Nausithoe limpida Hartlaub, 1909

Nausithoe limpida Hartlaub, 1909: 474–476, pl. LXXVII figs 3, 5.

Holotype not known, possibly not extant.

Material examined: None.

Diagnosis: medusa—hypodome bell with violet manubrium.

Description: Based on original description, Bigelow (1928), and Kramp (1961). Adult medusae 16 mm in diameter, 6 mm of this the central disc; tentacles measuring 6 mm in length and with enlarged base; flattened, almost discoidal, umbrella (hypodome) with smooth central disc; manubrium violet; broad and slightly elongated marginal lappets (3 mm long); rhopalia with statocyst and ocellus (not described, based on figure); 96 gastric filaments in total (4 groups of 24); gonads irregularly heart-shaped, females with many dark eggs.

Type locality: North Atlantic (75°47’N 12°59’W, 350m depth).

Distribution: Only known from type locality.

Remarks: This species might be synonymous with N. rubra because the number of gastric filaments and gonad shape are the same in both species. However, the adult diameter in N. limpida is considerably smaller.