Diponthus festivus Gerstaecker, 1873

(Figs. 3e, f, 6g, 7a, b, 8f, 9a, b; 10f, 11f, 12a, b, and 13).

Diponthus festivus Gerstaecker, 1873: 193 (syntype, male, Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, ZMHB Berlin Mus.); Pictet and Saussure, 1887: 371; Rehn, 1913: 335; Carbonell et al. 2023; Cigliano et al. 2023.

Diagnosis. Pronotal disk black with a narrow band along the mid-longitudinal dorsal carina, two wide oblique bands in prozona surpassing the main transverse sulcus and a wide band on posterior margin yellow colored (Fig. 7a, b); lateral lobes with a narrow band on the inferior margin yellow (Fig. 7a). Tegmina light green with longitudinal and transverse veins greenish-yellow, delimiting regular cells with central spots grayish-brown (Fig. 8f). Hind wings bluish with the apex grayish-brown. Epiproct quadrangular; prominent tubercles on posterior half; furculae small, acute (Fig. 9b). Cerci short, slightly down-curved (straight dorsally and with a slight concavity ventrally) reaching the tip of epiproct (Fig. 9a). Phallic complex similar to D. cribratus. Dorsal valves of aedeagus moderately thin, basal two thirds straight, with the apex slightly down-curved (Fig. 10f); valves of cingulum placed perpendicular to the dorsal valves of aedeagus (in dorsal view), rod-shaped (Fig. 11f). Cingulum V-shaped; zygoma wide, anterior margin straight (Fig. 11f). Epiphallus with lophi placed parallel to bridge, expanded but not reaching the posterior processes of the lateral plates (Fig. 12a); superior edges somewhat rounded in frontal view (Fig. 12b).

Redescription and chromatic characters, and material examined. See Appendix 1

Measurements (in mm). Body length: male: 37; females: 47.1 (45–48.5). Hind femur length: male: 11; females: 19.3 (19–20). Tegmina length: male: 26; females: 34.3 (34–35).

Distribution. This species is found in Argentina (Misiones), Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) y Paraguay (Itapúa) (Fig. 13).