Core drilling summary Report includes detailed drilling data for each core: pump(s) used, mud pumped, strokes, shear pins/pressure, bit size/rotation, weight on bit, top drive torque, rate of penetration, core jams, winch and wirelines, core catcher/shoe and barrel; and if core orientation, drillover, formation temperature, tracers, liners were used. Data File format Exp: expedition number Site: site number Hole: hole number Core: core number Type: type indicates the coring tool used to recover the core. Common types are F, H, R, X. Core types 1-9 indicate intervals drilled without coring. Time on deck (UTC): time at which the driller observed the core on deck. Top depth drilled (m): depth below seafloor of beginning of drill string coring advancement. Bottom depth drilled (m): depth below seafloor at end of drill string coring advancement. Bottom depth recovered (m): depth below seafloor calculated from Core top depth and recovered length. Advanced (m): advancement of drill string during coring or drilling. Cored (m): advancement of drill string during coring. Recovered (m): core length measured on the catwalk (sum of section lengths as observed on the catwalk). Recovery (%): recovered length / advanced * 100 (for cored intervals only). Pump: which pump was used (1, 2, or both). Speed holes: number of holes open for fluid flow. Pull (klb): how much overpull was needed to free the core barrel. Partial stroke: whether a partial stroke occurred. SPM: strokes per minute. Shear pin: number and type of shear pin used. Shear pressure (psi): shear pin pressure. Pressure (psi): rotary pressure. Bit (rpm): bit rate of rotation. WOB (klb): weight on bit. Torque (amps): top drive torque. No liner: Y indicates a liner was not used. Real ROP (m/h): real rate of penetration that only takes into account the time it takes to cut a core. Gross ROP (m/h): gross rate of penetration that also takes into account wireline time. Core jam: whether core was jammed. Core catcher: type of core catcher used. Winch: aft (A) or forward (F) winch used Wireline (No): number of wireline runs. Core barrel: core barrel type used. Shoe: shoe type used. Orient: whether core is oriented. Time (min) minutes to cut or drill. Drill over: whether the interval was drilled over. Mud pumped (bbl): barrels of mud pumped. Temperature: whether formation temperature measurements were taken. PFT: whether perfluorocarbon tracers were used. Microspheres: whether microspheres were used. Comments: comments made by the driller or operations superintendent.