Eiphosoma nigrum (Szépligeti, 1906)

Figs 15–21

Xiphosoma nigra Szépligeti, 1906: 119. Holotype female, Brazil (TM).

Eiphosoma parana Morley, 1913: 53. Holotype female, Brazil (NHM).

Eiphosoma nigrum (Szépligeti) Townes & Townes, 1966: 164.

Diagnosis. Coloration predominantly black (Figs 15–16); mandible weakly and evenly tapered towards distal end, with upper tooth much stouter and slightly longer than the lower (Fig. 17); scutellum entirely punctate (Fig. 18); propodeum centrally with longitudinal groove smooth, laterally closely and shallowly punctate (Fig. 19); fore wing with 3 rs -m enclosing an almost triangular aerolet that is petiolate above and below (Fig. 20) (Gauld 2000).

Examined material. 3♁. Colombia, Caquetá: Florencia, Vereda San Francisco San Pacho, finca El Recreo, 01°42’24”N, 75°36’36” W, 643 m, 21.XII.2016 – 04.I.2017, trampa Malaise en cultivo de caña (Saccharum officinarum), Y. Ramos-Pastrana (1♁, LEUA –53604); idem Vereda Tarqui, 01°51’04”N, 75°40’01” W, 1719 m, 15.II.–01.III.2017, trampa Malaise en bosque secundario-dosel, Y. Ramos-Pastrana (1♁, LEUA –53605), idem (1♁, LEUA –53606).

New World geographical distribution. Colombia (Caquetá); Costa Rica (Alajuela, Guanacaste, Puntarenas); Brazil (Mato Grosso, Pará) (Yu e t al. 2016; Fernandes et al. 2023). (Fig. 21).

Habitat. The specimens were collected with Malaise and suspendable type flight intersection traps at ground level and canopy in secondary forest and sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) cultivation. The vegetation of the collection site corresponds to forests of the Andean-Amazonian foothills.

Hosts. Lepidoptera: Pyralidae (Gauld 2000).