Acuponana minuta (Spångberg, 1878) comb. nov.

Fig. 20

Gypona minuta Spångberg, 1878: 37.

Costanana minuta – DeLong & Freytag 1972b: 499.

Material examined


COLOMBIA • ♀; “ Bogota ”, “ Lindig ”, “NHRS-GULI \ 000097314”; NHRS 97314.


This species is only known based on a female specimen from Colombia (Fig. 20A–D). The coloration of the forewing differs from all the other species of Costanana by the entire length of the costal margin being yellow and the veins black, strongly contrasting with the translucent yellowish membrane. The crown with transverse striae, the anterior margin moderately thick and the alar appendix well developed are similar features to those of species of Costanana. We have in our possession four undescribed new species from the states of Amazonas, Mato Grosso and Pará, Brazil, with exactly the same color pattern on the forewings but that differ from C. minuta in the coloration of the pronotum, having two or three pairs of well defined round black spots. The male genitalia of these new species are most similar to those of Acuponana DeLong & Freytag, 1970 or Marganana (Declivana) DeLong & Freytag, 1963 in having the male sternite VIII short, the subgenital plates exposed, without filiform setae, the male pygofer with short process on the dorsoapical margin and the few macrosetae grouped near the apex, similar to A. consesa DeLong & Freytag, 1970, A. fera DeLong & Freytag, 1970 and A. enera DeLong & Freytag, 1970, and the connective T-shaped. In our understanding, these species must belong to Acuponana and, by comparison of the external morphology and general coloration, this also applies to Costanana minuta.