Bulk and grain density (MAD) Moisture and density (MAD) data were acquired on ~10 mL sediment or rock samples by measuring three out of four material parameters: wet (saturated) mass, wet volume, dry mass, and/or dry volume after 24 h drying in a convection oven at 105 degrees C. From the moisture and volume measurements, the following phase relationships are calculated: wet and dry water content, wet bulk density, dry bulk density, grain density, porosity, and void ratio. The combination of measurements is defined by the submethod chosen: A, B, C, or D. Wet (A, B, or C) and dry (A, B, C, or D) mass is determined using motion-compensated balances. Wet volume is determined either by helium pycnometry (A) or by the sample's geometric dimensions using calipers (A or D). Dry volume (C or D) is measured by helium pycnometry. Submethods A and B are not recommended by IODP. Submethod C is suitable for saturated materials such as fine-grained sediments. Submethod D is suitable for unsaturated porous material such as certain limestones and basalts. Data File format Exp: expedition number Site: site number Hole: hole number Core: core number Type: type indicates the coring tool used to recover the core (typical types are F, H, R, X). Sect: section number A/W: archive (A) or working (W) section half. Offset (cm): position of the observation made, measured relative to the top of a section or section half. Depth CSF-A (m): location of the observation expressed relative to the top of a hole. Depth [other] (m): location of the observation expressed relative to the top of a hole. The location is presented in a scale selected by the science party or the report user. Method: method used to calculate the information in this test (A, B, C, or D). Moisture dry (wt%): relative moisture content of the sample expressed in percentage on a weight of water/weight of dry sample (without evaporated salt) basis. Moisture wet (wt%): relative moisture content of the sample, expressed in percentage on a weight of water/weight of bulk sample (including moisture and dissolved salt) basis. Bulk density (g/cm^3): grams of mass per cubic centimeter of volume of the bulk sample. Dry density (g/cm^3): grams of mass of solids, including mass of evaporated salt, per cubic centimeter of bulk sample. Grain density (g/cm^3): grams of mass of solids without the mass of evaporated salt per cubic centimeter of solids, excluding the volume of evaporated salt. Porosity (vol%): volume of pore water per volume of bulk sample expressed in percent. Void ratio: ratio of the volume of pore water per volume of solids, without the volume of the evaporated salt. Container number: identification number of the container used to hold the sample during measurements. Mass wet (g): calculated mass of the bulk sample, including the mass of the pore water, solid material, and dissolved salt; container (if any) is excluded. Mass dry (g): calculated mass of dried sample, including evaporated salt; container (if any) is excluded. Mass porewater (g): mass of porewater in the sample. Mass salt (g): mass of evaporated salt in the sample. Mass solids (g): mass of the solid material, excluding the evaporated salt, in the sample. Volume wet (cm^3): calculated volume of the bulk sample, including the volume of the porewater, solid material, and dissolved salt; container (if any) is excluded. Volume dry (cm^3): calculated volume of the dried sample, which includes solid material and dried salt; container (if any) is excluded. Volume porewater (cm^3): calculated volume of porewater in the bulk sample. Volume salt (cm^3): calculated volume of dissolved salt in the bulk sample. Volume solids (cm^3): calculated volume of the solid material, excluding dried salt. Timestamp (UTC): point in time at which the observation or set of observations was made. Text ID: automatically generated unique database identifier for a sample, visible on printed labels. Test No: unique number associated with the instrument measurement steps that produced these data. Sample comments: observations recorded about the sample itself. Test comments: observations about a measurement or the measurement process; some measurement observations may be under Result comments. Result comments: observations about a measurement or the measurement process; some measurement observations may be under Test comments.