Moritz, TimoWalter, JacquelineGrunow, BiankaThieme, Philipp2023Figure 6. A in A true caudal fin or not? New insights in the evolution of the gadiform caudal fin10.5281/zenodo.8326085Figure 6. A, phylogenetic hypotheses of gadiforms of (Roa-Varón et al. 2021). Schematic drawings of the caudal-fin skeleton with one representative of each gadiform family/subfamily (taxonomic nomenclature following Nelson et al. 2016), respectively, are mapped on the trees: Bregmacerotidae, Bregmaceros sp.; Merlucciidae, Merluccius merluccius; Euclichthyidae, Euclichthys polynemus (Markle 1989, Paưerson and Rosen 1989); Melanonidae, Melanonus zugmayeri (Howes 1993, Endo 2002); Muraenolepididae, Muraenolepis microps; Trachyrincidae, Trachyrincus scabrus; Moridae, Gadella jordani; Macrouridae, Coryphaenoides rupestris; Steindachneriidae, Steindachneria argentea (Borden et al. 2013); Macruronidae, Macruronus novaezelandiae (Howes 1991, Endo 2002); Bathygadidae, Bathygadus melanobranchus (Howes and Crimmen 1990); Ranicipitidae, Raniceps raninus (Dunn and Matarese 1984); Phycinae, Phycis blennoides; Lotinae, Lota lota; Gadinae, Gadiculus argenteus; Gaidropsarinae, Gaidropsarus mediterraneus. Colour code corresponds to terminology of (B), dark grey elements are