Prompt size DETAILED: It shall contain all requirements of MEDIUM LLM promp: - How many different Java implementations are required. - The implementation is a body of a method. - The code belongs to project name X. - Wrap all code in the answer in curly braces but only if it is not already. - Do not include any method or class declarations. - Label all code as java. But also additional constraints: BEFORE AFTER if (temp == null) { if (temp == null) { if (scaleFactorX >= 0) return; temp = new int[toSize.getWidth() * (fromSize.getHeight() + nTaps())]; temp = new int[toSize.getWidth() * (fromSize.getHeight() + nTaps())]; tempBuffers.set(temp); tempBuffers.set(temp); } } To describe example of useful change. The prompt is: case DETAILED: prompt = "Give me " + count + " different Java implementations of this method body:" + "```\n" + destination + "\n" + "```\n" + "This code belongs to project " + LLMConfig.projectName + ". " + "In the org.jcodec.scale.BaseResampler class, the following change was helpful. I changed this:" + "```\n" + " if (temp == null) {" + " temp = new int[toSize.getWidth() * (fromSize.getHeight() + nTaps())];" + " tempBuffers.set(temp);" + " }" + "```\n" + "into this:" + "```\n" + " if (temp == null) {" + " if (scaleFactorX >= 0)" + " return;" + " temp = new int[toSize.getWidth() * (fromSize.getHeight() + nTaps())];" + " tempBuffers.set(temp);" + " }" + "```\n" + "Wrap all code in curly braces, if it is not already." + "Do not include any method or class declarations." + "label all code as java."; break; }