This README file was generated on 2023-08-30 by Jennifer Merems. GENERAL INFORMATION

  1. Title of Dataset: Fear before food: Scale-dependence in elk habitat selection
  2. Author Information: A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Timothy Van Deelen Institution: University of Wisconsin-Madison: Madison, WI USA Email:

B. Corresponding Author Contact Information Name: Jennifer Merems Institution: University of Wisconsin-Madison: Madison, WI USA Email:

  1. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 2022-2023
  2. Geographic location of data collection: Wisconsin, USA
  3. Information about funding source that supported the collection of the data: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources


  1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Coordinates could not be given because location information for elk in Wisconsin is protected information. Coordinates are not needed to run the resource selection function. Wolf territory centroid locations could not be given because location information for gray wolves in Wisconsin is protected information. Information is not needed to run the resource selection function.
  2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Coming soon.
  3. Was data derived from another source? No A. If yes, list source(s): NA
  4. Recommended citation for this dataset: Coming soon.


  1. File List: A) SpatialScale_Landscape_RawData.csv Datasets used in modeling habitat use for elk at the landscape scale.

B) SpatialScale_HomeRange_RawData.csv Datasets used in modeling habitat use for elk at the home range scale.

C) TemporalScale_Landscape_RawData.csv Datasets used in modeling habitat use for elk at the landscape scale separated by season.

D) TemporalScale_HomeRange_RawData.csv Datasets used in modeling habitat use for elk at the home range scale separated by season.

  1. Relationship between files, if important: None
  2. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None
  3. Are there multiple versons of this dataset? No A. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: NA i. Why was the file updated? NA ii. When was the file updated? NA



  1. Number of variables: 13
  2. Number of cases/rows: 1048575
  3. Variable List:
  • CollarID: Elk identification.
  • Used: 1 – cell occupied by an elk GPS location, 0 – randomly assigned location.
  • Year: Year of the study (2017-2020).
  • Elevation: Elevation (m) of cell.
  • Slope: Slope (m) of cell.
  • Cosine Aspect: Northness of cell; Transformation of Aspect (0-360) to a continuous variable of northness (-1 to +1); values closer to -1 will be southwards and +1 will be northwards.
  • Sine Aspect: Eastness of cell; Transformation of Aspect (0-360) to a continuous variable of eastness (-1 to +1); values closer to -1 will be westwards and +1 will be eastwards.
  • Canopy Cover (%): Percent overstory canopy cover of cell.
  • Distance to Canopy Cover < 40%: Distance pixel is to nearest cell with percent overstory canopy cover less than 40%.
  • Distance to County Roads: Distance cell is to nearest county road; km.
  • Distance to Main Roads: Distance cell is to nearest main road; km.
  • Distance to Wolf Territory Centers: Distance cell is to nearest wolf territory center; km.
  • Habitat Type: Habitat type classification of given cell.
    1. Missing data codes: None
    2. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR:


  1. Number of variables: 13
  2. Number of cases/rows: 96244
  3. Variable List:
  • CollarID: Elk identification.
  • Used: 1 – cell occupied by an elk GPS location, 0 – randomly assigned location.
  • Year: Year of the study (2017-2020).
  • Elevation: Elevation (m) of cell.
  • Slope: Slope (m) of cell.
  • Cosine Aspect: Northness of cell; Transformation of Aspect (0-360) to a continuous variable of northness (-1 to +1); values closer to -1 will be southwards and +1 will be northwards.
  • Sine Aspect: Eastness of cell; Transformation of Aspect (0-360) to a continuous variable of eastness (-1 to +1); values closer to -1 will be westwards and +1 will be eastwards.
  • Canopy Cover (%): Percent overstory canopy cover of cell.
  • Distance to Canopy Cover < 40%: Distance pixel is to nearest cell with percent overstory canopy cover less than 40%.
  • Distance to County Roads: Distance cell is to nearest county road; km.
  • Distance to Main Roads: Distance cell is to nearest main road; km.
  • Distance to Wolf Territory Centers: Distance cell is to nearest wolf territory center; km.
  • Habitat Type: Habitat type classification of given cell.
    1. Missing data codes: None
    2. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR:


  1. Number of variables: 13
  2. Number of cases/rows: 1048576
  3. Variable List:
  • CollarID: Elk identification.
  • Used: 1 – cell occupied by an elk GPS location, 0 – randomly assigned location.
  • Year: Year of the study (2017-2020).
  • Elevation: Elevation (m) of cell.
  • Slope: Slope (m) of cell.
  • Cosine Aspect: Northness of cell; Transformation of Aspect (0-360) to a continuous variable of northness (-1 to +1); values closer to -1 will be southwards and +1 will be northwards.
  • Sine Aspect: Eastness of cell; Transformation of Aspect (0-360) to a continuous variable of eastness (-1 to +1); values closer to -1 will be westwards and +1 will be eastwards.
  • Canopy Cover (%): Percent overstory canopy cover of cell.
  • Distance to Canopy Cover < 40%: Distance pixel is to nearest cell with percent overstory canopy cover less than 40%.
  • Distance to County Roads: Distance cell is to nearest county road; km.
  • Distance to Main Roads: Distance cell is to nearest main road; km.
  • Distance to Wolf Territory Centers: Distance cell is to nearest wolf territory center; km.
  • Habitat Type: Habitat type classification of given cell.
    1. Missing data codes: None
    2. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR:


  1. Number of variables: 13
  2. Number of cases/rows: 150866
  3. Variable List:
  • CollarID: Elk identification.
  • Used: 1 – cell occupied by an elk GPS location, 0 – randomly assigned location.
  • Year: Year of the study (2017-2020).
  • Elevation: Elevation (m) of cell.
  • Slope: Slope (m) of cell.
  • Cosine Aspect: Northness of cell; Transformation of Aspect (0-360) to a continuous variable of northness (-1 to +1); values closer to -1 will be southwards and +1 will be northwards.
  • Sine Aspect: Eastness of cell; Transformation of Aspect (0-360) to a continuous variable of eastness (-1 to +1); values closer to -1 will be westwards and +1 will be eastwards.
  • Canopy Cover (%): Percent overstory canopy cover of cell.
  • Distance to Canopy Cover < 40%: Distance pixel is to nearest cell with percent overstory canopy cover less than 40%.
  • Distance to County Roads: Distance cell is to nearest county road; km.
  • Distance to Main Roads: Distance cell is to nearest main road; km.
  • Distance to Wolf Territory Centers: Distance cell is to nearest wolf territory center; km.
  • Habitat Type: Habitat type classification of given cell.
    1. Missing data codes: None
    2. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None