* @module "biojs-im-list-analysis"
* @version 0.0.1
* @author Alex Kalderimis
* @license LGPL
(function(biojs) {
var ListWidgets = require('list-widgets');
var module = (biojs.InterMine || (biojs.InterMine = {}));
module.ListAnalysis = ListAnalysis;
/** Match strings that look like element ids, and not query selectors. **/
var ELEMENT_ID = /^[a-z0-9_-]+$/i;
* Click handlers that receive an identifier and a type, identifying a single entity.
* @callback
* @param {string} identifier The public unique identifier of this object, eg: "FGBN01234"
* @param {string} type The type of the entity, eg: "Gene"
* Click handlers that receive a definition of a result set as a query.
* @callback
* @param {InterMineQuery} query The definition of the result set as a query.
* @typedef {Object} InterMineQuery
* @property {string} [name=null] The name, for debugging.
* @property {string[]} view The selected columns.
* @property {Object[]} constraints The query constraints.
* @property {Object[]} sortOrder The sort order elements.
* @property {Object} joins The join information.
* @property {string} constraintLogic The way to combine the constraints.
* typedef {function} WidgetLoader
* @param {string} toolName The tool to use.
* @param {string} listName The list to analyse.
* @param {string|HTMLElement} element The place to render the tool.
* @param {Object} options Optional parameters.
* The InterMine Service type.
* @external intermine.Service
* @see {@link http://intermine.github.io/imjs}
* @typedef {Object} ListWidgets
* @property {intermine.Service} imjs The connected service.
* @property {WidgetLoader} chart Load a chart.
* @property {WidgetLoader} enrichment Load enrichment information.
/** @class
* @name Biojs.InterMine.ListAnalysis */
* InterMine.ListAnalysis - Analyse a Set of Items Stored as an InterMine List
* ===========================================================================
* This component wraps the functionality of the InterMine
* apps-c library
* as a BioJS component. It allows users to analyse groups of objects in
* aggregate, through statistical analysis, graphical visualisation or
* simple table display.
* @name Biojs.InterMine.ListAnalyis
* @constructor
* @requires apps-c 2.0.4
* @dependency
* @dependency
* @param {Object} options The options.
* @option {string|HTMLElement|jQuery} target
* The place in the DOM to load the table. The value of this can be anything
* you can pass to the jQuery selector. It must resolve to one and only one element.
* If the target is a string and contains no whitespace or css selector
* characters (., #, >, etc),
* it will be interpreted as an element id.
* @option {string} [url]
* The url of the InterMine compatible service to connect to. If not provided, then the "service"
* option MUST be provided.
* @option {string} [token]
* The token of a registered InterMine user. Providing this enables certain features, such
* as list creation. Should only be provided if the url option is provided.
* @option [service]
* Information defining the service.
* @option {string} [service.root]
* The url of the InterMine compatible service to connect to.
* @option {string} [service.token]
* The token of a registered InterMine user.
* @option {string} tool
* The analysis tool to use. This must me a string of the form TYPE:NAME, where
* TYPE is one of the known widget types (chart,
* enrichment, table), and NAME is one of the
* tools registered in the mine. The list of available tools can be obtained by
* calls to intermine.Service#fetchWidgets.
* @option {string} list
* The name of a list to analyse. This must be a list the user has access to.
* @example
* var widget = new Biojs.InterMine.ListAnalyis({
* target: 'some-element-id',
* url: 'http://www.flymine.org/query/service/',
* tool: 'enrichment:pathway_enrichment',
* list: 'PL FlyTF_putativeTFs'
* });
function ListAnalysis(options) {
var widgets, parts, toolType, toolName, self = this;
check(options, "No options supplied");
this.element = resolveTarget(options.target);
check(this.element, "Could not find " + options.target);
check(options.url, "No URL supplied");
check(options.tool, "No tool id supplied");
check(options.list, "No list name supplied");
parts = options.tool.split(':');
check(parts.length === 2, "Tool id must be of the form {type}:{name}.");
toolType = parts[0];
toolName = parts[1];
check(toolName.length, "Tool name not supplied");
this._cbs = {};
this._globalListeners = [];
var config = Object.create(options.config || {});
config.matchCb = this.fireEvent.bind(this,"onClickMatch");
config.resultsCb = this.fireEvent.bind(this, "onClickViewResults");
config.listCb = this.fireEvent.bind(this, "onClickCreateList");
self.widgets = widgets = new ListWidgets({root: options.url, token: options.token});
check(widgets[toolType], "Unknown tool type: " + toolType);
widgets[toolType](toolName, options.list, this.element, config);
ListAnalysis.prototype = {
constructor: ListAnalysis
* The events that this component may emit.
* @memberof Biojs.InterMine.ListWidgets
,eventTypes: [
* Called when the user has clicked on a match.
* @event
* @name Biojs.InterMine.ListAnalysis#onClickMatch
* @param {function} callback The function to call.
* @eventData {string} identifier The identifier of the object.
* @eventData {string} type The Type of the object.
* @example
* widget.addListener('onClickMatch', function (ident, type) {
* alert("User clicked on the " + type + " " + ident);
* });
* Called when the user has clicked on a button to show results.
* @event
* @name Biojs.InterMine.ListAnalysis#onClickViewResults
* @param {function} callback The function to call.
* @eventData {Object} query
* An InterMine query object (suitable for passing to intermine.Service#query).
* @example
* widget.addListener('onClickViewResults', function (query) {
* alert("The user wants to view the results of " + query);
* });
* Called when the user has clicked on a button to create a list.
* @event
* @name Biojs.InterMine.ListAnalysis#onClickCreateList
* @param {function} callback The function to call.
* @eventData {Object} query
* An InterMine query object (suitable for passing to intermine.Service#query).
* @example
* widget.addListener('onClickCreateList', function (query) {
* alert("The user wants to save the results of " + query + " as a list");
* });
* The ListWidgets instance this component wraps.
* @memberof Biojs.InterMine.ListWidgets
* @instance
* @member {ListWidgets}
,widgets: null
* Listen for onClickMatch events.
* @memberof Biojs.InterMine.ListWidgets
* @instance
* @param {ListAnalysis~clickMatchHandler} handler The click handler.
,onClickMatch: function (handler) {
this.addListener('onClickMatch', handler);
* Listen for onClickViewResults events.
* @memberof Biojs.InterMine.ListWidgets
* @instance
* @param {ListAnalysis~queryDefinitionHandler} handler The click handler.
,onClickViewResults: function (handler) {
this.addListener('onClickViewResults', handler);
* Listen for onClickCreateList events.
* @memberof Biojs.InterMine.ListWidgets
* @instance
* @param {ListAnalysis~queryDefinitionHandler} handler The click handler.
,onClickCreateList: function (handler) {
this.addListener('onClickCreateList', handler);
* Add a event handler for the named event.
* @memberof Biojs.InterMine.ListWidgets
* @instance
* @param {string} eventName
* The name of the event to handle.
* @param {function} callback
* The handler to call when events of this name are received.
,addListener: function (eventName, callback) {
if (!(eventName && callback)) {
throw new Error("Both eventName and callback are required arguments");
if ("string" !== typeof eventName) {
throw new Error(eventName + " is not a string");
if ("function" !== typeof callback) {
throw new Error(callback + " is not a function");
var cbs = this._cbs;
var cbsForThisEvent = (cbs[eventName] || (cbs[eventName] = []));
* Receive notification of all events.
* This function proxies all events to the supplied listener.
* The event type is not defined, so this listener should be capable of
* handling variadic arguments.
* @memberof Biojs.InterMine.ListWidgets
* @instance
* @param {function} callback
* @eventData {string} eventName The name of the event.
* @eventData {Object...} args The event arguments.
,onAllEvents: function (callback) {
if ("function" !== typeof callback) {
throw new Error(callback + " is not a function.");
* Remove this component from the DOM and release all its resources.
* This method should always be called if the component is to be disposed of,
* or else event handler callbacks will likely result in memory leaks.
* @memberof Biojs.InterMine.ListWidgets
* @instance
* @example
* widget.destroy();
,destroy: function () {
this._cbs = {};
this._globalListeners = [];
this.widgets = null;
this.element && (this.element.innerHTML = '');
this.element = null;
* Fire an event with the given name and event data.
* @memberof Biojs.InterMine.ListWidgets
* @instance
* @private
* @param {string} eventName
* The name of the event to trigger.
* @param {Object...} args
* The event arguments to send to handlers.
,fireEvent: function (eventName) {
if (!eventName) {
throw new Error("Not enough arguments - at least one is required.");
var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1)
, cbs = this._cbs
, cbsForThisEvent = (cbs[eventName] || (cbs[eventName] = [])).slice()
, globalListeners = this._globalListeners.slice()
, cb;
while (cb = globalListeners.shift()) {
cb.apply(null, arguments);
while (cb = cbsForThisEvent.shift()) {
cb.apply(null, args);
/** @private **/
function check(test, message) {
if (!test) throw new Error(message);
/** @private **/
function resolveTarget(target) {
if (!target) throw new Error("No target specified");
if (typeof target == 'string') {
if (ELEMENT_ID.test(target)) {
return document.getElementById(target);
} else {
return document.querySelector(target);
} else {
if (target.length > 1) throw new Error("Multiple elements in target selection");
return target;
})(window.Biojs || (window.Biojs = {}));