Published August 15, 2023 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Asplenium protensum Schrader 1818

  • 1. Institute for Integrated Natural Sciences-Biology, University of Koblenz, Universitätsstrasse 1, 56070 Koblenz, Germany. efischer @ uni-koblenz. de; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7455 - 9833
  • 2. Institute for Integrated Natural Sciences-Biology, University of Koblenz, Universitätsstrasse 1, 56070 Koblenz, Germany. efischer @ uni-koblenz. de; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7455 - 9833 & Botanical Gardens Bonn University, Meckenheimer Allee 171, D- 51115 Bonn, Germany. lobin @ hotmail. de; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7243 - 4954 * Author for correspondence & Institute for Integrated Natural Sciences-Biology, University of Koblenz, Universitätsstrasse 1, 56070 Koblenz, Germany. efischer @ uni-koblenz. de; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7455 - 9833


Asplenium protensum Schrader (1818: 916).

Holotype? (see Viane 2021: 175):— SOUTH AFRICA. Cap, Hesse s.n. (LE?)

Specimens seen:— Western Province: Weg Gisenyi (= Rubavu) – Kibuye (= Karongi), km 40, Gishwati-woud, 6 February 1972, P. Van der Veken 9283 (BR0000016313651); Astrida (= Huye) – Bukavu, en forêt, talus de la route avant km 62, 10 January 1960, S.C.Antun-Gupffert 620 (BR0000016313637); Forêt de Nyungwe, environs du Kamiranzovu, Préfecture Cyangugu (= Rusizi), September 1971, G.Bouxin 1227 (BR0000016313644); Astrida (= Huye) – Bukavu avant km 60, 2 January 1960, S.C.Antun-Gupffert 606 (BR0000016313620). Southern Province: Préfecture de Gikongoro (= Nyamagabe), commune Kivu, Savane de Nyabihu, 3 August 1999, C.E.N.Ewango 2171 (BR0000009699557); Route Butare (= Huye) – Cyangugu (= Rusizi) km 61, préfecture Gikongoro, 31 August 1974, P. Van der Veken 11061 (BR0000016313668, B 20 0084659).

First recorded for Rwanda: — Brause & Hieronymus (1910: 16).

Habitat: —Terrestrial in montane forest and bamboo forest, elev. 1900–2500 m.

Distribution in Rwanda:—Western Province: Gishwati-Mukura NP, Nyungwe NP. Southern Province: Nyungwe NP.

General distribution: —Africa: Guinea to Ethiopia, southwards to Rep. South Africa, Madagascar, Comoros. Also in the Mascarenes, Yemen.


Published as part of Fischer, Eberhard & Lobin, Wolfram, 2023, Synoptic Revision of Aspleniaceae (Asplenium, Hymenasplenium) of Rwanda, pp. 1-65 in Phytotaxa 608 (1) on page 34, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.608.1.1,


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  • Schrader, H. A. (1818) Analecta ad Floram Capensem Sect. I. Filices, Lycopodineae. Gottingische gelehrte Anzeigen 2 (92): 913 - 920. [J. C. Baier.]
  • Viane, R. L. L. (2021) Aspleniaceae of Madagascar. A revision with annotations from the Mascarenes, the Comoros, TAAF, and continental Africa. University Press Wachtebeke, 247 pp.
  • Brause, G. & Hieronymus, G. (1910) Polypodiaceae. In: Mildbraed, J. (ed.) Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Zentral-Afrika Expedition 1907 - 1908 unter Fuhrung Adolf Friedrichs, Herzogs zu Mecklenburg 2. Klinkhardt & Biermann, Leipzig, pp. 2 - 36.