Interstitial water (IW) This composite report includes data from numerous interstitial water (IW) analyses (e.g., ICP-LIQUIDS and IONCHROM) in a variable set of columns. Each row combines the data from several tests (groups of measurements made on the same sample at the same time) for a particular IW sample. If data do not exist for a particular expedition, the column does not appear. To identify individual samples and tests, see each separate analysis (ALKALINITY, ICP-LIQUIDS, IONCHROM, SALINITY, SPECTRO, TITRATOR, and potentially others). Major and minor elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-LIQUIDS). Cations and anions were measured by ion chromatography (IONCHROM). Complex ions were measured by colorimetric measurements using a UV-VIS spectrometer (SPECTRO). Alkalinity and chloride was measured by titration (ALKALINITY and TITRATOR). Dissolved carbon (DC), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were measured by combustion in a total organic carbon (TOC) analyzer. Salinity was measured by refractometer (SALINITY). pH was measured by ion-selective electrode as part of the alkalinity procedure and is reported in the ALKALINITY analysis. Data File format Exp: expedition number Site: site number Hole: hole number Core: core number Type: type indicates the coring tool used to recover the core (typical types are F, H, R, X). Sect: section number A/W: archive (A) or working (W) section half. Top offset on section (cm): position of the upper edge of the sample, measured relative to the top of the section. Bot offset on section (cm): position of the lower edge of the sample, measured relative to the top of the section. Top depth CSF-A (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole. Top depth [other] (m): location of the upper edge of the sample expressed relative to the top of the hole. The location is presented in a scale selected by the science party or the report user. Data columns: header lists parameter measured and concentration units, followed by wavelength (for ICP-AES) and analysis method.