_05_59_IMG_6904.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Removable turbine blades", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "6c70851b-484d-4aa9-9aa3-16998a7fe6f9", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "49", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:08:52.624Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Off-center turbine with inlet- and outlet manifolds could allow for efficient design.", "Insights": "Allows electronics to be kept completely out of water. No need for seals.", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_08_49_IMG_6905.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Off-center Radial Turbine Design", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "45d2b44b-e40f-4b8d-8262-4f7cd6d7f5f0", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "50", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:14:03.443Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Assuming pressure in reservoir is not high enough, pressure can be manually increased by using a pump (bike pump, suspension pump, etc).", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_14_02_IMG_6906.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Pump for manually increasing pressure", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "94da9c4a-ab73-4277-94b4-b42087484bf7", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "51", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:17:09.411Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "\"Otter fishing concept\" creating alternating movement. Can be dragged along boat, or placed in stream.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_17_07_IMG_6907.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Otter Design ", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "affa6e9c-aaf3-49c9-913f-b62b2edb833c", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "52", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:21:24.713Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Inspired by London subway escalators, generating electricity from footsteps", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_21_14_IMG_6908.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Pressure Mat for Collecting Energy from Raindrops", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "2d83789a-fccb-40a2-bbd5-73ae095430c6", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "53", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:24:43.654Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Foldable self standing device that can be placed on the floor and unfolded like an umbrella in order to collect rain and generate power.", "Insights": "The use case of standing next to the device during rain is not realistic (who would stand on the rain to charge a phone) and too specific.", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_23_18_Inverse_umbrella_1.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Self-standing inverse umbrella", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "6e6833a9-14a4-415e-a828-bf828fa87860", "Rationale": "In order to communicate the idea with other members and explore the potential use case.", "Tags": "Umbrella; hiking" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "54", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:29:55.366Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Device that you put on the end of the gutter and use it to charge a phone.", "Insights": "This use case should be improved so that the user can stay in the house while charging the phone.", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_28_59_Gutter_1.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Gutter design", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "32578d30-d3e6-4dcc-b18e-77bcaef56e6f", "Rationale": "To communicate the idea and another use case for the prototype.", "Tags": "gutter; house" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "55", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:38:55.295Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Umbrella that collects rain and has generator.", "Insights": "we are affraid that the energy might not be enough", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_38_50_Inverse_umbrella_2.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Inverse umbrella", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "e1726723-acce-48ac-8665-6147696cab0a", "Rationale": "To explore potential use case", "Tags": "Umbrella; hiking; walking" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "56", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:39:22.853Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking", "card_foam_modelling" ], "Insights": "Innlet has a significant influence on the turbine blades and dimensions are good for a hose inlet", "Description": "Offset carboard turbine to investegate early stage dimensions", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_36_52_20220425_123218.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "2. Offset carboard turbine for connection to reservoir", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "23a02ec0-edbc-49b0-b629-b17cfe00eb28", "Rationale": "Exploring protoype dimentions and design", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "57", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:41:38.763Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Electrical energy is generated from rain flow in house gutters. The hydro-generator has a cable leading to the house bedroom.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_41_04_WhatsApp_Image_2022-04-25_at_12.32.20_PM.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "*Gutter - bedroom charger", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "39d61b1f-a3e2-4aaa-930a-867b7f8d913b", "Rationale": "One of the main phone charging places is sleeping space (along with living and/or working space). Thus the idea/prototype connect (extreme) rains with the place where phones are charged the most.", "Tags": "gutter; bedroom" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "58", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:41:43.291Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking", "other" ], "Description": "Plastic bag with plastic tube to create a large flexible funnel and a static hole for the water to run through", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_41_15_IMG_9111.MOV", "2022_04_25_10_41_30_Skjermbilde_2022-04-25_kl._12.37.21.png", "2022_04_25_10_41_32_Skjermbilde_2022-04-25_kl._12.37.25.png", "2022_04_25_10_41_35_Skjermbilde_2022-04-25_kl._12.37.29.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "2. Plastic bag with tube", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "3696b3f1-cb39-409e-9275-4fd07ecf8cf5", "Rationale": "To investegate how much water can flow through", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "59", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:44:10.990Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "The device that is placed in the river and uses its flow to generate energy.", "Insights": "The prototype has potential, but the use case is too narrow. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_43_53_River_1.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "River charger", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "f0408509-47b1-4fee-99e9-54fcb8031439", "Rationale": "To investigate potential use case.", "Tags": "river; water flow" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "60", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:51:14.996Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking" ], "Description": "Place turbine at end of tube/pipe/funnel", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_50_14_IMG_6915.HEIC", "2022_04_25_10_50_28_IMG_6915.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "2. Axial turbine design ugly prototype for rivers and streams", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "fdbbeb82-7c23-4c67-a58d-f29ccbcd52bb", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "61", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:53:50.136Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "A city column with a funnel on the top is used to collect rain. Rain then goes to a hydro-generator that generates electrical energy. The generated energy is stored in the battery positioned in a column; furthermore, a few charging cables are peeping from the battery/column. The user could use it in both scenarios: when it's raining and when it is not. When it is raining, the user is protected by the shape of the funnel (umbrella-like).", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_53_33_WhatsApp_Image_2022-04-25_at_12.32.19_PM.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "City column charger", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "746becdf-1c91-4cdd-a9c4-1ede83cc39b5", "Rationale": "There is a need for phone charging during city commuting.", "Tags": "funnel; city column; umbrella; battery" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "62", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:58:17.352Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical", "kits" ], "Insights": "It works, simple diode shows that it works. Next step is to connect measurement more than 0/1, exact numbers", "Description": "Stepper motor generator", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_58_12_278831172_5360388643985253_4804836640856633117_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Generator prototype", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "be6b97b2-22e8-48b6-b91a-3685ccded7a2", "Rationale": "Getting quantitative data of power generation", "Tags": "generator" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "63", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T10:58:41.250Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Hydro-generator is placed on the chiffon pipe, using the water flow from a sink. The Charging cable goes to the kitchen working area. ", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_10_58_17_WhatsApp_Image_2022-04-25_at_12.32.20_PM_(1).jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Chiffon Charger", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "d2cb53fa-12e9-4295-bbb9-41ffc084c51f", "Rationale": "Water flow from chiffon can be used to generated energy.", "Tags": "kitchen; chiffon; sink" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "64", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T11:15:12.727Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Hydro-generator is placed at the end of the kitchen pipe, using the water flow from the pipe while dish washing or topping a glass. The Charging cable goes to the kitchen working area. ", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_11_15_11_WhatsApp_Image_2022-04-25_at_12.32.20_PM_(2).jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Pipe charger", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "7b21069b-bc76-4023-8af6-9fd12cf19430", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "kitchen; pipe" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "65", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T11:25:10.917Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Hydro-generator is placed on the shower pipe before the showerhead. ", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_11_25_08_WhatsApp_Image_2022-04-25_at_12.32.20_PM_(3).jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Shower charger", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "58d895cb-a16e-4057-87cf-8b0637852c03", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "shower; pipe" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "66", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T11:35:03.888Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Hydro-generator together with a battery is placed on the toilet pipe. Charger peeps from the battery.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_11_34_00_IMG_2289.HEIC", "2022_04_25_12_46_43_IMG_2289.HEIC", "2022_04_25_12_46_43_IMG_2289.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Toilet charger", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "5abfcd7c-ae1e-4f9f-a5ad-73cdbfdf0849", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "bathroom; toilet" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "67", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T11:35:45.220Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Water discharge from car washing station is used to power generator which generates energy to charge your mobile phone", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_11_31_24_IMG_20220425_125938.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Car wash", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "42ab8cc5-575f-49a4-aa27-748c12f19f27", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "car wash; water discharge" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "68", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T11:50:21.749Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Waterfall is used to power generator and charge mobile phone.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_11_50_10_IMG_20220425_125948.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Waterfall tourist attraction", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "011395d9-b88e-404e-82c0-363ee23ee64c", "Rationale": "Waterfalls are often far away from the nearest electrical distribution network. Tourists can use waterfall to charge their phones and it can become a tourist attraction where they can learn something about electricity generation process.", "Tags": "waterfall; tourist attraction" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "69", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T11:56:00.484Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Potential energy from water in the swimming pool is used when the pool is discharged to charge battery which is later used to charge mobile phone by pool visitors.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_11_55_54_IMG_20220425_125954.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Pool water discharge", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "19fd7496-467f-4587-8c3c-fc4e989e1328", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "pool; water discharge" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "70", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T12:00:27.482Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Kinetic energy in fountain is used to power generator which produces electrical energy to charge mobile phones.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_11_58_51_IMG_20220425_130016.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Fountain", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "ac61cdc5-1ca3-4744-97d3-830a595a0f71", "Rationale": "Energy is already used to power the fountains but some of it can be collected for reuse.", "Tags": "fountain" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "71", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T12:04:51.393Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Water in water pipes is used to power generator to produce electrical energy for mobile phone charging station.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_12_02_16_IMG_20220425_130028.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Water pipes", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "87cb5c82-cb78-454b-accd-081b07d23e2b", "Rationale": "Water in water supply system, sewage and drainage system often has significant amounts of energy which can be utilized for electricity production.", "Tags": "water pipes" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "72", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T12:05:16.524Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "card_foam_modelling" ], "Description": "Cardboard ", "Insights": "Internat sealing and dimensions are crucial for efficiency ", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_12_01_14_IMG_6922.MOV", "2022_04_25_12_04_17_20220425_140306.jpg", "2022_04_25_12_04_59_IMG_6922.MOV" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "3. offset cardboard turbine with rotation", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "6fe3ec4a-80d7-4fda-875c-c61201438dd9", "Rationale": "Testing rotation princip", "Tags": "test" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "73", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T12:44:28.467Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching", "junking", "sculpting" ], "Description": "Here, Ideas was how to integrate this entire concept into a backpack so that users do not have to carry additional equipment with them. We identified MUST have elements from the design challenge and tried to integrate some of them into the backpack. ", "Insights": "1. Farmers (Our users) actually carry backpacks with tools with them so if we integrate turbine blades as a back support as shown in the picture, that could actually help their back. It takes away a portion of the weight. \n2. Small turbine blades need to be carefully integrated into circular disks supporting them otherwise they will fall in the wrong direction making device useless. \n2. For another idea inspired by the windmill, With just enough thickness of the belts, it is possible to integrate that into the backpack's belts as shown in the picture. It will help save space inside the backpack. \n3. We also noticed that size of the turbine blade is very crucial since we have limited space inside the backpack, but increasing it any further will frustrate the users. \n4. Integrate or semi-modular design could be a good approach in a long run since chances of forgetting part of the device are low since they are integrated in the backpack but also, it might be a little tricky to make at the beginning. \n", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_12_42_12_IMG_20220425_145229.jpg", "2022_04_25_12_42_19_IMG_20220425_145209.jpg", "2022_04_25_12_42_24_IMG_20220425_134314.jpg", "2022_04_25_12_42_29_IMG_20220425_132854.jpg", "2022_04_25_12_42_39_IMG_20220425_132534.jpg", "2022_04_25_12_42_48_VID_20220425_132500.mp4", "2022_04_25_12_42_53_IMG_20220425_133449.jpg", "2022_04_25_12_43_05_IMG_20220425_133449.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "*Design Integration Idea 1 and 2: Different ways to integrate turbine blade into a backpack", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "f1b6af07-7395-40c1-8c4c-ec06e7483773", "Rationale": "This particular design was made to identify key elements such as, 1) How the user will feel wearing this modified backpack, 2) Is the design feasible? 3) What assembly challenges we can expect? 4) Is it possible to design a portable device that integrates into a backpack at least to a certain extent. \n\nWe were able to make these prototypes from the scrap material lying around which sort of gave us confidence that design might work. ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "74", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T12:47:42.038Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking" ], "Description": "Same as last one, but with stiffener-circle to allow to keep the structure while putting it in a river", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_12_46_49_IMG_9114.HEIC", "2022_04_25_12_46_52_IMG_9116.MOV", "2022_04_25_12_46_55_IMG_9117.HEIC", "2022_04_25_12_46_58_IMG_9119.HEIC", "2022_04_25_12_47_33_Skjermbilde_2022-04-25_kl._14.47.07.png", "2022_04_25_12_47_36_Skjermbilde_2022-04-25_kl._14.47.13.png", "2022_04_25_12_47_40_Skjermbilde_2022-04-25_kl._14.47.18.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "3. Plastic-bag-pipe", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "78b66dd5-c432-4c84-b299-a841b9236ad8", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "75", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T12:50:31.274Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "Plexi offset portable prototype", "Insights": "Designing for laser cutter has some limitations and dimensions are hard to place", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_12_49_44_Turbine_plexi.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "4. Plexi offset turbine", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "2fcdce4f-0948-4e40-b797-57d6645d2654", "Rationale": "Functioning prototype to enable exploration of water reservoir heights and designs", "Tags": "plexi" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "76", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T12:57:18.147Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "sketching" ], "Description": "We are going to provide a portable hydropower generator that can be used in multiple situations. We firstly were inspired by Indian farmers' stories. Because of the limitation of electricity, they are only available to pump water and water plants during the middle night. They have to use phone flashlights and this easily use up batteries of their mobile phones. We are aiming to help them at this point. In that situation, we identified three key needs from them: 1) their phone need to be charged; 2) they are moving during the middle night work so they need accessibility of charging their phones in different locations; 3) their system is controlled by a phone in somewhere in the farmland and that phone is lack of charging source sometimes, so they also need to charge that phone. \nIn out initial prototype, we choose screw hydro turbine because it has the most efficiency of getting power and longitudinal increases the contact area between the water flow and the turbine. Our idea is that it should be small and easily to be putted into any places that have water flow, e.g., where the pump delivering water to the farm land. It is small that can be easily to put into a backpack. Also, it has a manual handle to get extra energy when needed. ", "Insights": "We understand how to explore different context under the same topic, and how to do a basic research about hydropower system. We also find out some key limitations of this hydropower, such as low efficiency, lack of accessibility of water sources and so on. All the limitations should be considered into the design.", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_12_57_10_Proto.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Design Integration Idea - Multi-function hydropower machine", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "bf4b4361-d851-4194-9186-55021e540923", "Rationale": "We wish to help Indian farmers to charge their phone in the farm land when they are watering plants during the middle night. Also, it should be used in other scenarios, such as camping.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "77", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T12:57:25.617Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "A tank on the top of a house roof collects rain. The rain from the tank on the top of the roof flows (when needed) to the other tank positioned lower than the top one. While water/rain flows in the pipe propels the hydro-powered generator. The energy generated is accumulated in the battery/power bank used for phone charging.\nThe water from the lower tank can be used for gardening or car washing.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_12_56_02_IMG_2290.HEIC", "2022_04_25_13_04_18_IMG_2290.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Multifuncional House Tank Charger", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "8d9e7a02-46f0-444b-82ef-5f0a9ba26e8f", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "tank; battery; gardening" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "78", "labels": [ "User" ], "properties": { "Role": "USER", "Email": "daniel.miler@fsb.hr", "DisplayName": "Daniel Miler", "ID": "155dd706-f5fc-4920-a526-f386b9903906", "Password": "$2b$10$x7QEpgAQ1KoGyihv2/OGt.N8Cy.GU0nEpkeVswELom8D7vlO8t2JO", "Created": 1650891943149 } }, { "type": "node", "id": "79", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T13:14:24.113Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "The prototype is characterized by two interfaces. The first interface (INT1) allows the user to mount each of the changeable input modules. Those include the umbrella, the gutter segment, and the kitchen pipe. The second interface (INT2) is used to secure the generator (GEN) to the surroundings. Two types are available - bolted plate and the tripod (i.e., for the use with the umbrella).", "Insights": "This prototype helped us to think more abstract - we started exploring the possibilities not strictly included in the task (i.e., using the generator to also harness wind energy).", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_13_15_42_Modular_design_1.pdf" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Modular design 1", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "66dcfcd1-4b21-4e47-a120-c18d36c117b3", "Rationale": "The prototype was made to explore the possibility of using the modular design. We aimed to improve the area of applicability of the concept.", "Tags": "modular; kitchen; umbrella; gutter" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "80", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T13:18:14.599Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Mobile phone application can collect some data from weather forecast, sensors near the electricity generator and mobile phone location to notify mobile phone users about good times for charging mobile phone if weather related source of energy is used.", "Insights": "People do not like to use unreliable weather-dependant charging solutions.", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_13_16_55_IMG_20220425_151546.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Mobile phone application", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "85f2c781-2925-449a-92a1-c724cae9167f", "Rationale": "Mobile phone users would like to use cheaper and more eco-friendly mobile phone charging solutions when they are available. Rain is used to create energy, but also contributes to higher mobile phone usage since people are less physically active and spend more time indoors.", "Tags": "mobile phone application; weather forecast" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "81", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T13:19:03.082Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical", "coding", "kits" ], "Description": "Measuring the current from the generator. Testing first iteration.", "Insights": "learned that we get some data out of it, does not make fully sense right now though. Next iteration is to measure it properly", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_13_18_54_IMG_20220425_151349.jpg", "2022_04_25_13_18_59_IMG_20220425_151352.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "1. current measurement prototype 1", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "a98f23ca-a6cc-4f73-80e1-52c6eb420f79", "Rationale": "Need to measure the power from the generator", "Tags": "generator" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "82", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T13:20:55.144Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Insights": "The design team briefly explored the necessary wind conditions that will produce sufficient amount of power.", "Description": "This design is a refinement of the previously generated \"Modular design 1\". An additional interface was placed onto the generator shaft, enabling the user to mount the wind turbine module. The wind turbine blades can be de-attached to make the device more compact. This will further expand the design area of applicability.", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_13_22_13_Modular_design_2_-_wind_turbine.pdf" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Modular design 2 - wind turbine", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "c5d5f854-6748-4725-a0e8-139ffb3e2944", "Rationale": "After we created the \"Modular design 1\", we started exploring additional possibilities and modules. One of those was the wind turbine module. ", "Tags": "modular; wind" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "83", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T13:31:38.183Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Energy is generated by a small hydro-powered turbine behind the kayak while kayaking.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_13_30_44_IMG_2291.heic" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Kayaking charger", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "c306517d-369a-43ec-9213-9e9795743577", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "kayaking" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "84", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T13:48:06.271Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical" ], "Description": "Added extra circuit stuff, resistance, capacitor", "Insights": "Works well, more even light in the led. Next step higher quality current measurement", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_13_47_41_IMG_20220425_154453.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "2. generator design", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "4a5bd688-c25c-47d1-8804-f57a2a89f359", "Rationale": "Refining generator and current measurement setup. Moving towards correct voltage etc. Testing mechanics", "Tags": "generator" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "85", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T13:49:08.034Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Modular design 1 was further refined to also include the adapter which enables mounting on the bike shaft. Part of the torque used to drive the bike is used to generate the electricity.", "Insights": "The design team discussed whether the generator will have a significant effect on the necessary human-produced torque.", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_13_50_25_Modular_design_3_-_bike.pdf" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Modular design 3 - bike", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "623afb31-da91-4f44-90d4-ea01303cf396", "Rationale": "Modular designs 1 and 2 were further refined to also include the bike mounting.", "Tags": "modular; bike" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "86", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T13:50:44.503Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_detailed_drawing", "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "Plexi prototype for testing electronics and water reservoirs", "Insights": "Last itteration 4. plexi was to weak and broke. needed bigger dimentions", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_13_50_30_Turbine_plexi2_.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "5. Plexi turbine with offsett 2", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "28b4d69c-ef0f-4b2d-907b-82cc3c8be4ab", "Rationale": "Testing of offset turbine design with new dimentions", "Tags": "plexi" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "87", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T13:55:41.020Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "laser_cutting" ], "Description": "Laser cutting of turbine in plexi", "Insights": "The dimensions were too weak, everything needed to be twice the dimensions to not break.", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_13_55_19_20220425_155323.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "4.5 Broken plexi turbine blade", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "37ebec1b-bd28-4e90-be76-59b8edb33c55", "Rationale": "Prototype for testing new concepts", "Tags": "plexi" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "88", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T13:57:40.471Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_detailed_drawing", "cad_mock_up" ], "Insights": "", "Description": "Adapter from circular tube to rectangular housing inlet. Connecting the hose to the turbine housing\n", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_13_57_38_Skjermbilde_2022-04-25_kl._15.53.17.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Adapter from hose to turbine", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "332946f0-7b14-4dc4-be3a-13ae11138dc7", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "89", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T13:57:49.381Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking" ], "Description": "Gear concept for having generator outside water with axial mounted turbine.", "Insights": "Gear system should be 3D-printed.\nGear system is fragile and requires many moving parts working together (complicates design).", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_13_56_53_IMG_6924.HEIC", "2022_04_25_13_56_58_IMG_6927.HEIC", "2022_04_25_13_57_07_IMG_6929.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "3. Axial turbine with gearing", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "bfb8a996-ce94-4518-99e6-a1dbcc8e5c58", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "90", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T13:59:12.751Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "laser_cutting", "3d_printing" ], "Insights": "The dimensions needs to be accurate and bearing would improve rotation", "Description": "Fysical plexi prototype", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_13_58_58_Image_from_iOS.MOV" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "6. Plexi offset turbine assembled", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "2c838f18-62de-45e6-b37e-bf089278be5e", "Rationale": "Turbine for testing electronics and reservoirs in addition to active learning of making a turbine", "Tags": "plexi" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "91", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:11:08.019Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Initial concept from exisiting knowledge", "Insights": "people liked it", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_11_05_278912960_1694544640883085_2821798971323087040_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Initial pelton wheel concept", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "759b5c4c-4e2b-47b6-a726-e000108d0311", "Rationale": "To convey the concept to each other within the team and explore potential concepts", "Tags": "initial sketches; pelton;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "92", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:15:30.269Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other", "sketching" ], "Insights": "ditto as pelton", "Description": "Sketch of francis wheel to convey concept and explore option", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_15_18_Screenshot_2022-04-25_151504.png", "2022_04_25_14_25_43_279091998_536530284754023_462947217075105248_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Initial Francis turbine concept sketch", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "d90ef804-90d5-412f-8886-9894bccbe481", "Rationale": "Same as pelton wheel but for francis", "Tags": "initial sketches; francis;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "93", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:19:13.080Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Same as pelton and francis, but thrid option", "Insights": "people liked it", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_19_06_278900454_689879648797554_1487790094037054911_n.jpg", "2022_04_25_14_19_11_278635567_1380406109142094_6085242441296684448_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Initial turbine concept", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "3848e286-ee61-403f-9875-360f91ea8e4a", "Rationale": "Same as pelton and francis", "Tags": "initial sketchs; turbine;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "94", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:21:38.556Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Insights": "Pelton wheel seems the best bet", "Description": "Selected scenario and concept based on pugh matrix", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_21_37_279053588_409587614342617_5298212150406754902_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Concept selection", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "6efb25d0-ed1a-4557-95e0-c7193f20ecfa", "Rationale": "Needed to select our route forwards", "Tags": "initial sketches; concept selection;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "95", "labels": [ "User" ], "properties": { "Role": "USER", "Email": "rballantyne1303@yahoo.co.uk", "DisplayName": "Robert ballantyne", "ID": "11d4e857-3e69-48ba-895a-e2e38dc1bab9", "Created": 1650896575793, "Password": "$2b$10$rU6jPPa.muGe.7xWn5YoLOnM.B2o5D4sJ8y3ZWYIZ4YSndc0G.gHe" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "96", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:24:55.103Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching", "hand_calc" ], "Description": "Finalising the scenario in which our concept will operate", "Insights": "Worked out height and head and other operational parameters", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_24_54_279130299_696371378229435_1629318886566418752_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Scenario selection", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "9ea0f4eb-d3d8-4662-9e63-20b061d20e96", "Rationale": "In order to increase our undersatnding of the best scenario to operate in, we did a dive on potential options and came up with this.", "Tags": "scenario; pelton;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "97", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:28:17.876Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Insights": "identified required tasks and probale needed prototypes", "Description": "Functional decomposition", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_28_15_278861268_471778078027206_1704320699758865743_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Breakdown of product - wheel", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "6c171b7e-7275-4c64-b184-2b15e37071ce", "Rationale": "Wanted to break down the product into smaller subsections to identify required design tasks ", "Tags": "functional decomposition;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "98", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:33:12.043Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "An outline of how the design will work", "Insights": "we broke down the concept into its constituent subsystems", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_33_10_278979854_529932671835749_5975614318915749010_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Pelton wheel concept*", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "6956b13d-3dd4-40a3-a22a-3493fed30b1c", "Rationale": "TO communicate the idea and its subsystems", "Tags": "pelton;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "99", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:35:11.310Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "hand_calc", "other" ], "Insights": "same as wheel", "Description": "Same as for wheel", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_35_10_278876115_1076319013300560_616639195511756369_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "breakdown of product - tube", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "f3fc3e5b-f41d-44cc-a909-90d1088e7c0d", "Rationale": "same as wheel", "Tags": "pelton; functional decomposition;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "100", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:38:21.029Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching", "other" ], "Insights": "same as wheel", "Description": "same as wheel", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_38_19_278929770_495912888981861_514756315320909612_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "breakdown of product - electronics and drive", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "ad9dd1b5-0a37-47d2-ba5f-8bcacd003198", "Rationale": "same as wheel", "Tags": "pelton, functional decomposition" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "101", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:39:29.576Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching", "other" ], "Insights": "same as wheel", "Description": "same as wheel", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_39_27_279176518_1103150560246123_9026570254151919857_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "breakdown of product - nozzle", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "f4c61175-7f50-4814-9ecf-1d7c0088ad62", "Rationale": "same as wheel", "Tags": "pelton; functional decomposition;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "102", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:44:39.905Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Spitballing nozzle designs within the group", "Insights": "Decided on what options to investigate and in which order", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_44_28_278832762_2498728126929576_5545100061862359979_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Nozzle designs", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "53a75a37-e268-4830-9041-9bf32ce8c2c3", "Rationale": "explore the potential options", "Tags": "pelton; nozzle;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "103", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:46:30.477Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Spitballing more ideas, this one has potential to be better at jet controll, but is more complex. ", "Insights": "see descirption, could be good but might be too complex. thought of a way to test different spear placement", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_46_18_278910173_1151756588917843_4447977174641161800_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "webster and spear nozzle sketch", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "c553ae83-e252-4188-8adb-4311070d7911", "Rationale": "Spitballing ideas", "Tags": "nozzle; webster; spear;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "104", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:49:36.486Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Explanation of a concept of how to maintain a constant head of water.", "Insights": "we need to buy a 2l bottle of coke. - also thinking about interfaces and how we do it", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_49_35_278917738_761896985183282_4014403698074686615_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Head storage sketch", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "5584a8bb-9a40-490f-bce9-d7813f91e7ac", "Rationale": "to convey a concept to the group.", "Tags": "tube; water;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "105", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:52:35.223Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Insights": "We think it'll work, now to make it", "Description": "Need a way to compare different vanes and nozzles, this was our concept", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_52_12_278959841_501985741568103_4185608070804241294_n.jpg", "2022_04_25_14_52_19_278850474_1152486595546488_6732348025934080924_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Test rig for testing performance of vanes and nozzles - sketch", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "76a14ba8-09f5-4da9-a790-1a754d6f5b94", "Rationale": "We need to test? easier than testing full concepts, doesn't need a wheel and is numerically comparable", "Tags": "testing; nozzles; vanes;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "106", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:53:01.842Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical", "coding" ], "Description": "Includes all electronics components, including motor, sensor, bridge rectifier to provide DC input to power sensor, and Arduino", "Insights": "stepper motor wiring is more complex that initially estimated, learned how to setup serial communication with sensor from Arduino", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_28_00_279033225_1172353830228508_4811408325832827497_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Electronics Model", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "3732013a-82ec-4c1f-8e60-fe09b923df50", "Rationale": "The prototype was made in order to learn how to correctly connect and process the output of the motor such that its power output could be read by the Arduino via the power sensor", "Tags": "Breadboard" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "107", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:54:09.285Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Sketch of plug style hose connector", "Insights": "Not sure it will work, we will look for other options off the shelf", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_54_08_279095714_401168161585853_8412454982029331655_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Tube connector", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "907bf8af-2127-4294-abf5-72a7a26c1921", "Rationale": "Exploring options of nozzle interfaces", "Tags": "sketch; hose; connector;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "108", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:56:54.624Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "3d_printing" ], "Description": "A test connector between a bottletop and hose ends bought at shop.", "Insights": "It did, but leaks a bit under pressure - needs some waterproofing.", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_56_43_279206698_1187728315309160_6025654193040602040_n.jpg", "2022_04_25_14_56_47_bottle_connector_3.stl", "2022_04_25_14_56_52_279145858_279543870932969_2494521369754306385_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Bottle hose connector", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "e0de50c2-e1af-45a2-a4a9-c58119d4f981", "Rationale": "Needed to test whether a 3D printed adapter would work", "Tags": "connectors; tube;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "109", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:58:01.240Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "Commencement of shaping the Kaplan profile", "Insights": "Endless possibilities to design a blade profile", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_57_57_Screenshot_2022-04-25_165604.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Initial CAD model *", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "936203b4-c0d9-403b-871c-011970a7eff8", "Rationale": "To have a model for 3D printing", "Tags": "CAD" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "110", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T14:58:57.661Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking" ], "Description": "Testing that the head from a single m of water gave some force on the water.", "Insights": "Looks good! now we need something a bit longer!", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_14_58_56_Image_from_iOS.MOV", "2022_04_25_15_08_17_Image_from_iOS.MOV" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Tube Test", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "338d78e6-3e07-4bfc-b03a-cdfbc512c901", "Rationale": "Wanted to get a \"feel\" for the force due to water head.", "Tags": "tubes; water;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "111", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T15:01:05.006Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "kits" ], "Description": "", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_15_00_42_Image_from_iOS_(2).jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Lego Model", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "9e8795e9-61c8-46ff-a3e0-b4143804ff95", "Rationale": "Lego models help to understand the basic design scenario to be created and communicated. ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "112", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T15:01:34.787Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "kits" ], "Description": "Initial set up of test rig. - LEGO.", "Insights": "Its a bit rubbish, but a good first try.", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_15_01_29_Image_from_iOS.jpg", "2022_04_25_15_01_32_Image_from_iOS_(1).jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Test rig v1", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "58a4e142-f3f2-4a60-92a8-96ccfb7328cc", "Rationale": "Need to test baby", "Tags": "lego; testing; nozzles; vanes;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "113", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-25T15:05:40.222Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "3d_printing" ], "Description": "Test that fusion generated BSP threads work with the store bought pipe adaptors.", "Insights": "Works a treat! but is very tight so will need to put some flanges (like wing nuts - ish?) on the nozzles so we can get them on and off.", "Images": [ "2022_04_25_15_05_35_Image_from_iOS_(3).jpg", "2022_04_25_15_05_38_Image_from_iOS_(2).jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Test male BSP thread for nozzles", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "d2e2010a-cc63-4f75-9a66-1fb369fc3f0c", "Rationale": "Needed to test the thread worked before printing a load of test nozzles.", "Tags": "Testing; hoses; connectors; nozzles;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "114", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T08:56:44.044Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Description": "Added PTFE tape to check whether this stops leaks", "Insights": "Yes, but there is still some leaking from the bottle - might add more tape?\n", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_08_56_41_279148089_294921062817624_1527651037744816480_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Bottle hose connector w ptfe tape", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "b249524a-0889-449c-b9de-aa4e67896a35", "Rationale": "Check if ptfe tape helps reduce leaks", "Tags": "connectors; water;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "115", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T09:08:27.486Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Insights": "No leaks! job done.", "Description": "will more ptfe tape work?", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_09_08_24_279033071_408247550753271_555512729170138305_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "bottle hose connector EVEN MORE PTFE", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "a19e0f1a-84df-406c-a108-fd19cee0b87b", "Rationale": "Need no leaks", "Tags": "water; connectors;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "116", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T09:57:34.956Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking" ], "Insights": "", "Description": "2L waterjug with valve underneeth to control waterflow for future testing", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_09_57_33_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._11.57.25.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Waterjug with valve", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "f55d9e2d-48f5-48bf-9fcb-258f02ff3fbd", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "117", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T10:05:42.381Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical", "coding" ], "Description": "Measuring using mutimeter as reference. Drill as power generation", "Insights": "something wrong with the voltage measurement", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_10_05_37_IMG_20220426_115746.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "3. generator and power measurement", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "a33ea7c9-12c3-458e-9b2f-3ca9ce839419", "Rationale": "validating power measurement", "Tags": "generator" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "118", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T10:09:36.390Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "manual_tool" ], "Description": "Tube added to test with water", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_10_08_14_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._12.05.10.png", "2022_04_26_10_09_25_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._12.05.15.png", "2022_04_26_10_09_32_IMG_9127.MOV" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "7. Plexi offsett turbine watertest", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "f10f8cb4-a404-45c7-bcb4-616c7f4eb5b5", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "119", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T10:11:21.101Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking", "manual_tool" ], "Insights": "", "Description": "Assembly of the plastic bag and plexi turbine - plexi housing system", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_10_11_11_IMG_9129.MOV", "2022_04_26_10_11_19_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._12.05.10.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "*8. Plexy offsett turbine mounted with plastic bag", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "0b1522c6-f5da-48f6-a303-e581095cca77", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "Assembly" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "120", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T10:31:14.627Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical" ], "Description": "Setup including stepper motor, a dummy load and an oscilloscope reading off the voltage over the dummy load", "Insights": "the output of the motor does need to be rectified", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_10_31_11_279089473_2216621188505547_8224184963661511952_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Stepper Motor Signal Test", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "e69515ce-fcd5-4cdc-9769-9995d917f018", "Rationale": "Need to verify that the output of the motor required rectifying", "Tags": "Breadboard; Oscilloscope" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "121", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T11:20:17.872Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "3d_printing" ], "Description": "A simple nozzle to use on the test rig before we get a better one", "Insights": "Nozzles are good, but theres definitely room for improvement", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_11_20_14_Nozzlewithnose.stl" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Original conical nozzle with spout", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "0bb7da8e-08b9-4f6c-ae41-8bf24ab573cc", "Rationale": "To test the use of a proper nozzle compared to the one that comes with the hose, hopefully will be better", "Tags": "nozzles;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "122", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T11:23:51.370Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Insights": "None so far, will know after tests", "Description": "One example of the various potential nozzles, varying length, aperture and wall thickness. About 30 different ones are available but not all printed or tested as we will whittle them down in advance", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_11_23_48_Nozzle4-50-2_v1.stl" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Example of nozzle designs that may be printed", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "cd7c4716-4416-4f18-b204-4aa0356a5e70", "Rationale": "Testing the space for different nozzle types so that we can experiment and refine the nozzle design", "Tags": "nozzles;cad;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "123", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T11:30:15.298Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching", "cad_mock_up", "hand_calc" ], "Description": "After more research the webster one should be doable, here is the first example of a simple webster nozzle and the paper showing how to use it and what benefit can be garnered from it. Liquid cutting is a similar usecase as a pelton wheel as small jet high speed.", "Insights": "Fancier nozzles are maybe better, will have to compare them to our conical onesto see if they make any difference in a real life scenario", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_11_30_03_Webster.stl", "2022_04_26_11_30_12_1-s2.0-S0007850607623373-main(1).pdf" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Webster nozzle original", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "d10b8d00-3ec7-4c6d-ba42-79acd39e1735", "Rationale": "Read up on it more, then used the paper to work out what we would need to be doing", "Tags": "nozzles" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "124", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T11:33:59.672Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical" ], "Insights": "Rectifier works as intended", "Description": "Test of rectifier bridge to verify that the input signal to the power sensor will be DC", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_11_31_49_279089473_2216621188505547_8224184963661511952_n.jpg", "2022_04_26_11_33_53_279013849_405096431139210_1078181795061661836_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Stepper Motor With Rectifier Signal Test", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "50b31823-8f36-4251-adb5-0edcaf415a19", "Rationale": "Refinement on pervious test of motor output that did not have a rectifier", "Tags": "Rectifier; Oscilloscope; Breadboard" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "125", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T11:44:21.384Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical" ], "Insights": "all electrical connections are now sound", "Description": "Testing connections on power sensor's (now soldered) connector", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_11_44_17_278906512_317968287150212_5037658574209605031_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Sensor Connections", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "7b979c0d-ac11-4c8c-b765-e4bf504a8beb", "Rationale": "The original electonics model had very loose electrical connections, therefore need to refine this and solder the connectors", "Tags": "Soldering" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "126", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T11:46:25.009Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_detailed_drawing", "laser_cutting" ], "Description": "Holding the motor in place to the turbine box", "Insights": "It broke because senter hole was too small", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_11_46_05_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._13.45.14.png", "2022_04_26_11_46_25_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._13.46.14.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Motorbracket", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "9ec55dc7-139e-43f7-8a6c-cd1f871e8146", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "Plexi" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "127", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T11:48:13.257Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_detailed_drawing", "laser_cutting" ], "Insights": "It fit and is ready to be mounted on the turbine box", "Description": "Motorbracket to hold the motor in place and centered onto the turbine rotational axis", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_11_48_06_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._13.45.18.png", "2022_04_26_11_48_09_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._13.47.47.png", "2022_04_26_11_48_11_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._13.47.55.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "2. Motorbracket", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "08acb524-c803-4c28-a7f8-775a710820c4", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "Plexi" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "128", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T11:49:09.418Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical" ], "Description": "Power sensor reading off input from power supply over dummy load, sending output to Arduino", "Insights": "The sensors must read in power over a dummy load and setup of logging of power sensor readings via the Arduino", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_11_48_22_278984573_1695778390770526_5804892565725224948_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Power Supply and Power Sensor", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "bdf8fc95-d4d3-45b9-aabd-152d15edcc4f", "Rationale": "Needed to verify the correct wiring method the power sensor", "Tags": "Breadboard" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "129", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T11:51:43.006Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_detailed_drawing", "3d_printing" ], "Insights": "", "Description": "Adapter from circular tube to rectangular housing inlet. Connecting the hose to the turbine housing", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_11_51_03_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._12.38.30.png", "2022_04_26_11_51_09_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._13.50.54.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "2. Adapter from hose to turbine", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "d2701cdd-2be4-4a1c-a1ce-c4466a3eefce", "Rationale": "Was improved from the last design to make the water hit the turbine with an angle", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "130", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T11:52:54.926Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical" ], "Description": "Updated setup of all electrical components, now with correction wiring and rectifier", "Insights": "The sensor now correctly logs power output of the motor", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_11_52_43_Test1.csv", "2022_04_26_11_52_47_279154792_321434740136715_7963996126123942263_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Electronics Model V2", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "df9f0c38-32a6-4c10-809a-a51088bd7af8", "Rationale": "Refinement of original electronics model", "Tags": "Breadboard; Arduino" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "131", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T11:53:15.699Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "Added wings to the sides of the nozzle, will make it easier to change out speeding up tests", "Insights": "Only thought about the performance of the nozzle and neglected usability, this should not affect how it performs", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_11_53_14_Webster-5As-wings_v1.stl" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Winged webster nozzle", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "83a6a992-4609-45fd-bb1e-265c85d54883", "Rationale": "Slight improvement to usability of nozzles", "Tags": "nozzles;cad;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "132", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T12:39:10.233Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "coding", "electrical" ], "Insights": "Improved power from motor", "Description": "New electronics model will both poles of the motor connected via rectifiers and a low pass filter for power smoothing", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_12_39_02_278921836_1821091618076439_3496801738484125287_n.jpg", "2022_04_26_12_39_06_279029949_2290164464463929_3951839566087221560_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Electronics Model V3", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "9ec2e03e-6c39-4519-bd08-fbc17ed06bb5", "Rationale": "Refinement of Electronics model V2 with higher power output from motor, as now using both poles", "Tags": "Breadboard;Arduino" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "133", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T12:45:22.874Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "Model of Pelton turbine in Solidworks for our use case. The number of buckets = 1, number of nozzles = 1, Blade width = 15,5 mm", "Insights": "Additional work needed regarding the turbine sizing to ensure near-optimal efficiency. Possibly use the optimization process.", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_12_45_16_Pelton.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "*Pelton turbine", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "3685ab17-64dc-4e08-8e86-2b8fb8257820", "Rationale": "The turbine was further researched and initial dimensions were selected in this prototype. The outputs will help streamline further design activities.", "Tags": "model; pelton; turbine" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "134", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T13:14:00.857Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "hand_calc" ], "Description": "This note was included to ensure the design traceability; before creating further prototypes, it was necessary to determine which turbine type will be used. In this case, the gutter scenario was assumed. ", "Insights": "We have considered three types of turbines - Pelton, Turgo, and crossflow.", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_13_15_13_Turbine_type_selection.docx" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Turbine type selection - active learning", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "8e1d7644-be09-41f6-b7a2-bebbecf878bc", "Rationale": "Since the design team was not familiar with the characteristics of turbine types. Hence, it was necessary to get familiar with the field.", "Tags": "selection; scenario" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "135", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T13:22:01.757Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_detailed_drawing", "hand_calc" ], "Description": "We tried to understand what's the main difficulty of building a portable hydropower system turbine. Basically, we have to create a detailed engineering CAD model of a turbine blade to understand how long it would take to do this using the 3D printing process. ", "Insights": "The design is pretty complex and a simple mock-up design was not good enough to give a proper idea about the performance of this design. But we also calculated the surface area available to understand how it might play a role in water flow. \nDesign requires careful tradeoffs. This one trading length is 30cm and the diameter is 10cm. We realized that along with length and diameter, the thickness of the turbine blade is another tricky aspect we need to handle and the selection of material will play a vital role. \n", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_13_21_39_1.png", "2022_04_26_13_21_44_2.png", "2022_04_26_13_21_52_3.png", "2022_04_26_13_21_57_4.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "*Turbine Blade Design 1", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "717388b2-e59a-4d2b-86a8-a6fafbb4468a", "Rationale": "We are considering multiple turbine designs. This is one of them. We are carefully changing the dimensions (length and diameter) of the model to understand how it might impact the flow of the water over the turbine resulting in rpm changes in a stepper motor. \nTo generate enough electricity, water needs to generate enough rpm of motors but rpm also depends on how long water can make the turbine rotate. In this particular model, we are extended length but reduced diameter of the turbine to create a scenario where water takes more time to go out of the turbine but to keep design compact, limiting the diameter. \n", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "136", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T13:20:43.048Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "The turbine housing was designed for the Pelton turbine. The gutter scenario was assumed. The housing is made of two segments to enable easier manufacturing and assembly. The water enters the turbine through the horizontal nozzle, which increases the flow speed, while the output is directly below the turbine shaft (as required in Pelton turbines). The design is fastened to the surroundings via pegs (similarly to tent pegs).", "Insights": "The design team noticed the shaft positioning problem. Furthermore, additional care should be taken when sealing the housing.", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_13_22_02_Turbine_housing_-_gutter_scenario_(Pelton).pdf" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Turbine/device housing (Pelton) - gutter scenario", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "c22cf13e-511e-4c89-b891-861394efd930", "Rationale": "This prototype is the first attempt in creating the housing for the turbine. It will serve as the base to develop other prototypes, before the final one is selected for the manufacturing.", "Tags": "gutter; housing; Pelton turbine" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "137", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T13:40:27.463Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_detailed_drawing", "hand_calc" ], "Description": "Similar to the previous model, this is a different iteration of the same design. Here we tried to make it more portable by reducing its dimensions. Dimension 20 cm in length by 15 cm diameter.", "Insights": "For the loss of length of the turbine, which provided additional surface area, we needed to compensate for it somehow. We modified this design where we reduced length but increased diameter to 20 cm to make sure the surface area is similar to the previous model based on calculations. This was pretty tricky because the increasing diameter is likely to increase weight also so how much thickness of the turbine blade is ideal. \nWe played with some thin metal sheets to understand how weight fluctuates based on diameter but using a cardboard model was the best idea to understand and explained separately. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_13_35_12_6.png", "2022_04_26_13_37_52_5.png", "2022_04_26_13_40_24_7.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "*Turbine Blade Design 2", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "7b222f83-fc16-42e4-96e3-f7e56637bd87", "Rationale": "In the previous design, we kept the length longer ( diameter of 10 cm by 30 cm length) Here we tried to optimize it by reducing the length to just 15 cm compared to the previous version. Idea was to reduce the bulkiness of the product due to its larger length. ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "138", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T13:50:39.460Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "Watermills inspired this traditional hydraulic design. This digital mockup stands for a parallel exploration of the mechanical design of the hydraulic system.", "Insights": "Based on this design, we will further explore its modularity and make the surface calculations to know which prototype is more efficient", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_13_49_50_IMG_0766.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "*Turbine Blade Design 3", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "a64822c0-b55f-4622-9c70-e466b1eb4826", "Rationale": "The prototype was made to explore a parallel avenue on how this mechanism (traditional hydropower generator) could be made, in other iterations we were focused on a screw hydropower generator in this iteration we wanted to go back to our original starting point and step back from our current idea to better understand other possibilities.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "139", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T13:51:59.068Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "hand_calc" ], "Description": "Calculation of the the Pelton turbine for a use case scenario. Chosen diameter of the turbine is 100 mm, nozzle diameter is 5 mm, number of nozzles is 1, number of buckets is 18. Dimension that we vary for our prototype is net head.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_13_51_55_Pelton_calculation.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Pelton calculation", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "b584fdbb-5e97-4093-a670-ef586ebda259", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "calculation; turbine; pelton" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "140", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T13:51:53.107Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical", "sketching" ], "Description": "The energy measurement rig schema includes the scheme to make stepper motor a generator with capacitors connected so that the output voltage is the highest possible.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_13_49_09_Shema1.jfif", "2022_04_26_13_49_11_Shema2.jfif" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Energy measurement rig - plans", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "e1efb7be-6891-4ce7-b557-4ee0a3a7215d", "Rationale": "to see how how to create a physical electoric test rig", "Tags": "test rig; energy measurement" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "141", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T13:53:50.587Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching", "electrical" ], "Description": "The energy measurement rig schema includes the scheme to make stepper motor a generator with capacitors connected so that the output power is the highest possible.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_13_55_07_Shema1.jfif" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Energy measurement rig - plan 2", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "899eaad1-2234-4f36-8afd-0b99e12ebc91", "Rationale": "to see which scheme to use", "Tags": "test rig; energy measurement" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "142", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T13:56:35.492Z", "TimeToMake": "3-5hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Description": "Here we took inspiration from Japanese origami art and NASA is trying to create foldable satellites using the same techniques. Idea was to create a turbine blade using a foldable structure. ", "Insights": "This was the most complicated I did in years and years. It took more than 100 FOLDS on a piece of paper to create this model and this was HARD. Origami looks great as an art and it is useful but practical applications are ridiculously time-wasting and unreliable if time is not enough. Although we all really liked the ideas but need a lot more time to actually try it with different materials and see which one is the easiest. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_13_55_52_IMG_20220426_154607.jpg", "2022_04_26_13_55_56_IMG_20220426_154553.jpg", "2022_04_26_13_56_33_Screenshot_2022-04-26_at_15.14.47.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Origami inspired design 4", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "8e325ed1-d7cf-4425-ba4a-105b29c4c4c7", "Rationale": "Idea is we need to be able to change the length of the turbine blade and a foldable design would make it so much easier to carry around. For that we do have Paper, Plastic and rubber material to explore. We tried with the paper. ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "143", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:03:25.253Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Listing up ideas to reduce friction", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_03_22_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._16.01.07.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "9. Whiteboard with checkpoints to reduce friction", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "f33e2e61-0042-4b2c-bbdc-faa523c39903", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "144", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:03:59.836Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching", "hand_calc", "junking", "manual_tool" ], "Description": "We were just trying to understand how the actual assembly would work for this type of design.", "Insights": "We got a better idea of what the supporting frame would look like. It was a very but very useful prototyping experience that gave us actual hard data. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_03_48_VID_20220426_161550.mp4", "2022_04_26_14_03_55_IMG_20220426_160739.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "*Turbine Design Mock Up", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "71243d99-7d6f-48d0-91db-b1a45c069bea", "Rationale": "We tried to understand in case we can not 3D print items on time, what other material we can quickly use to build the design. Here we were trying to understand what the assembly would look like at the end. What additional supporting structure we might need, and how the water will enter and exit the system. ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "145", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:04:54.441Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical", "coding" ], "Description": "The energy measurement rig schema to make stepper motor a generator with capacitors connected so that the output power is the highest possible.", "Insights": "We found out that the working mode with doubled output current rather than doubled voltage is better for the provided sensor, since it has the max input voltage of 36V. We also found out that the voltages with the hand movement are around 10-20 V so we expect higher voltages from the hydrogenerator, so we have to be careful not to burn the sensor. We also got the feeling that the stepper motor would not be that easy to rotate.", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_06_11_WhatsApp_Image_2022-04-26_at_16.02.33.jpeg", "2022_04_26_14_06_13_WhatsApp_Image_2022-04-26_at_16.02.32.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Energy measurement rig", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "8f06128c-e25f-45a1-b3c6-8a81a82147e4", "Rationale": "To see how much energy is produced by the generator while moving it with hands, and to provide a measurement setup for the final design. ", "Tags": "test rig; energy measurement" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "146", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:07:35.429Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical", "coding" ], "Description": "Actually working generator and power measurement", "Insights": "We had some wrong connections in the generator setup resulting in low voltage measured. Now it works, which the test shows. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_07_32_IMG_20220426_134209.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "4. working generator", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "8418def1-f641-42f3-bab1-a2e20cfebb78", "Rationale": "fixing problems with the previous design.", "Tags": "generator" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "147", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:16:13.741Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "New cad model based on learnings from previous physical prototype", "Insights": "Still hard to get a feeling for if the design is working or not based on the model. but tolerances are easier to place", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_16_10_Turbine_3.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "7. v2 plexi offset turbine CAD", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "d1c94cb5-29da-4303-90de-6225d50851ba", "Rationale": "The prototype was made based on previous physical model with tighter toleranses and a re-designed wheel. Taking out dxf files for the laser cutter is easy when having the 3d model", "Tags": "CAD" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "148", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:19:09.200Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "3d_printing" ], "Description": "3d printing of new turbine wheel", "Insights": "New spacers adapted to the bearings could be implemented in the bearings. tolerances are rought, and have to be modified due for reduced friction", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_19_07_20220426_132742.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "v2. turbine wheel", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "3a61f5ea-5981-4946-ab7b-f60b7261fb21", "Rationale": "New more effective wheel with bearings for reduced friction", "Tags": "3d printing" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "149", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:22:40.746Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "laser_cutting" ], "Insights": "THe plexi laminates are hard to accurately glue together as tolerances have to be exact. An additional 3mm width compared to the cad was added to make room for the turbine wheel", "Description": "A new house for reduced friction in plexi. The house is made by a combination of 3mm and 6mm plexi. The outer walls have new bearing slots in addition to new spacing trying to reduce impeller friction", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_22_37_20220426_132746.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "8. Turbine house in plexi v2", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "90deadc1-e9b1-42e3-ada9-5b1ac645e608", "Rationale": "A new house to reduse friciton made from plexi. ", "Tags": "plexi" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "150", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:23:45.718Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "kits", "junking" ], "Description": "Using a spoon as a vane/bucket on the scale test ", "Insights": "Needs a tighter curve to throw the water back", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_23_42_Video_of_spoon_test.MOV" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Testing the spoon as a vane", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "6c96e0a9-0369-402c-8834-51a59473dbeb", "Rationale": "Seeing how well the spoon would work as it is an off-the-shelf part. Only problem is that it doesnt have the same momentum reversing properties that we need.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "151", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:23:59.245Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical" ], "Description": "Testing different resistances to approach cellphone voltage and current measurement", "Insights": "47 ohm gave good figures. See math in next prototype", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_23_55_IMG_20220425_161858.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "5. resistors for variating current, voltage", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "c086b0c8-44d8-4c96-87e9-014ba8e52911", "Rationale": "Testing different resistances to approach cellphone voltage and current measurement", "Tags": "generator" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "152", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:26:02.100Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "3d_printing", "kits" ], "Description": "Changing the vane design to have a tighter curve on it", "Insights": "This works, the reading on the scale was higher, therefore more force. Splitting the flow may allow for better momentum transfer", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_25_23_Cup_test.mp4" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Using a hemisphere cup shaped vane", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "5c1e49e7-e1f4-4e73-840c-658132d74242", "Rationale": "The tighter curve will be able to make better use of the momentum in the flow", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "153", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:27:06.817Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [], "Description": "Prototyping using Simulink model ", "Insights": "This Simulink model created proved to be complex and learned that in reality, the number of parts are 2:1 ratio. In general, this model supports understanding the Circuit required.", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_24_14_Simulink_model.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Simulink Model", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "c991ebc3-13aa-41b4-8d39-4df27e8cd79c", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "154", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:27:36.353Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "laser_cutting", "cad_mock_up" ], "Insights": "Still a lot of friction and details that has to be addressed in the next prototype", "Description": "A new assembly for testing with water. New assembly has re-designed 3d printed impeller in a plexi housing. The impeller are connected to two bearings with a disc on each side. The discs are there as spacers cause restricted dimensions due to laser cutting.", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_27_32_20220426_140904.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "10. Assembly of new turbine design", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "6d0ad526-035c-4b7c-bc38-a2f868e20d3e", "Rationale": "A new assembly for testing water flow and wheel spin without the stepper motor", "Tags": "plexi" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "155", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:27:50.807Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "3d_printing", "kits" ], "Description": "Changed the cup design to have two cups, for aforementioned benefits", "Insights": "This was slightly better than one cup but a lot messier. Seems like the best option so far", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_27_48_Double_cup_test.mp4" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Double cup vane/bucket", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "49159832-3a94-4285-9558-cf008c69083d", "Rationale": "More momentum transfer to rig implies more force so better energy retention", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "156", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:29:10.286Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "hand_calc" ], "Description": "Benchmark calculation for converting 1KJ energy to phone battery capacity", "Insights": "1KJ at corresponds to about 1.9% of an Iphone 11 battery capacity (3000 mAh)", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_29_07_IMG_6939.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "1. Current and voltage benchmark calculation", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "ba36f32a-ba54-42c6-9376-c7f8c2fdcdf4", "Rationale": "Trying to figure out what current we need from generator.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "157", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:29:54.520Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "coding" ], "Insights": "missing time dimension, otherwise good", "Description": "code into .csv format ", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_29_53_code1.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "6. current measurement code 1", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "f7993edc-e0e4-4365-9f5e-34f8b32bc649", "Rationale": "code into .csv format for analysis", "Tags": "generator" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "158", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:32:03.499Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "coding" ], "Insights": "works great, exportable as .csv", "Description": "measuring current, voltage, power and time", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_32_00_code2_with_time.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "7. current measurement code 2", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "04731181-8fa5-4ffb-bd59-c12e959d3086", "Rationale": "need time dimension for getting the correct energy calculation", "Tags": "generator" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "159", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:32:12.593Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical" ], "Insights": "This prototype helps to understand the minimum requirements for the parts to make a circuit and potential challenges in maintaining the deliverable output. ", "Description": "Breadboard Test", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_31_58_Breadboardtest.mp4" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Breadboard Testing *", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "ea9800c4-c3de-4797-b891-92cad9e3952e", "Rationale": "Testing out the circuit required for the design space.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "160", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:34:16.048Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "hand_calc" ], "Insights": "Needed lower resistance in generator", "Description": "Useful index for how long it will take to charge an Iphone11 given the current configuration. So far only implemented on generator design.", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_34_13_IMG_6944.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "2. Charge An Iphone Index (C.A.P.I)", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "34a86e4b-f530-456d-9277-c31a6d45678d", "Rationale": "Had to get some sort of benchmark for how our prototype is doing", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "161", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:35:19.943Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "coding" ], "Insights": "Works well. Next step is integrating under the curve to get energy measurement. Then it should be ready", "Description": "visualizing test data in excel", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_35_18_data_test.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "8. excel .csv data visualization", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "9f15f7c9-d007-4422-a8ad-fcd204ba0a16", "Rationale": "getting good and comparable data. Visualizing that data.", "Tags": "generator" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "162", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:38:37.865Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Description": "Complete test setup to test the interfacing turbine, generator and water reservoir", "Insights": "Plexi glass plate to hold motor did not fit, so too much friction was created in the crooked motoraxis", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_36_50_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._16.31.43.png", "2022_04_26_14_36_59_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._16.31.38.png", "2022_04_26_14_49_29_Image_from_iOS.MOV" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Complete assembly turbine, generator and water reservoir", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "Rationale": "To test complete assembly", "ID": "46640a80-e55f-4974-b23e-c98285c7f877", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "163", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:40:30.619Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "laser_cutting", "manual_tool" ], "Insights": "", "Description": "MDF motorbracket to hold the motor in place and centered onto the turbine rotational axis", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_40_29_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._16.20.22.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "2. New motorplate in MDF", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "0e200909-0701-43b4-a9c7-de4db20376fd", "Rationale": "Last plate did not fit, so a new plate in MDF was made and hand-drilled to fit onto design", "Tags": "MDF" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "164", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:44:08.694Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking" ], "Description": "Head tank test for actual flow vs simulated flow rates", "Insights": "the available tubing and valves will have to be constraints on the dimensions of the kaplan turbine. in a perfect world we would not use this tubing or valves but its what is available in the time constraints.", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_43_18_279036344_717359519287583_2476950497256212206_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "head tank flow", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "9b071bf5-6739-4d05-99b3-f22b708b824c", "Rationale": "Prototype was made to test our theoretical calculations within the limits of available materials. The amount, the height and the flow was measured", "Tags": "head tank, low fidelity" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "165", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:44:38.192Z", "TimeToMake": "3-5hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "cad_detailed_drawing" ], "Description": "Refinements in the CAD model based on MATLAB calculations", "Insights": "Insights on design possibilities, tolerances, and potential hurdles in physical prototyping.", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_44_35_Screenshot_2022-04-26_164012.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "CAD model ***", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "d8264a8b-58ee-4342-893e-f9de0414c9fd", "Rationale": "It is a \"live\" file maintained and updated as time passes. Main purpose - 3D printing the design and communication", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "166", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:44:43.416Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Insights": "Both with and without starthelp was tried out, but none was successful as the motor-friction was too high", "Description": "New complete test setup to test the interfacing turbine, generator and water reservoir", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_42_37_IMG_9152.MOV", "2022_04_26_14_42_43_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._16.42.17.png", "2022_04_26_14_42_46_Skjermbilde_2022-04-26_kl._16.42.22.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "3. Complete assembly turbine, electronics and water reservoir test", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "e9e0a1d3-39e8-4f78-a30a-87fcde030c2d", "Rationale": "To test the complete assembly", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "167", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:45:48.861Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "", "Insights": "Needs to be tested:\nGenerator - Resistor\nTurbine assembly - Turbine diameter and shape\nReservoir system - Height vs. volume (1KJ)\n\nNot practical to test/tune:\n- Generator gearing (more friction --> more loss)\n- Rervoir system hose diameter (we really only have one hose diameter available)", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_40_58_IMG_6945.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Whiteboard full system test DOFs", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "15762f84-d445-422c-afc9-2d1e56016221", "Rationale": "Overview over relevant tests that needs to be done to tune design", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "168", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:51:35.006Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "coding" ], "Description": "Preliminary calculations for dimensioning the Kaplan wheel ", "Insights": "Kaplan wheel requires a higher discharge rate than we presumed. There is a possibility that the wheel might not rotate with the current setup. Some \"on the fly\" modification might be needed.", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_51_34_Screenshot_2022-04-26_164611.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "MATLAB calculations", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "1146739e-424c-4a40-a9b1-d74d6a1b7b87", "Rationale": "The script gave insights into design sensitivity. For example. which input parameters are crucial, what happens when ..... etc. This was mainly used for design discussions within the team.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "169", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T14:53:30.806Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "kits" ], "Description": "testing of various different gear combinations", "Insights": "need to have variable distance between turbine shaft and motor as more iterations will be done on power train", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_14_53_26_278921273_3195388704013715_2529085738027328691_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Power Train Model", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "11ef7f42-1d7e-4765-b53a-181f6839efbe", "Rationale": "Learning about what gear ratios will be suitable for the motor", "Tags": "Lego; Gears" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "170", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T15:01:23.590Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "3d_printing" ], "Description": "Printed off and tested the updated webster design", "Insights": "Improvement, need to test different aspect ratios", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_15_01_21_Webster_test.mp4" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Webster nozzle test (with wings)", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "dfffb24b-5cda-4281-968f-74959a61f16a", "Rationale": "Literature says this is better, looked to be this way. Also added wings to make it easier to take off/put on", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "171", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-26T15:10:13.032Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "kits" ], "Description": "Lego based mount for motor that maybe adjusted for different gearing (during testing)", "Insights": "Lego may be too limited in terms of component placements", "Images": [ "2022_04_26_15_10_10_279214249_561758088586919_4916554639125748595_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Adjustable Motor Mount", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "df480b1a-3661-4c0a-944b-dea1c45a00f0", "Rationale": "will enable test of different gear ratios", "Tags": "Lego" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "172", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T07:47:49.037Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "While testing the influensed prototype, the friction and power transmission from water to rotation where not enough to start generating. At 2m height the water wheel did not start turning. Therefore a new scetch attemts to adress the issue by increasing efficiensy.", "Insights": "The outlet design has a crusial role on how the new the design will perform and last cad model can easily be updated", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_07_47_05_20220426_163359.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "11. Day 3. New design sketch of turbine solution", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "0e43a905-f27e-4d23-abb5-25c6b63b02d1", "Rationale": "A scetch of a turbine solution that uses both the pelton principle as well as distributes pressure over several shuffles.", "Tags": "sketch" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "173", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T07:53:39.018Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "A new combination of pelton turbine and pressure rotation with double curved geometry and a diameter of approximately 100 mm", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_07_53_11_Turbine_4.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "12. Double curved turbine wheel", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "7767c485-9d91-4375-ae3f-cc49f777af3f", "Rationale": "By double curving the blades, the water pressure will hit the centre of the system away from the area where there is a gap between the housing and blade. By transferring the forces both the power and the pressure will hopefully increase", "Tags": "CAD" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "174", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T07:57:20.229Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "To increase the moment of force a new wheel design of 200mm should be tested. The new design has same geometry and properties as the influenced prototype", "Insights": "To reduce printing time a lot of weight has to be removed.", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_07_57_16_Turbine_5.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "T200 wheel", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "384b4273-e923-403c-83e4-d2fff6ef0cc9", "Rationale": "The new design with a 200mm diameter should increase the moment of force from the water inlet. This is also the limitation of the available 3d printers in the lab", "Tags": "CAD" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "175", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T09:30:03.170Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking" ], "Description": "Empirically find threshold height for getting motor to spin without(!) generator. Made new test setup from second floor to ground outside.", "Insights": "Current energy used was 98J (no motor spin).\nThreshold height at small design is about 5m (needed start help).\nHigh internal friction when design was wet (bearings?)\n\n", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_09_29_33_IMG_6969.MOV", "2022_04_27_09_29_55_IMG_6970.mov", "2022_04_27_09_31_11_IMG_20220427_111440.jpg", "2022_04_27_09_31_17_IMG_20220427_111444.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Day 3: 5m test", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "eedb4338-6a6a-40f9-a063-4b1bb979806f", "Rationale": "Needed to find height above ground to get motor to spin.", "Tags": "Test; reservoir;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "176", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T09:33:26.577Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Description": "Testing friction in dry vs wet bearing", "Insights": "It seemed like the bearings had a slihtly higher friction until water was removed again. Not conclusive", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_09_33_24_IMG_20220427_112127.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "bearing in water", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "44edc3ce-0c18-477b-ba1d-9769a012dff9", "Rationale": "The previous test gave higher friction when wet than when dry. We thought maybe it was higher friction in the bearings when they were wet. Qualitative test", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "177", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T09:59:03.122Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Description": "Tried to lube turbine internally and tested in sink.", "Insights": "Lube/oil is a good idea to reduce friction.\n", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_09_58_05_IMG_6969.MOV", "2022_04_27_09_58_35_IMG_6973.MOV" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Day 3: Sink test with lube", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "c07e687c-3f26-4050-aa89-bf2d925fb494", "Rationale": "Needed to test how the friction performed in water with lubrication.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "178", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T10:26:25.823Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking" ], "Description": "Tested 5m test with lubed design (so lower friction than previous 5m test) but with tube instead of hose, and with ducktaped inlet manifold. Also bored larger hole for the inlet. ", "Insights": "Wheel didnt spin, even if internal friction was lower.\nProbably lower water velocity made results worse. So next steps could be to go back to old hose, or to use smaller diameter tube. Inconclusive so far.", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_10_26_19_IMG_6976.MOV", "2022_04_27_11_47_00_IMG_20220427_134532.jpg", "2022_04_27_11_47_11_IMG_20220427_134620.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Day 3: 5m test with tube instead of hose", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "f15d3419-44ee-4c4b-878c-2e4fdb33648b", "Rationale": "Wanted to investigate if tube had high internal friction, and if larger diameter was better.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "179", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T11:48:48.406Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking" ], "Description": "Tube test didnt work satisfactory, so modified setup back to hose but this time with lubrication.", "Insights": "Learned that hose performed much better than tube, and that lubrication is necessary.", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_11_48_46_IMG_20220427_133853.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Day 3: 5m test with hose instead of tube instead of hose", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "84aa2b7b-2743-465e-9335-796951196493", "Rationale": "Had to test if the lubrication made any difference or if last results were mainly influenced by tube.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "180", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T11:52:33.394Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_detailed_drawing", "cad_mock_up" ], "Insights": "Test with assembly next", "Description": "CAD of loftet inlet that has the same area throughout, from circular to rectangle. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_11_52_32_inlet1.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Inlet loftet CAD 1", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "f6c104d9-0feb-47c6-aa87-61ad46b48708", "Rationale": "New inlet that improves on the old design. Less restriction of flow. Also fits better with hose.", "Tags": "CAD" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "181", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T11:54:19.517Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "Assembly with inlet to check fit against new iteration of turbine. ", "Insights": "Fits well after a couple of iterations, ready for printing. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_11_54_17_inlet2_asselby.PNG", "2022_04_27_12_22_40_inlet2_asselby.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Inlet loftet CAD 2 assemblyu", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "70f41ae4-d411-45b7-92ea-5bd09a0601a9", "Rationale": "To test fit against CAD drawing that another person drew. ", "Tags": "CAD" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "182", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T12:13:32.682Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "hand_calc", "manual_tool", "manual_machining", "sculpting" ], "Description": "Here we are trying to understand how to create physical turbine, their materials and thickness.", "Insights": "What we learn here is how to create to turbine, how to make it connect with each other and how to attach it with the centre mover.", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_12_13_25_IMG_4810.HEIC", "2022_04_27_12_13_50_IMG_4810.HEIC", "2022_04_27_12_14_37_IMG_4812.jpg" ], "Omit": true, "Name": "Turbine design", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "0f81db2c-a225-4e7c-ac81-9d5b6f313566", "Rationale": "It is made of thick plastic. We tried different size and materials at the beginning and finally choose this one. Its diameter is 15cm, and it will be softer with higher temperature. ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "183", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T12:18:51.317Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "3d_printing" ], "Insights": "Fits assembly and one type of hose. Not the other. The other type is better, so a new model must be made to fit that. ", "Description": "3d print of the inlet", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_12_18_48_IMG_20220427_140626.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Inlet loftet 3d print", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "66047ca8-ebb6-4a6a-b5b3-eaf3bc7dd457", "Rationale": "To test fit against larger assembly and hose, also potentially to use in assembly. ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "184", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T12:19:08.353Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "cad_detailed_drawing" ], "Description": "A new housing enabling flow over a series of blades before the outlet. The new housing also transfers water all the way to the impact point", "Insights": "By first building fysical prototypes, the cad design went much faster then expected", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_12_19_06_T200_housing.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "T200 Housing", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "013adb55-0c3b-4aa8-925a-3a5a3b3165ff", "Rationale": "By redesigning the house, additional pressure should build up and transferred to energy before the water is released", "Tags": "CAD" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "185", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T12:21:14.538Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical" ], "Description": "We are trying to test how to connect the electronic wires and make sure it works", "Insights": "We have learnt how to connect the wires.", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_12_21_12_PHOTO-2022-04-27-15-03-27.jpg" ], "Omit": true, "Name": "circuit testing", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "bbf6708e-fccc-4b37-afba-2497908f97f0", "Rationale": "We are making the electronic component and testing if it can turn on a tiny light by rotating it manually.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "186", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T12:21:47.414Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "cad_detailed_drawing" ], "Insights": "Ready for 3d printing. ", "Description": "Inlet CAD with new hose dimension", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_12_21_45_inlet3_new_diameter.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Inlet loftet CAD 3 new hose dimension", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "132b2017-4596-4c31-a2fe-a1c142c30223", "Rationale": "To fit the better hose type. Insight from previous tests. ", "Tags": "CAD" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "187", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T12:25:44.573Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "moulding" ], "Description": "We are testing how to hold this motor and assemble them together", "Insights": "There are different ways of doing it, and we are learning to use various materials of holding it.", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_12_25_35_IMG_4818.HEIC", "2022_04_27_12_25_40_IMG_4819.HEIC" ], "Omit": true, "Name": "circuit testing", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "532afc04-b930-44e0-98fb-f833f03b5922", "Rationale": "We are testing what is the best way to assemble it.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "188", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T12:26:22.789Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "The assembly of the new T200 Water tubine including stepper mount bracket, stepper and bolts", "Insights": "The assembly provided insight on dimentions and a visual representation that could be discussed before building a fysical prototype", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_12_22_10_t2002.PNG", "2022_04_27_12_22_14_t200.PNG", "2022_04_27_12_23_59_t200_3.PNG", "2022_04_27_12_24_04_T200_Main.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "T100 Cad Assembly", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "126db658-2e42-480a-ae15-c868fc6bf361", "Rationale": "The assembly where to controll dimentions and provide measurements for physical prototyping", "Tags": "CAD" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "189", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T12:27:54.580Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Insights": "It works nicely", "Description": "We are testing how it works under the air pressure", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_12_27_50_IMG_4822.MOV" ], "Omit": true, "Name": "Functionality testing", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "f2a69063-0a3d-452f-b040-b9ae30102f47", "Rationale": "Before we put it into water, we choose to use air pressure to test if it can rotate or not", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "190", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T12:35:35.116Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Insights": "We learn how to find a good angle.", "Description": "We are learning how to angle to pressure rotate the turbine differently.", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_12_35_32_IMG_4823.MOV" ], "Omit": true, "Name": "Testing turbine", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "98aae7f6-37e7-48cd-8b4b-6bec24cc4914", "Rationale": "We are changing the angle of the pressure and where it touches the turbine, and it shows this angle really matters.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "191", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T12:37:01.649Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Description": "We are testing how it works when putting the turbine into the holder", "Insights": "We are going to change a bigger holder", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_12_36_58_IMG_4824.MOV" ], "Omit": true, "Name": "Functionality testing", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "d9f5b724-aad4-46ea-8fc8-53f6bd09f92f", "Rationale": "This test gives an idea of the size of holder and how it influence the turbine rotates.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "192", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T12:45:29.597Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Scenarios of use case having a multifunctional tank charger: use case design. \n1. 2 tanks connected with a pipe having a hydro-charger mounted in the axis. Modular design. For a case of using the solution in the house (gardening etc).\n2. The same as 1st bullet point, but without the higher tank - a solution is mounted to the gutter directly.\n3. Having a part for house gutters.\n4. Nozzle\n5. Different flow for different cross areas\n6. Idea of a bypass.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_12_45_15_IMG_2320.HEIC", "2022_04_27_12_54_18_IMG_2320.HEIC", "2022_04_27_12_54_18_IMG_2320.HEIC", "2022_04_27_13_18_02_IMG-2320.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "*Scenarios of use case", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "20ae489d-8176-4a10-ab70-19a02cf3184f", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "Gardening; house; charger" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "193", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T12:48:52.253Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Different option for flow regulation. \n1. Different extensions\n2. Butterfly valve alike\n3. Bypass", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_12_48_45_IMG_2319.HEIC", "2022_04_27_12_59_21_IMG_2319.HEIC", "2022_04_27_12_59_21_IMG_2319.HEIC", "2022_04_27_13_14_56_IMG-2319.jpeg", "2022_04_27_13_14_56_IMG-2319.jpeg", "2022_04_27_13_14_56_IMG-2319.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Flow regulation", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "6b9507c4-3639-4b96-b2b3-668a46d9e59a", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "flow; regulation; gardening; house" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "194", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T12:55:58.312Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "cad_detailed_drawing" ], "Description": "Inlet with new hose dimension to fit hose. ", "Insights": "it fits very well with just friction. Seamless transition from hose to inlet. Also fits assembly. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_12_55_39_IMG_20220427_145301.jpg", "2022_04_27_12_55_56_IMG_20220427_145256.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Inlet loftet 3dprint new hose dimension", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "007f55e4-f29b-4a9a-bcb8-71a1cccc650a", "Rationale": "To see if it fits the hose, and to use in assembly if good. ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "195", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T13:14:18.691Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "manual_tool" ], "Description": "A zero cost hydro propeler prototyped to test the Pelton turbine.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_13_09_54_IMG_2339.HEIC", "2022_04_27_13_13_06_IMG_2405.JPG", "2022_04_27_13_21_16_IMG-2341.jpeg", "2022_04_27_13_21_32_IMG-2340.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Hydro Propeler", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "c61ab887-f43d-4a92-96f3-a4e160dcca9f", "Rationale": "The prototype was made to test the water energy from pipe.", "Tags": "Propeler; Pelton; prototype" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "196", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T13:25:59.873Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "The generator is mounted onto a plate, with a simple Pelton turbine installed onto its shaft. The turbine was made of polymer spoons. Its sole purpose is to test whether the selected water flow will provide enough torque to rotate the generator.", "Insights": "This sketch has enabled us to assemble the initial testing prototype.", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_13_25_54_202204271519211000.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "1st prototype - generator test (sketch)", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "0f4ded7c-4848-4c49-b796-2ccdf8ce7122", "Rationale": "A simple prototype was sketched before the assembly. The aim was to create plans for the initial testing of the generator.", "Tags": "Pelton; generator; test" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "197", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T13:30:23.180Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "coding" ], "Description": "Updated code that integrates the power with respect to time. Leads to direct readings of total energy generated. ", "Insights": "works very well. Double checked with hand calculations.", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_13_29_58_code3_accumulated_energy.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "energy measurement code", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "a2388b12-268d-4b3d-bcd9-a44f09270b91", "Rationale": "We wanted to have a direct measurement of the energy generated for validating designs and for final validation. ", "Tags": "code" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "198", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T13:31:06.601Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "manual_tool" ], "Description": "Energy measurement rig mounted on a prototype plate in order to fix the motor and protect the motor.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_13_29_39_IMG-2349.jpeg", "2022_04_27_13_29_48_IMG-2351.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Mounted test rig", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "17ae91d1-7bac-4566-b937-4b93879a2ce7", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "test; measurement; motor; prototype" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "199", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T13:33:13.704Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_detailed_drawing" ], "Description": "The proposed housing will be made using the additive manufacturing technologies. It enables simple mounting of both the generator and the Pelton turbine. The flow will be focused onto the turbine using an additional nozzle, which is not shown here.", "Insights": "Sealing off the motor might be problematic.", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_13_33_03_Housing_-_model.SLDASM", "2022_04_27_13_33_06_Housing_frame.SLDPRT", "2022_04_27_13_33_08_Housing_cover.SLDPRT" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Prototype housing - CAD", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "3fa87a46-9973-4a01-96ff-bdd01e6e55bb", "Rationale": "It was decided to 3D print the housing; hence, the 3D model had to be created.", "Tags": "housing; CAD" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "200", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T13:33:12.806Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "hand_calc" ], "Description": "Hand calculations for ballpark validation of energy collection code. ", "Insights": "getting about the same numbers, with simplification, so it is correct. At least close. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_13_32_54_IMG_20220427_153037.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "energy measurement hand calculation", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "877cd799-6567-4f11-8287-4003e62cff6c", "Rationale": "to check if the numbers are ballpark correct", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "201", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:04:01.047Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "manual_tool", "3d_printing" ], "Description": "Zero cost, reused and customized, housing for test prototype", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_03_15_IMG-2357.jpeg", "2022_04_27_14_03_51_IMG-2357.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Propeler housing", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "45a2b206-7a62-4168-9f34-b3cbb91e3aa3", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "housing; test; propeler" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "202", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:06:59.054Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "manual_tool" ], "Description": "Mounted test prototype in order to test the pipe pressure / flow.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_06_41_IMG-2358.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "**Test prototype ", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "c7bb3f27-fa8f-43b6-a1fe-468bd592d8ac", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "test; housing; prototype; propeler" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "203", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:11:55.241Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "3d_printing" ], "Description": "Added a second set of wings to allow the nozzle to sit well with zip ties", "Insights": "This did help but in the end zip-tying the nozzle itself wasnt the one since we need to change it out every so often.", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_11_51_Webster-6As-wings-notch.stl" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Added second set of wings", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "a4c4bc49-b5e8-4c55-b889-f65bc9647c9e", "Rationale": "The nozzle could slip in the casing which isnt ideal", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "204", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:22:10.245Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "3d_printing" ], "Description": "Connects the drive rod to the motor/generator", "Insights": "It was made to fit just about perfectly but was way too tight thanks to the tolerances. Will make it bigger next time", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_22_00_rod_clamp_v3.stl", "2022_04_27_14_22_07_rod_clamp_v1.stl" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Original rod clamp", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "e2d19504-db11-4f50-9471-18259d74c464", "Rationale": "As the motor and pelton wheel were different sizes we had to make something to connect the two together", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "205", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:24:15.007Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "hand_calc", "coding" ], "Insights": "The gear ratio may be quite high", "Description": "Analysis of turbine torque requirement to drive stepper motor", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_24_12_turbineclacs.m" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Power train calculations", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "ca2ffe2c-4af1-490e-a171-83cadf766c95", "Rationale": "Need to estimate the gear ratio required to drive the stepper motor from the pelton wheel", "Tags": "MATLAB; Analysis" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "206", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:26:58.025Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "3d_printing" ], "Insights": "Was too loose and only worked when fully tightened, will try with a perfect fit and a bit of percussive encouragement.\nThe bit encasing the rod was too short so that the full thing wobbled, will make it longer.\nAlso the lego rod bit snapped so will make it a negative so that you have to insert the other drive shaft.", "Description": "Slightly wider guage", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_24_06_rod_clamp_v5.stl", "2022_04_27_14_26_07_IMG_0294.JPEG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Rod clamp v2", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "678816ca-1ab4-433e-9562-c9f5a15fcb36", "Rationale": "Needed to make it slightly bigger in order to fit", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "207", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:28:23.765Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "3d_printing" ], "Insights": "Seems to work, hope it is the one", "Description": "Fixed changes from last time", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_28_22_new_clamp_v2.stl" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Rod clamp v3*", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "358712c2-0a7c-4c1f-91a5-f42b79aee57d", "Rationale": "Addresses the issues found in the previous 2 iterations", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "208", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:30:47.867Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "laser_cutting" ], "Description": "Design for the wheel that will have all the vanes in it", "Insights": "Needs a better way of holding the vanes in place, the pressure of the two plates was not enough", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_30_44_PXL_20220427_101015318.mp4" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Pelton wheel design", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "18a651fe-0660-40e2-85e4-73bae9600c20", "Rationale": "Pretty essential part of the pelton wheel", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "209", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:31:09.041Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "kits", "electrical", "3d_printing", "laser_cutting", "manual_tool" ], "Description": "First test of integrating the electronics with the pelton wheel (while driving the Pelton wheel by hand)", "Insights": "could reduce the gearing ratio to increase speed of stepper motor", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_30_55_279230694_465757168676437_4012075922175568928_n.jpg", "2022_04_27_14_44_39_279125652_447145527175315_2709130054883418201_n.jpg", "2022_04_27_14_45_43_279230694_465757168676437_4012075922175568928_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "First integration of electrical and mechanical parts", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "7220f370-67a4-4db7-9e47-e9c471cb32e2", "Rationale": "First combination/ refinement of electronics model V3 and Pelton wheel (including gearing)", "Tags": "Breadboard;Arduino;Lego;Gears" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "210", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:33:15.133Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "laser_cutting" ], "Description": "Added screw holes and screws to hold the vanes in place", "Insights": "Seems to be good enough, could do with more vanes but its too late for that", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_33_09_PXL_20220427_103659599.jpg", "2022_04_27_14_33_12_PXL_20220427_105528119.MP.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Pelton wheel, better holding mechanism", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "180e02f9-8443-4941-a67e-414ab5fdc959", "Rationale": "The vanes were too loose ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "211", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:35:21.538Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Description": "Changed the gear ratio to see if it output more power", "Insights": "This was a bit better but almost negligable ", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_35_12_PXL_20220427_105529177.mp4", "2022_04_27_14_35_18_8744a9a7c5bbacc002552b855d09603.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Hand test with new GR", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "debf3d55-68b4-47bf-830f-5a9972b413fd", "Rationale": "Need to test which gear ratio is the best for this set up", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "212", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:36:38.742Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "3d_printing" ], "Description": "3D printed double curved turbine wheel D = 200mm", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_36_38_Skjermbilde_2022-04-27_kl._16.24.44.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "13. 3D printed double curved turbine wheel", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "000e11a2-1f38-4c85-aa25-4c73e4a13d82", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "213", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:37:49.445Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_detailed_drawing" ], "Description": "To hold the rotatory system", "Insights": "Syncing with other prototypes when printing in different 3d machines.", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_35_24_Image_from_iOS_(4).jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Top Cap CAD", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "59030117-ba90-412f-be8c-990626527e60", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "CAD" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "214", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:38:30.201Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Description": "Testing the machinery from the 10ish metre window", "Insights": "First one didnt last long as it was too wet. This was done without the electronics in place", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_38_28_5c550fc9b58628405490e34b770a0ce5.mp4" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Outside test 1*", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "6a95962b-950c-46aa-b7ae-4aec72b664e6", "Rationale": "Testing the system in the real usecase ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "215", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:38:55.926Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "laser_cutting" ], "Description": "Laser cut plexi glass of the T200 housing. Superglued together.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_38_52_Skjermbilde_2022-04-27_kl._16.25.15.png", "2022_04_27_14_38_55_Skjermbilde_2022-04-27_kl._16.25.42.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "2. T200 housing", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "bd653915-21d8-472e-812e-1afbbf628542", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "Plexi; Superglue" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "216", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:40:26.703Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking", "card_foam_modelling" ], "Description": "A cardboard box set up to protect the electronics", "Insights": "This works for now but given a bunch of runs the cardboard would disintegrate, so plastic would be ideal if we could get something to work", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_40_05_PXL_20220427_141454612.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Water protection for electronics", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "c5b783d8-c797-4363-90fe-71937d274244", "Rationale": "Fixes the potential water splashback issues, that in combination with a lot of usb extenders should keep everything safe", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "217", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:41:44.034Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "manual_tool", "manual_machining", "other" ], "Insights": "", "Description": "Assembly of turbine wheel, bearings, housing and 3D printed hose adapter\n", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_39_43_Skjermbilde_2022-04-27_kl._16.27.01.png", "2022_04_27_14_39_50_Skjermbilde_2022-04-27_kl._16.27.07.png", "2022_04_27_14_39_55_Skjermbilde_2022-04-27_kl._16.27.18.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "14. Assembly of whole turbine", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "79b7e126-0f72-4528-9058-0628b1856147", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "Assembly" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "218", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:42:04.757Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "manual_machining" ], "Insights": "It is a live structure and updated as time passes. ", "Description": "Housing for Turbine. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_38_42_Image_from_iOS_(5).jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Turbine Housing", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "e835d221-eef6-4e6b-8bd9-2d23740178e5", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "219", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:45:30.610Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "card_foam_modelling" ], "Description": "Returned to using zip tie method instead of previous mounting system for nozzle", "Insights": "Electronics should all now be safe from water spray", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_45_29_279125652_447145527175315_2709130054883418201_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "full integrated setup", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "52c88c48-bc13-473e-b296-859754de4541", "Rationale": "Refinement of design over initial wet tested setup", "Tags": "Electronics;Arduino;Gears;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "220", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:46:28.762Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other", "manual_tool" ], "Description": "Assembly of the turbine to the motor and Arduino system", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_46_08_Skjermbilde_2022-04-27_kl._16.27.33.png", "2022_04_27_14_46_16_Skjermbilde_2022-04-27_kl._16.27.24.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "15. Assembly turbine and generator", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "c024d785-b816-4236-9144-4a09d5b343f1", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "Assembly" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "221", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:48:32.404Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Insights": "Electronics box is now secure", "Description": "Added tape to properly fix electronics box", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_48_30_279138931_666371177953506_6755953869324298632_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Tape mounted electronics box", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "251d5f99-8f68-4f52-a30b-826b17379e0c", "Rationale": "Refinement of Full integrated setup with properly mounted electronics box", "Tags": "Tape" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "222", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:48:49.723Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "moulding" ], "Description": "Mounts for Motor", "Insights": "How important to have exact dimensions to fit the design. Also on how to use the molding machine.", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_43_46_Image_from_iOS_(6).jpg", "2022_04_27_14_46_46_Image_from_iOS_(7).jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Motor Mounts", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "950f8e86-c522-442c-94aa-0b587091c7e6", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "223", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:49:02.108Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Description": "Test day 3 of whole assembly of the T200 turbine with generator. 1,5 meter height", "Insights": "Test failed due to water filling up in wholes between spokes in the T200 wheel.", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_47_10_Skjermbilde_2022-04-27_kl._16.33.57.png", "2022_04_27_14_47_17_Skjermbilde_2022-04-27_kl._16.34.06.png", "2022_04_27_14_47_22_Skjermbilde_2022-04-27_kl._16.34.25.png", "2022_04_27_14_47_30_20220427_153839.mp4" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "*16. Indoor test of whole system", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "afa50812-c03a-4d91-85bd-73e4bb219127", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "Test;Failed" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "224", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:51:02.724Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "coding" ], "Description": "Test that the software/ Arduino can still successfully read from the power sensor", "Insights": "The Arduino can still read form the sensor", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_51_01_279230416_725968798437247_5710185668578322980_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Software and full integrated setup test", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "aef3cd99-316d-400e-81d5-a8c9ee04df4d", "Rationale": "new USB cables were added, therefore need to ensure the Arduino could still read form the sensor and communicate with the laptop correctly ", "Tags": "Arduino; Software" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "225", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:51:18.766Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Description": "Outdoor test of whole system. 2L, ca. 3 meters.", "Insights": "Water still filled up in the spokes, but wheel turned because of higher water velocity", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_50_50_Skjermbilde_2022-04-27_kl._16.28.59.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "17. Outdoor test of whole system", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "e3a486f0-079e-47e6-ba1b-b6d5074c548d", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "Test" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "226", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:52:27.806Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "3d_printing" ], "Description": "Caps for stepper motor", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_49_36_Image_from_iOS_(8).jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Motor Caps", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "e7a28e5b-bef6-49a9-928c-4fc91565aa09", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "3D" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "227", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:52:32.591Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "3d_printing" ], "Description": "Failed 3D print", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_52_33_Skjermbilde_2022-04-27_kl._16.32.19.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Failed 3D print of small turbine", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "4cbd5691-6d66-4dd6-b8fa-c47f80bcdd29", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "228", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:54:25.378Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Sketching directly onto plexi-glass to visualise water flow and solve issues", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_54_17_IMG_20220427_155438.jpg", "2022_04_27_14_54_25_Skjermbilde_2022-04-27_kl._16.27.40.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Sketch on turbine", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "c5c1841c-b00b-40b9-9442-59067880c8d4", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "229", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:55:03.781Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Insights": "The rod is now properly fixed", "Description": "Addition of the improved clamp to the full setup", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_55_02_278914655_558917962220140_7348882698223801156_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Full setup with rod clamp V3", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "decfd8ee-48cf-45a1-91ea-a19e18691877", "Rationale": "Refinement of previous full setup version with new clamp", "Tags": "Clamp" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "230", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:56:50.473Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "3d_printing", "cad_detailed_drawing" ], "Description": "Kaplan Turbine 3D print", "Insights": "What type of turbine is most efficient and how it could be modeled?", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_54_28_Image_from_iOS_(9).jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Kaplan Turbine *", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "f344fc66-493c-4f52-86ed-bc86db676aa3", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "CAD; 3D" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "231", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T14:58:37.651Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking" ], "Description": "Nozzle was pointing too far up so had to tie it down", "Insights": "Much better ", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_14_58_35_9F29AB62-9C23-482C-BA50-B696D729289A.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Fixing nozzle angle with string", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "335a7d99-143e-498b-ab0e-18de0fb9412e", "Rationale": "Improved jet angle to vanes", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "232", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T15:00:51.363Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "hand_calc" ], "Description": "Hand Mathematical Calculations", "Insights": "Understanding the standard requirements to make a better design", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_15_00_03_Image_from_iOS_(10).jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Mathematical Calculations *", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "76e15054-551f-41fe-84cd-6919ae94adc3", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "maths" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "233", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T15:32:29.939Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Description": "Test to verify friction optimization", "Insights": "Friction was removed", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_15_00_34_IMG_6986.MOV" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Sink test large diameter turbine", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "0dc2e2e6-a11e-4d01-879d-8cc5fa207c15", "Rationale": "Verification test of removing friction", "Tags": "Verification; Validation;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "234", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-27T16:20:55.540Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "cad_detailed_drawing" ], "Description": "water wheel with walls on the outside that is on the wheel, as opposed to on the stationary part (previously). ", "Insights": "A couple of design iterations, then: Everything fits, lets make it!", "Images": [ "2022_04_27_16_20_54_waterwheel1.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "water wheel CAD", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "78663fa8-3e6c-4307-926c-152750609870", "Rationale": "Dark horse prototype. Too many moving parts in the previous, with low accuracy (3d printing etc). Much water out on the side, not contributing to power generation). This one has fewer parts. ", "Tags": "CAD" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "235", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T06:47:57.335Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "Laser cut first iteration of water wheel \"dark horse\" prototype (different concept than we had used for the past day). (one wrong image, can't remove", "Insights": "very hard to laser cut 6mm acrylic like this. Next time cut an outline around it to make it easyer to remove. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_06_47_16_IMG_20220427_202624.jpg", "2022_04_28_06_58_52_IMG_20220427_190117.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "water wheel laser cut part 1", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "934032e7-d8dd-4f91-8295-68f499575d69", "Rationale": "To test if it worked to laser cut the thin parts", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "236", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T06:57:22.460Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "laser_cutting", "manual_tool", "other" ], "Description": "Laser cut prototype of the water wheel. Improved production method (cut out around it, so you can remove small parts easily without breaking it). Also it got glued together after verification", "Insights": "New fabrication method worked great! On to building. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_06_57_17_IMG_20220427_202624.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "water wheel laser cut part 2", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "bc2d9297-681f-42c4-9ed4-de3486696e9a", "Rationale": "2 important things. Testing new fabrication method (see description) and for making the assembly part. ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "237", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T07:09:23.939Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Simple sketch for determining what goes where in the CAD assembly", "Insights": "The insight is where to put things in the CAD, and how much space we have. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_07_09_15_IMG_20220428_090259.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Water wheel assembly sketch", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "5a3023b7-bcf3-40e6-9204-803e8daa5815", "Rationale": "Determining how much room we have, and what goes where. Design discussion. ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "238", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T07:12:16.799Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "laser_cutting", "junking" ], "Description": "So our previous tests showed that water level increased when we ran the turbine. We tried to modify our prototype by cutting holes with Dremel, but ended up breaking the prototype. So we had to make new plates and do a new rebuild. ", "Insights": "Learned that we have a high precision design with low precision manufacturing capabilities. So we added extra clearance on radial and axial sides.\n", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_07_12_12_IMG_7007.HEIC" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "18. Full prototype rebuild with hole for letting out water", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "f7f68ed6-98a7-4870-8b80-cd774a9d728f", "Rationale": "Explanation above. ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "239", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T07:13:09.704Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "CAD of the assembly, only the nessesary parts for laser cutting are included", "Insights": "Parts fit after a couple of iterations. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_07_13_06_waterwheelassembly1.PNG" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Water wheel assembly CAD", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "edd06481-979b-4d54-a1ba-c50dff725de9", "Rationale": "To put everything together before laser cutting more parts, to see that they fit. ", "Tags": "CAD" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "240", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T07:15:39.559Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Insights": "Yes - it reduced friction.", "Description": "Quick test of new rebuild with more clearance. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_07_15_37_IMG_6996.MOV" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "19. Sink test with new rebuild", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "847079e1-0f7b-4d72-b5a3-21f945aaa2c5", "Rationale": "Indication test of whether new rebuild reduced friction", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "241", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T07:16:28.565Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Whiteboard with bullet points to generate ideas to improve the waterwheel", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_07_16_17_Skjermbilde_2022-04-28_kl._09.13.46.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Whiteboard bullet points to improve waterwheel", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "b85c9059-a119-4010-b7a3-56471d6fdb58", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "Bullet points" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "242", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T07:17:05.836Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "laser_cutting", "manual_tool" ], "Insights": "The parts fit well after some improvisation on the bottom wooden spacer. ", "Description": "***Full assembly of new concept, ready for test. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_07_17_04_279371526_1446370532449657_8024944097518975906_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "***Water wheel full assembly 1", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "6e885134-216a-4c14-a95c-522e8d0a1b66", "Rationale": "To see if all the parts fit before testing. ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "243", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T07:17:39.042Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Sketched idea to increase stiffness", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_07_17_09_Skjermbilde_2022-04-28_kl._09.13.53.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Whiteboard sketch", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "7f10517a-84e6-4c52-820f-84c2bdd5c771", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "244", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T07:18:32.020Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Sketched idea to reduce number of parts", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_07_17_48_Skjermbilde_2022-04-28_kl._09.14.01.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Sketch", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "83c042cf-76cf-4a1b-a7ff-eca3392e584e", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "245", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T07:19:32.594Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Sketch describing how to place motor", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_07_18_44_Skjermbilde_2022-04-28_kl._09.14.06.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Sketch", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "31c8371d-6975-46bc-9fbc-018b0eb68395", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "246", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T07:20:22.050Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Description": "New verification test of rebuild with full system. ", "Insights": "1. Skipped inlet manifold and put hose directly into design. \n2. Best design so far!\n3. First real numbers: 0.35J from 40J reservoir --> 0.9% efficiency (room for improvement)", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_07_20_09_IMG_6997_2.MOV" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "20. Full system 40J verification test (2L @ 2m)", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "a8898953-48ae-437b-83a9-193ae063c3b9", "Rationale": "To see how the new rebuild performed. ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "247", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T07:20:24.074Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Sketch to communicate a parallell motor axis - more compact design", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_07_19_41_Skjermbilde_2022-04-28_kl._09.14.12.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Sketch", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "bff2161a-c786-4b34-8c65-c8d11d5651ae", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "248", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T07:28:47.338Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Description": "Verification test of Kim's new water wheel design. ", "Insights": "Well hello there. So the water wheel design is a design not requiring high precision parts, and this was clear from the test.\n1. Water wheel is much much better. Tests indicate 9.85J from 40J reservoir --> 25% efficiency (!)\n2. Low precision design is easier to implement.\n3. Motor was only held manually during test. Learned that motor axle misalignment caused a tremendous loss from deforming the shaft coupler. Will redesign motor holder to a floating design. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_07_25_03_IMG_7003_2.MOV" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "*Dark Horse Water Wheel Performance Test", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "912201dc-25f5-40c4-8af2-03779eea0fa3", "Rationale": "Test how the water wheel design performed.", "Tags": "Test; reservoir;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "249", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T08:23:42.674Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "3d_printing" ], "Insights": "Much better but they might break, would sort for a real product", "Description": "Enlarged wings of nozzle ", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_08_23_40_16DEAF69-F5DC-4957-816C-F1D2C2DBB02A.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Larger flanges ", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "0a7e4161-18b8-4ad1-ae14-d9ac5225897b", "Rationale": "The small wings just slipped when you tried to turn it. ", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "250", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T08:26:54.909Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "3d_printing" ], "Description": "Making the thing slightly longer", "Insights": "Didnt add anything in particular, was able to fit (not any better) but the flow was much the same", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_08_26_50_Webster-6As-wings-long_v1.stl" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Longer nozzle design", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "d728707b-e5a0-4359-8e87-dbbef8dad683", "Rationale": "Just to see if its fits better onto our rig when it is a bit longer. See if it makes the flow better.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "251", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T08:26:54.973Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up", "3d_printing" ], "Description": "Making the thing slightly longer", "Insights": "Didnt add anything in particular, was able to fit (not any better) but the flow was much the same", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_08_26_50_Webster-6As-wings-long_v1.stl" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Longer nozzle design", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "7a6ccda5-a3db-4e78-ad45-ebd8d801b9ff", "Rationale": "Just to see if its fits better onto our rig when it is a bit longer. See if it makes the flow better.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "252", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T08:57:25.391Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "manual_tool", "manual_machining" ], "Description": "The turbine was made of polymer pipes and was rather inexpensive. Turbine blades were made by cutting the pipe in four sections and were fastened to the central shaft via bolts.", "Insights": "The design would be feasible if produced in tighter tolerances.", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_08_57_03_Cross-flow_turbine.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Cross-flow turbine - physical prototype", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "5cd14140-439a-40fe-bacd-bf2482d86e5f", "Rationale": "Both 3D turbine prints failed so team had to come up with new solutions with only four hours left.", "Tags": "turbine; prototype" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "253", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T09:02:37.992Z", "TimeToMake": "3-5hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "3d_printing" ], "Description": "Previously uploaded Pelton turbine was 3D printed.", "Insights": "Both prints failed so team had to come up with new solutions few hours before the deadline.", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_09_04_00_Pelton_print_-_failed.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Pelton turbine 3D print - failed", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "732115bf-8578-4987-b0aa-dc083e2ba01a", "Rationale": "It was necessary to produce the turbine to complete the prototype and carry out the testing. Prototype was simultaneously printed on two Prusa's.", "Tags": "Pelton; prototype; 3D print" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "254", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T09:07:48.454Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "manual_tool", "junking" ], "Description": "The crossflow turbine was placed inside a pipe housing to assess whether the prototype will be feasible. ", "Insights": "It is possible that the turbine blades will deform due to water pressure and \"scrape\" the housing. It is hence necessary to include blade ribs.", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_09_09_07_WhatsApp_Image_2022-04-28_at_11.05.39.jpeg", "2022_04_28_09_09_10_WhatsApp_Image_2022-04-28_at_11.06.00.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Cross-flow - Plan B prototype", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "7604ae57-42d9-4d17-b613-29860e3f41f1", "Rationale": "The prototype was assembled to assess whether it is necessary to change the turbine size.", "Tags": "housing; turbine" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "255", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T09:12:17.939Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking", "hand_calc", "other" ], "Description": "The plastic cap prototype was tested to explore its viability. Pressurized air was used to turn the turbine \"blades\", and the motor generated the electric current. A total of 6 bar of air pressure was needed.", "Insights": "It was possible to rotate the blades and the current was generated.", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_09_10_07_VID_20220428_103958.mp4" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Plastic cap prototype testing", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "acc2d77f-e50d-4518-ae3c-ff655d81e9d4", "Rationale": "Team wanted to explore whether the prototype is viable, focusing on turning the blades and generating the current.", "Tags": "junking; plastic caps" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "256", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T09:12:31.868Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other", "3d_printing" ], "Description": "Testing a smaller nozzle to increase the operation time at lower power. ", "Insights": "Bag doesnt work well, hard to access the inside of the box and lets water ingress from below. The nozzle works well but we seem to be getting 200% efficiency which seems fishy.", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_09_12_21_video-1651136542.mp4", "2022_04_28_09_12_25_video-1651136557.mp4" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Bag upright + Slowmo + smaller diameter nozzle full test - outside test 2(or3?)", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "df60bd50-904c-4b5e-ac7e-f544ace9cb95", "Rationale": "CHecking to see whether a smaller nozzle on a full test scale still works well, but lasts longer with lower power output - bag to cover electronics", "Tags": "outside test;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "257", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T09:14:39.461Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking" ], "Description": "Raised the box to prevent water ingress from pooled water", "Insights": "Looks like it works well, preventing pooling water from soaking electronics", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_09_14_30_278979486_709345390331544_7848212949867577434_n.jpg", "2022_04_28_09_14_35_279040632_1344629516017496_2331674950876858572_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Raised box to avoid water ingress", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "9c6baa7d-3e9e-4953-8a03-bfa680e95ee4", "Rationale": "Wanted to stop the pooled water from getting the cardboard box wet, so added some stilts.", "Tags": "water;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "258", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T09:16:20.980Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking" ], "Description": "Covered the box in tape to prevent splashed water making the box soggy.", "Insights": "Works well, box is much more resistant to splashed water.", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_09_16_17_279090735_733067404792321_1557272015220170420_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Splashproof box", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "3ff28bca-8b82-476e-b060-77058f2d1908", "Rationale": "Covered the box in tape to prevent splash damage.\n", "Tags": "water;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "259", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T09:19:17.074Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "manual_tool" ], "Description": "The zipties over the mount didn't work, so we needed a new method of zip tieing the nozzle to the mount.", "Insights": "Holds the nozzle much better, a straight over the top ziptie wibbles much less.", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_09_19_12_279155721_393679689283883_8353716361952470838_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "New Nozzle mount", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "382e71a8-1733-4b3d-a896-fa450218e659", "Rationale": "Drilled holes in the mount to put a ziptie through the middle.", "Tags": "nozzle mount; " } }, { "type": "node", "id": "260", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T09:23:05.097Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking", "manual_tool" ], "Description": "Inexpensive prototype made of plastic roll and plastic bottle caps.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_09_22_23_Screenshot_2022-04-28_at_11.22.05.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Plastic cap prototype", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "e2ed48c2-3965-40f8-83d6-4164e4e17a06", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "trashing; plastic bottle caps" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "261", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T09:31:01.917Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_detailed_drawing", "cad_mock_up" ], "Insights": "Works like a charm", "Description": "A itteration of the low fricition water wheel with included fastening bort on top and hose connection point in addition to base plate", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_09_30_45_T25.PNG", "2022_04_28_09_30_50_T25_2.PNG", "2022_04_28_09_30_58_T25.pdf" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "CAD Water wheel Final Final Final etc", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "94d64b96-9678-4300-84f2-479d6ea670b8", "Rationale": "A new complete low friction system", "Tags": "CAD" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "262", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T09:34:18.139Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "laser_cutting" ], "Insights": "Best prototype so faar", "Description": "A new prototype for live performance evaluation made from plexi in the laser cutter", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_09_33_58_20220428_113120.jpg", "2022_04_28_09_34_05_20220428_113123.jpg", "2022_04_28_09_34_11_20220428_113128.jpg", "2022_04_28_09_34_16_20220428_113133.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "*Fysical prototype Water wheel Final Final FInal etc", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "6be0e898-99e2-4945-ae8f-05062ed4fcbd", "Rationale": "New parts for automatic handling and performance increase of friction", "Tags": "plexi" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "263", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T09:33:35.341Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking", "manual_machining", "other" ], "Description": "Test rig was created to enable the testing of the prototype. It was 6 m high and had a volume of 15 L. The pipe diameter was 32 mm with while the nozzle diameter was 6 mm.", "Insights": "Task of finding the 6 m tall window was harder that initially thought. ", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_09_34_26_WhatsApp_Video_2022-04-28_at_11.33.59.mp4" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Test rig - 6 m", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "93e3964a-ae31-4fd1-bada-2286766d47fb", "Rationale": "It was necessary to create the test rig in order to carry out the necessary measurements.", "Tags": "test rig" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "264", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:05:24.948Z", "TimeToMake": "3-5hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking" ], "Description": "Plastic Bottle Caps prototype testing with the water pressure of 3 bar. ", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_04_19_IMG-2372.mov", "2022_04_28_10_04_58_IMG-2372_(1).mov", "2022_04_28_10_40_35_IMG-2372.mov", "2022_04_28_10_40_45_IMG-2372_(1).mov" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "*Plastic Bottle Caps Prototype", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "99e61293-338a-4c0d-a508-9f0cf638f4af", "Rationale": "The prototype was built to test the water flow and pressure in order to propel the prototype. Testing was made with the water pressure of 3 bar (equivalent of 5% of 1kJ energy).", "Tags": "junking; testing; plastic; bottle; caps" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "265", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:08:13.196Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical" ], "Description": "New version of electronics with different capacitor configuration to better smooth power output", "Insights": "Power out of stepper motor is now better smoothed and readings from power sensor are correct", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_08_10_278572062_968564590518469_8174253514274672435_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Electronics V4*", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "f7829a3a-d551-4281-b2bd-2c060d0d8f13", "Rationale": "Refinement of previous electronics model V3", "Tags": "Filtering" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "266", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:10:47.798Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Insights": "Looks aight.", "Description": "Final CAD model", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_10_35_Screenshot_2022-04-28_110755.png", "2022_04_28_10_10_42_Screenshot_2022-04-28_110832.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Final Product CAD", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "e3522ebc-66df-4291-9f1b-8b0eac250e2a", "Rationale": "Need to demonstrate the final concept", "Tags": "CAD;" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "267", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:18:46.616Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking" ], "Description": "The Pelton turbine inspired the propeller. After the failed 3D printed Pelton propellers two days in a row, a decision was to create the one for testing using junk.\nIt is made from a junk wheel (of material from 3D printer) and bottles plastic caps, and other junk material (such a junk usb case).", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_16_01_IMG-2387.jpeg", "2022_04_28_10_16_13_IMG-2388.jpeg", "2022_04_28_10_16_24_IMG-2389.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Plastic bottle caps propeller", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "549601af-529b-43d8-9301-b8ff8d14467b", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "junking; pelton; junking" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "268", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:24:05.566Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "sketching" ], "Description": "Sketch of dimensions for CAD model", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_24_04_Skjermbilde_2022-04-28_kl._12.23.01.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Dimensionsketch", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "85a0feb9-7e3b-4ec6-bc50-2002bf76549f", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "269", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:26:19.120Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "CAD of box to hold the waterwheel in place", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_24_59_Skjermbilde_2022-04-28_kl._10.49.37.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "2. Box CAD", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "6ff42d9a-1f4a-4c89-bc96-f1961b4e183a", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "270", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:27:38.623Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "Revised CAD of box to hold the waterwheel", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_26_34_Skjermbilde_2022-04-28_kl._10.53.51.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "3. Revised box CAD", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "9a2d0ca7-1351-4dc5-969f-0978ca3ed13f", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "271", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:29:44.671Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "cad_mock_up" ], "Description": "Assembly CAD of whole waterwheel in compact box with motor and electronics box", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_27_48_Skjermbilde_2022-04-28_kl._12.26.46.png" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "14. Assembly of waterwheel in compact box", "Type": "digital", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "f13e3d38-848c-4602-bf3b-dd8233124819", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "272", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:36:45.089Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "3d_printing" ], "Description": "We started 3D printing based on this model https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:802284. Unfortunately, 3D printing did not finish successfully due to technical problems with 3D printer.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_36_28_IMG_20220428_121151.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "3D printing of mini water tap turbine - failed", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "refinement", "ID": "84198eea-197b-4191-889f-69f510bc38a4", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "3D printing; water tub" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "273", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:40:04.618Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "hand_calc" ], "Description": "Energy measurement calculation is made to calculate equivalent potential energy from the testing.\nAt the end efficiency of our prototype is 5%.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_38_39_measuring1.xlsx", "2022_04_28_10_38_46_measure.ino", "2022_04_28_10_38_54_IDEA_Challenge_Result_sheet.docx", "2022_04_28_10_40_02_WhatsApp_Image_2022-04-28_at_12.26.51_PM.jpeg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Plastic caps prototype energy calculation", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "6cbecdae-58e0-4ec1-a850-c89b9ada2848", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "calculation; testing; energy; measurement" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "274", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:44:28.241Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "moulding", "manual_machining" ], "Description": "Tring to make enclosure or housing to make stepper motor waterproof", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_44_16_e140c1fd-d2d7-4df0-832b-62816afcaf69.JPG", "2022_04_28_10_44_25_18a65f2e-7c6e-4286-8cfb-e88806aa615a.JPG" ], "Omit": true, "Name": "Motor testing", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "cfb3ece9-5976-4980-bdb3-9764dd12bc19", "Rationale": "We tried various materials to make the motor waterproof", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "275", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:46:45.888Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "manual_machining" ], "Description": "We are testing how to assemble them together", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_46_43_26dd0ffe-8674-422c-aedb-140dcf257ef5.JPG" ], "Omit": true, "Name": "Final assembly prototyping", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "b4409149-9011-4030-9cff-f086e8a8c9a9", "Rationale": "Never keep screws in hand to reach location", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "276", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:49:09.207Z", "TimeToMake": "<10min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "other" ], "Description": "Videos showing the test setup and final testing", "Insights": "Its brilliant", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_48_47_20220428_115110.mp4", "2022_04_28_10_49_00_20220428_115723.mp4" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Final presentation", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "245a94d1-6b48-49a0-a2c1-50e45bc8bfd8", "Rationale": "Showing how the system works using the test setup without water collection unit", "Tags": "Video" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "277", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:50:17.288Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "electrical" ], "Description": "We are testing output voltage of the system", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_50_12_d67885eb-98ce-4185-b0f8-6e717b860fa7.MP4" ], "Omit": true, "Name": "Test bed", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "26b4103d-b3f8-4cc1-a309-79464e0c914e", "Rationale": "We are testing the final output after assembling", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "278", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:50:45.661Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "junking", "hand_calc" ], "Description": "In the absence of a mass measuring device, we used with an improvised lever. Total mass of the prototype is 600 g.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_50_21_WhatsApp_Image_2022-04-28_at_12.22.27_PM.jpeg", "2022_04_28_10_50_43_IDEA_Challenge_Result_sheet.docx" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Prototype mass measurement", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "active_learning", "ID": "18936cc1-ca99-4e1b-9c18-7b20d9b5067d", "Rationale": "", "Tags": "measurement; mass; testing" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "279", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:52:59.566Z", "TimeToMake": "1-3hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "manual_machining" ], "Description": "We are testing how it works after assembling under the air pressure", "Insights": "There are many factors that will influence its functionality", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_52_56_cdf48e00-ee90-4452-93b4-291954f2bc88.MP4" ], "Omit": true, "Name": "Final assembly prototyping", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "dedeb3c5-8c95-49e1-8f76-1a9d46ece1b7", "Rationale": "We try to understand how it works under the pressure and what is the key components that influence its rotation.", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "280", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T10:55:45.332Z", "TimeToMake": "30-1hr", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "manual_machining" ], "Description": "Adjusting the final assembly and understanding the remaining details.", "Insights": "", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_10_55_33_e4b9c2d5-d01b-460b-96fb-6b4148e89e45.MP4", "2022_04_28_11_00_39_VID_20220428_135622.mp4", "2022_04_28_11_00_39_VID_20220428_135622.mp4" ], "Omit": true, "Name": "Final assembly ", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "exploration", "ID": "480a43f8-5719-438b-983f-f6acd00143d7", "Rationale": "We are adjusting the way of its assemble and understand how it rotate, try to get more efficient device out of it", "Tags": "" } }, { "type": "node", "id": "281", "labels": [ "Prototype" ], "properties": { "UploadedDate": "2022-04-28T11:02:19.657Z", "TimeToMake": "10-30min", "ManufacturingProcesses": [ "manual_tool" ], "Description": "All done mate. Not too shabby. ", "Insights": "It worked! ", "Images": [ "2022_04_28_11_01_50_video-1651143553.mp4", "2022_04_28_11_01_56_video-1651136557.mp4", "2022_04_28_11_02_00_video-1651136542.mp4", "2022_04_28_11_11_45_279172289_1860810547448060_8278808606991340370_n.jpg", "2022_04_28_11_11_50_279113326_516742493508929_5851652840692374590_n.jpg" ], "Omit": false, "Name": "Final Prototype*", "Type": "physical", "TypeOfRationale": "communication", "ID": "18d46a57-1b78-48b8-8f52-004d1c3a990a", "Rationale": "Gotta show off how brilliant our prototype is. 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