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Published August 30, 2023 | Version v2
Conference paper Open

Supporting the analysis of a large coin hoard with AI-based methods

  • 1. Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main - Germany
  • 2. Römisch-Germanische Kommission – Germany


In our project "Classifications and Representations for Networks: From types and characteristics to linked open data for Celtic coinages" (ClaReNet) we had image data for one of the largest Celtic coin hoards ever found: Le Câtillon II with nearly 70,000 coins. In the initial stages of our approach, the main problem was how to deal with the dataset without having any information about it. First, we separated the dataset into groups of coins of different sizes using object recognition combined with the scale contained in the images. The main approach was to treat the coins independently of the underlying classification and analyse how an unsupervised method could group them. We later evaluated our results against the table provided and produced by the expert team. In addition, we have reviewed these expert classifications to improve them and provide a quality check, but also to get a better understanding of how the experts classify the coins, especially for those in poor condition. Additionally, we  took a closer look at a single class and tried to identify coins struck with the different dies used. The phases of our work have been presented at CAA 2022 in Oxford and at CAA 2023 in Amsterdam.


Deligio_Tolle_Wigg-Wolf-Supporting the analysis of a large coin hoard with AI.pdf

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Software: 10.5281/zenodo.8301158 (DOI)


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